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    Vladamir Keiri (WIP almost finished)

    Vladamir Keiri
    Vladamir Keiri

    Posts : 7
    Join date : 2010-01-05
    Age : 39

    Vladamir Keiri (WIP almost finished) Empty Vladamir Keiri (WIP almost finished)

    Post by Vladamir Keiri Tue Jan 05, 2010 8:19 pm

    General Information
    Name: Vladamir Keiri

    Nickname/Alias: None

    Age: 24

    Gender: Male

    Height: 5"11

    Weight: 135 Pounds


    His attire, or clothing, is a black formal type suit hanging somewhat loosely, like he had simply draped his shadow over himself. Underneath is a dark green undershirt, which seems to be so sickly green he took the plagues of the world and sowed them into the very fabric of the cotton shirt. To finish things of he wears a same color green tie and a black top hat, with a gold ribbon wrapped around it to hold a small, golden feather in place. His suit is decorated with many strange symbols that can't be understood. Just looking at these sharp, harsh, jagged looking markings gives you the feeling the suit isn't meant to be worn by those who are not accustom to sin. As he walks, the midnight black of his suit seems to ripple and move, each piece of fabric that overlaps the other seems to bring about some kind of destruction, as it is almost certain that faces and chaos can be seen in the stitching's.

    ~Physical Traits~
    He is fairly skinny, but not without strength as he has hardly any fat, but plenty of muscles. His ears almost seem to be slightly pointed and he allows his finger and toe nails to grow into long, harsh points. His canines are seemingly too sharp and his eyes are set closer together and when he makes the right facial expression one might say he reminds them of an impish feline. His hair is a black river that flows down to shoulder length, sometimes hiding his Hazel eyes, which are normally a dark green with splashes of light brown. His skin from head to toe, is a pale color, so white that in the night he almost seems to glow, and during the day one could call him a walking monument of bone.

    Vladamir's personality is often calm, and by calm that means his normal, dark humorous self. When he isn't in battle he likes to observe others, adding conversation to the fires of socialization when he deems necessary. When he does find himself in battle he is often vicious, and will taunt his enemies. He believes, and in some cases has proven that getting to your opponent, by disturbing them mentally, or affect them with feelings such as hate, sorrow, or anger, are easier to disrupt their flow of the fight. He is very diplomatic about his Affiliation. He has been considered, by every place he has ever traveled to, that he is naturally a Sadistic man, and that his seemingly evil intentions come so natural to him its like breathing. Thus growing up the way he is, he has come to accept that he may be judged, but he wont let it affect him personally. He is diplomatic in the way that, whichever "side" good or evil, will benefit him the most, will keep his company and his skills. He incorporates this into most situations, often this will lead people astray, as he usually always is doing something but with an different purpose.

    Personality Trait's:
    He seems to be centered around the Occult, and he is often labled as a Sadist, so he takes this as well. Most of his style in fighting is based around this too, as you will soon find out.

    Affiliation: Diplomatic (Can be good or evil, depending on the benefits gained. Never is he Neutral)

    Catch Phrase: None

    Clan Information

    Clan Name: Keiri

    Kekkei Genkai:
    The clans main ability is the power to imply their intentions through their blood and the manipulation of their blood. Also another, naturally occurring, ability is that their blood is highly corrosive, or acidic. It is theorized that their body has a mishap and strange, digestive, enzymes are found in each blood cell. When the enzymes are met with large proportions of oxygen their digestive process quickens somehow, growing to a rapid rate. This then gives the appearance of acidic blood. Thankfully when the blood is still inside the body, the amount of oxygen it transports isn't enough to wake the weird enzyme out of its otherwise calm state, keeping the members of this clan safe. Along with this another discovery of their anatomy is that their bodies make blood cells faster than most other peoples bodies do. This is speculated as simply the body, overtime, adapting to the bloodline, since the bloodline requires the constant usage of blood in their jutsu. This is to help them in battle so that they have more blood than necessary in their body, allowing them to use blood without fear of killing themselves from blood loss. (More specific detail will be added when I make the clan in the clan creation.)

    Clan Symbol: Normally a Keiri can be spotted because of their Pale skin.

