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    Medusa, The Hokage [Finished]


    Posts : 26
    Join date : 2010-01-03
    Age : 33

    Medusa, The Hokage [Finished] Empty Medusa, The Hokage [Finished]

    Post by Medusa Sun Jan 03, 2010 8:41 am

    General Information

    Name: Sune-ku Kisaki [Snake Queen]

    Nickname/Alias: Medusa

    Age: 20 in Appearance [Including her years in the immortal realm, Medusa's age is beyond time recognition.]

    Gender: Female

    Medusa, The Hokage [Finished] MedusaAvatar1

    Medusa is 5 foot tall exactly, not a centimeter or millimeter apart from it. She has blonde hair which, when straightened, can reach her knees. She commonly plats her excess hair infront of her chest and allows it to sit between her breasts. She also wears snake ritual clothing which exposes the arms, the back and the skin from knee down. The rest is covered in baggy black cloth including a small hood which doesn't hide much of her face. Medusa has pure white teeth and when she smiles, her four fangs become apparent in the view.

    The centers of each of her eyes have snake shaped pupils. Medusa also has tattoos of snakes covering her entire body, her legs, arms, back, chest and abdomen are all painted. The tattoos are black and tribal design, as Medusa grows they too will grow. Eventually when she reaches thirty years old, they will cover 100% of her body including a partial amount of her face. Medusa is pale but average in colour, she has no tan lines and painted red fingernails. On each of her palms is a tattoo of a snake's mouth opened and launching itself seemingly out of the tattoo. Surrounding each of her pupils is a large circle of gold coloured retina.

    Personality: Medusa has a pair of personalities, one for during combat, one for during her daily activities. These two personalities are like two completely different people. When Medusa is roaming the village freely she is kind, she takes time to listen to people and she enjoys the daytime, she likes eating rare foods and training her village members to make them stronger. Medusa enjoys her free time the most, since it is the only time she maintains a strong hold on her emotions. When in her daily activities, Medusa has empathy, happiness, joy, anger, all the emotions a normal person would have. She also finds it to be fun to go out from time to time.

    When Medusa enters combat, her personalities switch and she loses her thoughts of useless emotions. Her empathy is eliminated, she no longer feels anger, fear, she doesn't become enraged. This makes Medusa a perfect fighter since she does not present an opening to access her emotions. However during combat Medusa can be mean, cruel, evil or uncaring. This is the downside to Medusa having allies present while she enters combat, she may lack care for them and lead them to their deaths. However people dying around Medusa happened for a large amount of her mortal life, being a Hokage she has people defending her day and night, night and day. Medusa finds it best not to take friends into combat with her, although she can suppress her combat personality from surfacing if required.

    Personality Trait's: Medusa commonly hisses at people who she doesn’t like, she also glares with her snake-like evil eyes at the people she plans to kill.

    Catch Phrase:

    Clan Information

    Clan Name: Medusa, Queen of Serpents

    Kekkei Genkai: This Kekkei Genkai, is more of the abilities of the inhabitor. At a young age around a few thousand years old, Medusa chose a specific child from her followers on earth which she would inhabit and go through life as. She was eager to experience the mortal life, so after leaving her immortal realm and ascending into the body of the child, she was brought into a mortal life. At first Medusa was excited about her position, but after realizing how harsh the real world was, even she was able to experience fear. She aged normally, however, for every year on the planet she would shed her old skin. Being half snake, she carried over the less favorable parts as well as the favorable. Medusa is completely flexible, not in the ways of bending bones, but she can move her body in mysterious ways. Medusa also has an acute resistance to all forms of poison, they will only have 20% effectiveness on her. A poison that kills people will cause her to feel sick, a poison that paralyzes people will make her feel tired, etc. After five posts during role-play and after being poisoned, her body immunizes itself against the poison used. Other than this, she also has a very venomous amount of poison in her teeth and beneath her nails. When Medusa bites someone or scratches them with her nails, she will inject a potent amount of poison she calls Black Belly Red Fang [See Elements]. Medusa is immune to her own poison and most if not all other poisons as well due to the poison she stores in her body and her affinity for poison. Many of the Poisonous abilities do not require hand signs.

