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    A quiet afternoon or not? [private - Ayame/Wolf]

    Ayame Nicole Kouhei
    Ayame Nicole Kouhei

    Posts : 101
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    Age : 35
    Location : Konoha Village

    A quiet afternoon or not? [private - Ayame/Wolf] Empty A quiet afternoon or not? [private - Ayame/Wolf]

    Post by Ayame Nicole Kouhei Mon Jan 04, 2010 7:24 am

    Ayame Nicole Kouhei would walk from the kage office along the village streets. Her destination had change when she heard that a young genin was in the need of training. She smirk as she walk though towards the park of the overgrown weeds. She indeed was in determination to provided some assistant to this genin. She acquired about him trying to find out his name at least, when she finally approached a store who had someone of her description around there and even a name with it. Which was only wolf it would seem.

    Ayame found it to be a weird name to her but she would go with it. She decided that she would stop by her house which was located close to the park to grab her pet wolf Kori Mizuki. She smile softly wondering if Medusa would like to meet her wolf but then realize that it probably wouldn't be best to do it right at the start of her duties. So she quickly started running towards her house and soon after 10 minutes had past she had grab her wolf. Then she continue on towards the park and as she walk she was in deep though on what exactly she could teach the genin she was suppose to meet with.

    Finally a good 20 minutes later she arrived at the park looking around for a boy who was somewhere there. All she saw though was over grown weeds, which needs to be taken care of some time she reminds herself to ask the kage to set up a mission to get that over with. Then she look up towards the sky where the sun was shining brightly. She place a soft smile on her face whistling to her wolf to follow her as she heads towards a oak tree that was there still that she could sit against while waiting on the genin who was suppose to be hanging around here who needs help in training as a shinobi. As Ayame waited for the genin to arrived at the park or come in sight at least, she would pat her wolf feeding it a treat that she had put in her pocket before she left the house that day.

    Ayame hope that the wolf wouldn't scared no one as she sat against the oak tree. It was bad enough that she had to leave it at home that day when she went to learn about her new job. It still amazed her that she was chosen as the assistant of the hokage. She grinned with pride at that as she whistle a tune of joy and happiness.
    Konoha Genin
    Konoha Genin

    Posts : 125
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    Age : 30
    Location : I don't know, but there is a lot of corn here.

    A quiet afternoon or not? [private - Ayame/Wolf] Empty Re: A quiet afternoon or not? [private - Ayame/Wolf]

    Post by wolf Mon Jan 04, 2010 7:33 am

    Wolf was at the store looking to get some food he heard someone was looking for him he was gonna try to avoid this person so he went to the park and climbed up his oak tree when he saw a woman with a wolf "damn that's her" he thought as he didint talk and waited for her to pass by and sit under the next oak tree "damn" he thought
    Ayame Nicole Kouhei
    Ayame Nicole Kouhei

    Posts : 101
    Join date : 2010-01-03
    Age : 35
    Location : Konoha Village

    A quiet afternoon or not? [private - Ayame/Wolf] Empty Re: A quiet afternoon or not? [private - Ayame/Wolf]

    Post by Ayame Nicole Kouhei Mon Jan 04, 2010 4:43 pm

    Ayame heard some rustling of leaves but she though she was imaging things so she blinks. She starts to think about what to do while waiting on this new young student and she stares at her wolf. She pat it whispering in its ear about a race and got down on her fours. Ayame haven't done this in awhile and she wanted to race her own pet. So the wolf and her end up taking off into the over grown weeds which let loose a big wind at the trees around her from the speed of their run.

    Ayame grinned as she run, it was great excerise and great fun. She hope this student she was looking for was one of great quality, who like to have fun and work hard at the same time. She clenched a shuriken in her mouth as she ran and spit it from her mouth happily at a tree laying in direct center. She couldn't remember why she haven't done this in awhile then it hit her, it was because of the academy job she use to do with the kiddos. Now she was the hokage assistant. She whistle at Kori to turn around as she does so too and starts running back to the opening away from the overgrown weeds.