    Clan History:
    The history of the clan is fairly normal. The clan was formed about half a century ago. It was a small clan with little to do with the world outside its own compound. Even then the clan specialized in the usage of their blood for combat, but without the acidic nature. For a decade the clan grew in numbers, but sadly not in skill. More members where being born and replacing those who died in combat. Finally one day the leader of the Clan couldn't take it anymore. He secretly fled his sleeping quarters one night, and in a mad, finally attempt to keep his clan from one day being wiped out, made a pact with a demon. The demon, he had heard from old scrolls and several elders as a child, was the demon of Sadism, and an expert in the uses for blood. The demon told him he would share his knowledge with the man and his clan, but any child born after this night, would be born with demon blood. The man, not thinking about the consequences of his actions hastily took the offer. The members starting winning battles, gaining power, and were labled as masters of the way of Chiton, or Blood Jutsu. Soon however more children were born, and just as the demon had said, they were born with demon blood. Soon they became populated, and the children of the next two decades caused havoc and insanity where ever they went. Soon villages began making missions for their ANBU to hunt and kill of members of the Keiri Clan, as they were becoming a plague on the surface. Soon not only ANBU but shinobi of all skilled ranks began to join the hunts. At the end of the 4th decade, the clan leader, fearful that once again his people would become extinct, took his clan members and fled. They disappeared, and some speculate they fled straight to hell, where their demonic children could cause carnage without upsetting the order of things. The hunting's stopped, and after a while it was normal again, the villages declaring that the Keiri were no longer a threat, so they need no longer be hunted. Now in the last decade a Keiri is a rare site. They are watched carefully, and allowed to live. Few know the location of the Keiri presently, and those who boast about knowing the location often mysteriously wake up without a tongue. So once again, the Keiri had saved themselves from being wiped out, and remain hidden, save for the few brave souls that walk the surface once more. As well it seems the clan has also recently taken up another skill/hobby, Black smithing. They make their own type of special weapon, that in the Keiri clan has recently been incorporated as a right of passage, signifying the official maturity of a clan member. For an outsider, receiving one such weapon from the clan is considered a great gift and honor.

    Rank Information:
    Rank: Jounin
    Village: Kirigakure

    Skill Information

    Skill Specialty: B
    Main: Ninjutsu
    Sub: Fuuinjutsu

    Elemental Affinity:
    Primary: Suiton
    Supplementary: Fuuton
    Third: Chiton

    Special Characteristics:
    As their bloodline states a Keiri user can push his intentions through his blood, and when adding chakra the desired function will happen, this is the means in which all Chiton or Blood Release Jutsu are performed, meaning Keiri do not require hand signs for Chiton based jutsu.

    Using a Special Process that takes many hours and great focus the Keiri can smith weapons that have the same, but now as powerful, corrosive function as their blood. This process is kept secret and is not often shared. To receive one of these weapons is considered a great gift. (I really do wish to keep the process a secret, so if one of the staff members so wishes I will pm him with more detail on the process, which will help him in approving the weapon.


    Name: Niiro Tsume
    Appearance: Niiro Tsume is a glove weapon that is slipped on like a normal glove. Only the back side of the hand is covered, and the finger part of the glove end with very dangerous, sharp pointed metal, very much resembling talons. Through the process that was made the metal is tinted red, and decorated with black and gold paint. Intricate designs of fighting and death are painted onto the glove. The finger parts are also scaled, so they can remain flexible during battle and so Vladamir can grip objects.
    Rank: B
    Special Abilities: Slow corrosive property that takes effect over time. The longer the wound goes untreated the stronger the wound will begin to corrode at the rest of the body.
    Origin: It was made in his clan compound which is a hidden location. His father made it, and presented it to him to show his right of passage when he became a chuunin.


    Name:Clone Technique
    Description:This is a simple academy jutsu used to distract or confuse a opponent(s). It is an exact replica of the user. It cannot deal, or take physical damage and when it comes into contact with something it simply vanishes. The clones cannot be told apart from the real person unless you look hard enough. The clones don't have physical form so they don't disturb the area around them Ex. crushing grass when walking or kicking up dirt when running.

    Name:Transformation Technique
    Description:This is a simple academy jutsu used once again to confuse a opponent(s). The user will transform himself into another person, or random villager or person. The image will dissipates when the user loses focus or releases the jutsu. The flaw in this jutsu is that some people have closer relationships with the person you may choose to mimic, so you might get caught if the opponent(s) realize your an impostor.

    Name:Replacement Technique
    Description:This is a simple academy jutsu used to escape from harm. The user will wait till the last minute, or until the user isn't looking, to replace himself out of harms way from a jutsu or oncoming assault. This jutsu may not do much good against higher ninja, as they may be more experienced and able to find where you have hidden in a matter of seconds or minutes.

    Name:Corrosive Blood
    Type:Passive, Natural
    Description:This is the automatic, and natural process that happens when Vladamir's blood is exposed to oxygen outside of his body. The oxygen wakes the bizarre enzymes from their calm state and their digestive function begins to increase. Soon you will find that the blood begins to eat away at the objects it is touching. This doesn't need to be activated, as previously stated it happens naturally and automatically. Any jutsu that uses blood will have this effect.