    Clan Symbol: N/A

    Clan History: Medusa was born into immortality, watching over the world from below in the depths of hell. She knew carnage since she was created by the devil himself, spat out as one of his spores and charged with ending the lives of all mortals. It was a big responsibility, but he made many more to follow the same path. They were born separated on the earth, now they roam it seeking the souls of the innocent so they can capture them and send them down to hell. From those created and those fallen in combat, there remain three members of this clan. Medusa is the youngest of the members, however age doesn't matter in power. The other two are unknown to her, however they always recognize each other upon first sight. Originally there were ten, although after sending out the rest of his members, Satan allowed Medusa the right to leave her eternal existence behind so she could reap the planet for him. In his own regard, she was the most evil out of them all, as well as the most insane. Letting Medusa go was like untying a cannon during a battle at sea in a boat which cannot be regarded as steady. In the end, she was the last one he could spare, there must always be at least one of them on the planet at a time or else the connection between the Devil and Earth would be severed. The chakra between his messengers and Hell itself are linked, for every evil they perform on earth, they are rewarded with higher powers, allowing the creation of an extra Jutsu for every kill they make, directly based on the rank of what they kill. Each member has Jutsu which cannot be used by them at the time of birth, however upon reaching the correct amount of power and rank, the Devil would release their restrictions and allow them to use their advanced powers. Everybody killed by a member of this clan goes to hell, they get no choice in the matter because of the corrupt energies which stop god from seeing what happens in their location.

    Rank Information:

    Rank: Hokage (X-rank)
    Village: Konohagakure

    Skill Information

    Main: Ninjutsu
    Sub: Taijutsu, Medical Ninjutsu

    Elemental Affinity:

    Primary: Black Belly Red Fang Poison

    Medusa has no basic element, she has only poison which she uses for deadly purposes. This poison can be in both liquid or airborne versions, although there can be no immunity to it other than her own. Medusa's perfect weapon is kept inside two large glands which are built into her lungs. This allows her to spit it out from her mouth at nearby targets, or to simply coat her fists and feet with it by spitting on them. In combination with Taijutsu, Medusa uses many of her different abilities together to inflict massive damage if not death. This poison itself is designed to enter a person's bloodstream, immediately causing them to feel a measure of sickness

    Secondary: Vector Fang Poison

    This secondary element is a flexible and solid type of poison which takes a snake-like shape and is used to cut people into pieces. The "Vectors" are visible and have a dark crimson colour, they can be controlled by movement of the fingers and called upon to be used by a type of Jutsu. By moving her fingers she can control vast numbers of them at once, to a total of 1000 vectors can be used but not all at once, she can use 100 at any one time. Once the vectors have been summoned, they will require no more of her Chakra. Each vector can be changed in size by combining it with another vector, each time combined with a vector of the same size, it will double in width. Length however is no issue, since the vectors can stretch to a total of 100 meters. If two vectors are combined they will stretch to 150 meters, three to 200 meters, etc. The vectors themselves are very powerful and can be used for defense, their cutting ability is comparable to a blade of wind, while their defensive abilities are better than comparable to Earth Spear since they have no real weakness. These vectors are also the true makeup of Medusa's body, when she learned to use them, they replaced her average and weak tissue with their element. This allows for a few very strange Jutsu to be used. The vectors themselves lack weight, and can move at great speeds, however they do require the movement of her fingers to control, excluding for her Regeneration. Because of the makeup of these vectors, there has not been a known weakness for them so far. Their origin point is Medusa. While merely touching one of the vectors will cut through the area touching them, Medusa is immune to harm from her own vectors.

    Name: Inner Vector
    Rank: S
    Type: Ninjutsu
    Element: Vector Fang Poison
    Description: By performing a few hand signs, this unlocks the vectors from Medusa's body and sets them free to attack her targets.

    Special Characteristics:

    Claws: Medusa has retractable fangs in all of her fingertips and both of her thumbs. These fangs come out from one centimeter to one inch in length. Within each fang is the ability to cleave through flesh and the deadly poison element she holds so dear. Upon a single cut from one of her claws, the target will be poisoned and die if not seen to within the next ten days. From two cuts, they will feel sick and die within nine days. From three cuts, they will feel very sick like they are about to vomit and will die seven days. From four cuts, they will feel gravely ill to the point of being unable to move quickly and will die within the next six days. Any more than that and the person will find themselves unable to move with an overload of poison in their body, causing them to feel so sick and so much pain they pass out after ten posts.