    It was early afternoon still and she was wondering where that boy was. "Seesh, I need to let him know I'll be his sensei for right now till the hokage finds more available ninjas." Ayame mutters out tapping her foot. She wasn't one to lose patience, usually keeping it with calmness. But she was worry that the hokage would be needing her sometime soon, "wait she said I could wait till I am ready to begin my duties. I suppose the student is more important to me at the time. Especially if he just recently come out of the ninja academy." She mutters out loud right after the first muttering.

    Then she happen to look up at the sky which was shining as brightly as ever. Nothing hardly change the weather of the land of fire and that suit her. She grinned as her and her wolf stay here waiting for the student to show himself. Ayame close her eyes sensing a small scent of a chakra but she wouldn't let the person know she knows he is there.
    Konoha Genin
    Konoha Genin

    Posts : 125
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    Age : 30
    Location : I don't know, but there is a lot of corn here.

    A quiet afternoon or not? [private - Ayame/Wolf] Empty Re: A quiet afternoon or not? [private - Ayame/Wolf]

    Post by wolf Mon Jan 04, 2010 4:57 pm

    Wolf saw the wind and thought The only way im gonna get away from her is if i fly. he thought as he saw her look away from the tree he jumped out and landed and ran the other way jumping when he saw a snake and came to a slideing stop and looked at it and picked it up as the snake rubed it's head on Wolf's arm im freaking out over nothing might as well she what she wants. and if it is a fight im just gonna run for it. he thought as he tryed to put the snake down but it wraped it's self around his arm fine you can stay with me. he said as he started to walk back to the oak tree to wait for her
    Ayame Nicole Kouhei
    Ayame Nicole Kouhei

    Posts : 101
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    Age : 35
    Location : Konoha Village

    A quiet afternoon or not? [private - Ayame/Wolf] Empty Re: A quiet afternoon or not? [private - Ayame/Wolf]

    Post by Ayame Nicole Kouhei Mon Jan 04, 2010 5:46 pm

    Ayame would hear the twist of the wind with a person trying to escape with it. She chuckle feeling the chakra on the young person. Not to strong it wasn't so she would have a lot of work to do with this kid if it is the one who was needing to be train. Ayame would softly smile as she mutter's thoughout a thinking process on how to handle this young one. She could see a lot of energy in the kid who's willing to get stronger that was one great thing. But she was unsure on how the teaching process would go as this one is older than the ones who she was use to training.

    So she would nod as she started to walk backwards then twirl around showing herself to wolf in her training Gi which was pure white with tan pants on with her gi. She smile softly at the young one showing her headband was tie to her left arm and that her vest was on over her gi. She grinned at the young one kneeling at his height. It was time to begin the process of introducing herself to him. ~I best be careful, I don't want him to run off right at this time being. If I'm going get myself though to him and become a friend of his... I better take it slow.~

    Then she just sit quietly for awhile staring at him. She was getting use to the sights and scents of him so she could recognize him more so or less. If she gets him train good then she might just take him to meet the hokage and tell her of the training process she went though with him. Maybe the hokage would take him under her wings. She nodded closing her eyes but she open her mouth finally ready to speak as the sun shine down on her face. At first nothing came out but then something came out in a calm tone but a cheerful one too.

    "Hello there, you must be wolf. I'm Ayame Nicole Kouhei, Jounin - A rank. Perhaps you seen me around the village, but anyways I'm your assigned sensei for the moment to train you to be a shinobi of the Konoha village."
    Konoha Genin
    Konoha Genin

    Posts : 125
    Join date : 2010-01-03
    Age : 30
    Location : I don't know, but there is a lot of corn here.

    A quiet afternoon or not? [private - Ayame/Wolf] Empty Re: A quiet afternoon or not? [private - Ayame/Wolf]

    Post by wolf Mon Jan 04, 2010 7:15 pm

    "Sensai eh." said wolf as the snake hissed he looked at it as if telling it to calm down witch it did "I feel alot of power comeing from her." thought wolf as he weighed the choice of either staying and takeing the training or going against what the hokage her self said and flying off to train by him self "Alright then sensai." Wolf said as the snake went of his arm and around the women and rubed it's head against her "He i think he likes you." wolf said as the snake came back onto him and rubed his head on his arm again
    Ayame Nicole Kouhei
    Ayame Nicole Kouhei

    Posts : 101
    Join date : 2010-01-03
    Age : 35
    Location : Konoha Village

    A quiet afternoon or not? [private - Ayame/Wolf] Empty Re: A quiet afternoon or not? [private - Ayame/Wolf]

    Post by Ayame Nicole Kouhei Mon Jan 04, 2010 8:00 pm

    Looking at him very closely she would notice his snake for the first time, which was usual as she glance at her wolf who was growling for a moment but then went quiet again. It would seem her wolf accepts her student which was very acceptable to her. Then she would nod looking at the boy thinking it though as she waited for his answer which came soon after the moment of silence. Ayame was glad to hear that she wouldn't have trouble with the boy.