    Name:Water Retaliation
    Description:This jutsu is a fuuinjutsu. The seal needs to be charged with chakra first. Once it is charged it will sit and wait to be activated. To activate it the opponent(s) will need to land a strike on the torso section of Vladamir. When the opponent(s) makes contact the seal will release, and the chakra will be expelled as water nature chakra, smacking into the opponent for water damage. This can be used again but it has to be charged back with chakra again.

    Name:Whispers of the Wind
    Description:Vladamir will place a Seal on his shoes, and will pump wind nature chakra into the shoes. The seals are designed to hold and store the chakra. At any time he can activate these seals and his speed and stealth will be aided by the wind, moving him faster and quieter. Once all the chakra is used up he can no longer use it, and must refill the seals with chakra, or must keep feeding it his own chakra while in battle.

    Name:Blood Ball
    Type:Ninjutsu (Kekkei Genkai)
    Description:Vladamir will cut his palm open and manipulate his blood to form a orange sized ball in his hand. He will then add chakra, and the intentions of an explosive force. This creates a grenade like weapon. He will hurl the blood ball at the opponent(s). When it impacts with an object it will have a small, explosive effect, spreading the blood around to cover more space. The impact is enough to damage someone but once the blood sets for just a few seconds, the real pain begins. This can be used as many times as needed, since the blood usage is too little to effect him.

    Name:Raining Wind Shuriken
    Description:Vladamir will throw a shuriken into the air, then using wind nature chakra will clone it in the dozens. The clone shuriken take the form of the chakra used, which is wind nature. With focus these new elemental shuriken are sharper and faster. They then rain down upon the area the opponent(s) is standing.

    Name:Water Barriers
    Description:Vladamir will activate another Seal that was like most of the others, already prepared before the battle. Once activate the chakra will be dispelled as water nature chakra and will revolve around his body in three ringed figures. They help to absorb elemental attack, fire being the most effective, and earth beings its weakest.

    Element:Water, Wind
    Description:Vladamir summons large amounts of chakra in both his hands, using great focus to summon water in one hand and wind in the other. He begins to swirl his arms around, releasing the summoned chakra as he swirls his hands around. The chakra swirls around and soon enough the wind and water mix have created a maelstrom, one which is not controlled. The temperature drops inside, and outside of the maelstrom. This massive jutsu is very destructive, and if Vladamir isn't careful, he could get himself hurt. He must allow some major recharge time, resorting to low ranked jutsu after the use of this one until his energy and chakra has started to build back up.

    Name:Maelstrom of Sin
    Element:Blood, Water, Wind
    Description:Vladamir will cut both his palms and then summon in one hand water chakra and in the other hand wind chakra, using great focus. He begins swirling his arms around while releasing the chakra, which picks up his blood as it flows out. Soon it creates a Maelstrom of red fury. Vladamir fed intentions of harm and hatred into the blood. As he did, the blood took the form of shards, like that of broken glass. The shards spin around, creating a high pitch shrieking noise by the furious wind. This giant demon-like horror can be controlled by Vladamir however, since he has used his blood in the jutsu. If anyone should ever be caught in this jutsu they will be slashed by howling winds, gashed by corrosive blood, and practically drowned by freezing water. This jutsu is one of his last resort jutsu's and if this doesn't work, he should flee, seeing how after this he would have to resort to weaponry and taijutsu, something he knows little about.

    Background Information
    (Here is where you will give the complete history of your character. If you can please put it into Arc's.)

    RP Sample:

    Last edited by Vladamir Keiri on Thu Jan 07, 2010 11:03 pm; edited 4 times in total

    Posts : 50
    Join date : 2009-12-30
    Age : 28

    Vladamir Keiri (WIP almost finished) Empty Re: Vladamir Keiri (WIP almost finished)

    Post by Initake Thu Jan 07, 2010 1:16 pm

    Hmmm a Kiri jonin. Well, I suppose i should formally introduce myself. By what I have seen so far, I am looking forward to having you on board. I am the Mizukage. And when you finish, I am most likely going to be the one approving you.
    Vladamir Keiri
    Vladamir Keiri

    Posts : 7
    Join date : 2010-01-05
    Age : 39

    Vladamir Keiri (WIP almost finished) Empty Re: Vladamir Keiri (WIP almost finished)

    Post by Vladamir Keiri Thu Jan 07, 2010 2:06 pm

    Alright. I could probably just finish my profile now, and add the jutsu later since the jutsu is the only thing I'm having problems with. Can't think of any for some reason.

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