    Agile: Being half snake and half human, Medusa is a very flexible woman. Capable of moving her body into many different postures with little to no difficulty. She can also move very quickly in water like a proper water snake.

    Broomstick: Using focused chakra and a special mount concealed in Medusa's left hand, she is able to ride the broomstick. This can carry her over great distances at high altitudes of 500 meters high and below.

    Regeneration: When Medusa has a part of her body cut from her, or part destroyed, after a period of one minute it will be replaced with a new one. This is created by her vectors which will spur out from the wound and remake the lost limb, unless it has simply been lost in which case the vectors will pull the lost limb back to her body and repair it. This is Medusa's defense against "Losing her head" in the heat of battle. As long as a molecule of her remains, the vectors will re-create the rest of Medusa's body.

    Heat Sensory: Due to being half snake, Medusa can sense heat from where she stands with a circumference of 1000 Meters/Yards.

    Snake-Like Reflexes: Medusa has perfected her reflexes, when she needs to move in an instant or think of a plan, it comes to her as naturally as breathing does. She can formulate complex theories and thoughts within a second, she can decide on a plan to kill someone while their blade nears her throat, these reflexes allow her to make life a lot easier.



    Basic Jutsu:


    C Rank Jutsu:


    B Rank Jutsu:


    A Rank Jutsu:

    S Rank Jutsu:




    Background Information

    Academy Arc: Medusa was born into the world by no average means, she was more of summoned into existence by Satan. Her original mission was to kill every human being on the planet, however Medusa had plans of her own. Once she had been separated from the Devil, she no longer required to serve him. So there began her betrayal from her master and the beginning of a normal life. As she had been told by her ex-master, she would be almost immortal physically, and immortal by age. Medusa herself began life by studying about how to be a ninja, her Academy days came easy with her general life experience and there was not really any challenge which she could not overcome. Although during Medusa's life there were challenges, such as becoming accustomed to normal mortal rituals of cleaning. She had never experienced cleaning before in her entire eternal existence. Then again, such things as fighting, enjoying life and study came easiest of all. Medusa had never experienced so many things which a normal human would have been given, eating for example was something new to Medusa. She would eat any food she liked, but in the end, never gain weight or lose weight through any daily activity. This made her friends jealous, friends too were a new thing to Medusa, all she used to have were masters. These amazing experiences are what drove Medusa on in life, to ignore her hideous past of torture and hatred. She had found joy and safety in the arms of foster parents whom encouraged her to be a good girl every day she lived. This lead her on to reaching graduation, where a strange man came to her door and made an offer neither she or her parents could refused. Medusa was to be, the next Hokage in training.

    Genin Arc: Taken in by the current Hokage, Medusa was trained day in and day out how to act noble and righteous. Her training to be strong was not required, as it had been noted that her abilities seemed to make themselves. Medusa was still sucking energy from hell itself to make her more powerful, the link could not be corrupted or broken since she had brothers in hell who watched her. These brothers were her carers while she lived in the eternal realm, they held her in high regard for traveling to Earth alone and Satan could not overrule them since they near equaled his own power. This power Medusa held was what had her noticed, from a young age she had a great affinity for staying alive and powerful poison. The man who took her in, the Hokage, taught her only what she needed to learn to be respected. This was all he needed to do for the moment until she required learning how to control her power. He himself had decided that she was the only current good choice for a future replacement. So Medusa learned what she needed to know to earn respect, the correct way to hold a knife and fork was included. Every detail of being a human, she learned in a few years of being his apprentice. He had a hard way of doing it though, it would be lead by example until she copied him correctly. Medusa found this method to be proficient though, the best method there was since everything could be done easier if you saw someone else do it already. After leading by example he taught her theory, how to speak in all forms of languages fluently. The languages could not be finished during her time as a Genin, since it took much longer to learn such precise skills. Medusa was ranked up to Chuunin, her time as a minor was over.

    Chuunin Arc: Medusa's life as a Chuunin was new to her, she had not experienced battle on the front lines before. However while she was a Chuunin, she was expected to act as a Chuunin would. Medusa was sent out with teams of four, gathering Intel and assassinating targets. Her three team mates were also people planned to become future Hokages, although she found it hard to work with them. Every mission they went on, her team mates would push themselves out in the open, be the first into combat and fight like their lives depended on every mission. Medusa found it annoying, she was always calm, collected and patient enough to wait until her comrades had found enough excitement in a mission before getting involved. Her patience paid off along the way, on her fourth mission one of the members fell to a kunai while running through hallways and attempting to find targets for assassination. It had taken them by surprise, however Medusa was calm as usual, she had believed more than just one would die along the way. As usual though, Medusa was right about her theories. On her fifteenth mission, an S Rank mission which they had been assigned for their rank up to Sannin. Her other two comrades disappeared, the enemy was an army of normal citizens however they carried weapons and were rioting for better treatment. Although these people may have seemed to be innocent, their riots were unfair since they lived in the medium district which received more food and openings for jobs than the poor district by far. These people who were seemingly blessed enough to live without any starvation, believed it to be their right to receive more than the working citizens of Konohagakure. For that reason, Medusa carried out her duty and saw to it that ninety per-cent of the rioters lived. After that, it was much easier to supply everyone with food and the women and children who remained with no provider were given everything they would require to live out their lives. Medusa was praised for ending it, and loved for ending it with less force than her comrades who had seemingly fallen on the battlefield. Therefore, being the only remaining one she was ranked up to Sannin. They could not risk losing their last entree, it would be unethical and poorly planned to do so.

    Sannin Arc: Medusa had reached the age of twenty now, and seemingly through time she didn't age anymore. It had finally come, the ending of difference. For from now on, Medusa would not age a single day and her appearance would no longer change from that of a five foot tall, snake-like girl. Medusa was happy about her immortality of age, it meant she could protect the village as its ruler for an extended period of time, however she knew someday that she would grow tired of it. For then she would acquire apprentices to go through the same tests as she. However now was not the time for those thoughts, Medusa had to learn much more than she already knew. There was still languages to finish being taught, strength to be gained and respect to be earned. Nobody could lead unless they had enough achievements behind them that the people of the village knew and believed in them. Medusa had certainly made a name for herself, with all the missions and tests she endured there was not much further she could do to earn respect. So the Hokage announced his stepping down a few days early to her rank up, he wanted her to be prepared for the responsibility it would require. Medusa could not lead as a child and expect the village to obey her commands, so she was announced as the replacement over the Hokage himself and required to give a speech to the entire Nation. On the day, she stepped up to where the third stage of Chuunin Exams were held, at the very top. She announced to the entire nation that she would there on be their leader, their guide through the ages and the only person who could possibly understand everyone's wants or needs since she was born in the gutter and raised to nobility. The people accepted her speech happily enough to respect her decision and the ex-Hokage's own decision to make Medusa their new leader. So after a long deliberation with the ex-Hokage and the citizens of Konohagakure, she was named Hokage.

    Hokage Arc: This was Medusa's deciding time, her future would be written from the point of Hokage and onwards. No longer was she a member of Konohagakure, but the leader, the point of all authority for an entire Nation. She felt powerful, not in a physical sense but in a spiritual sense. Medusa could not believe she had made it so far, maybe even Satan himself would be impressed by her abilities to this point, although if she met him once more he could swat her away like an annoying insect. Medusa's only aim left would be to avoid death, at all costs she would live on like a pest in his eye. She would lead the village with courage, for people to be free to make their own decisions in life and make the nation a powerful place once more. Word had it that war was coming to all nations, including Konohagakure since they were a basic center piece. Her first order of business would be prevention of war and protection of her citizens, this meant Medusa would need to either send ninja to the other nations or go herself. The decision was easy, Medusa would not risk her own and she could not leave her village without a leader. So she would do neither, until the battle came to them her actions would remain still, until then she would bolster the defenses inside Konohagakure.

    RP Sample:

    Last edited by Shyke on Mon Jan 04, 2010 1:33 am; edited 6 times in total

    Posts : 26
    Join date : 2010-01-03
    Age : 33

    Medusa, The Hokage [Finished] Empty Re: Medusa, The Hokage [Finished]

    Post by Medusa Sun Jan 03, 2010 6:44 pm

    Before anybody posts here, I have Roxas' permission to be making this character a Hokage.

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    Join date : 2009-03-29

    Medusa, The Hokage [Finished] Empty Re: Medusa, The Hokage [Finished]

    Post by Admin Mon Jan 04, 2010 1:44 am


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