    She would grinned at him and say "Good to hear that your accepting the hokage decision to place you with her assistant. So now why don't we start by telling me a little more about yourself. Where have you been staying?" She consider the fact that if the boy didn't have anywhere to stay then she would give him the guest bedroom at her place to stay in while she train him. At least she could keep a eye on him that way.

    Then she would sigh as she look up towards the sky thinking ~I feel a light rain coming our way. First in a while, that's real usual for our village who usually has sunny weather. I hope Medusa is inside and not wandering outside. Wait I shouldn't be worrying about her right now, I have a student to take care of right now.~ Then Ayame would shake her head putting her attention back on her new care. She wonder if she would be receiving any more students in her squad or would it be a one student squad this time around.

    First off before she did anything with this kid for sure, she was going to test his skills. See where she should start training with him. Ayame would nod glancing at the boy, definitely a test for this kid. Maybe the bell test of snatching the bell from her would work. A course she rather have another student for that test. Maybe a test to get around her.... Hm choices to make once again. This is going be really fun she thinks as she sighs glancing at the kid again.
    Konoha Genin
    Konoha Genin

    Posts : 125
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    Age : 30
    Location : I don't know, but there is a lot of corn here.

    A quiet afternoon or not? [private - Ayame/Wolf] Empty Re: A quiet afternoon or not? [private - Ayame/Wolf]

    Post by wolf Mon Jan 04, 2010 8:13 pm

    more about my self eh well im not very strong i know mostly c rank jutsu and one b rank most of my jutsu involve snakes and crows. my dream is to become the ANBU captin and to protect this village with my life said Wolf and as for where i've been staying a small apartment it is very cheap but very nice Wolf said as he heard her sigh something wrong? he asked when the snake started to hiss at the wolf and Wolf grabed the snake by the head no bad snake. Wolf said as the snake looked down het patted it on the head it's alright. he said now what's wrong? he asked again
    Ayame Nicole Kouhei
    Ayame Nicole Kouhei

    Posts : 101
    Join date : 2010-01-03
    Age : 35
    Location : Konoha Village

    A quiet afternoon or not? [private - Ayame/Wolf] Empty Re: A quiet afternoon or not? [private - Ayame/Wolf]

    Post by Ayame Nicole Kouhei Mon Jan 04, 2010 8:24 pm

    ooc: Suggestion, start capitalization your beginning of your sentences and put where you talk in "".


    Ayame would look at the boy strangely as she listens to what he has to say. It was not a lot it seem that the boy say. But it was mostly about what jutsu he has, she wanted to know if he has any family still alive or what he like to do. But she would probably get that out of him later on in life. For now she knows enough that he does have somewhere to stay but she would still offer him a chance to live in her house. Ayame started to think of what else she could learn about her student but then she was snap out of place when she notice his snake started hissing at her wolf.

    Muttering out at her student she say's "No worries, my wolf won't be startle, he's got use to your scents and plus accepts you. His name is Kori Mizuki." Then she look at him in the eyes as she searches for some way to get though to him. Then Ayame decides that she'll talk to him more later, that she'll let him go for now but she'll be keeping an eye on him later. But she would answer his question first that he ask him, she won't keep it from her student she guess.

    "It's the hokage. I'm her assistant as well as your sensei and I am sort of worry that she'll be needing me sometime. But for now I am also wondering if we should get out of the rain. I mean we don't wanna catch a cold now..... Do we?" She would chuckle out at that and then look down at him. "Anyways, I have a offer to you. What if I say I would like for you to stay in my house at the guest room I have avaiable? You can have any food inside my kitchen and theres tv to watch along with plently of fun."
    Konoha Genin
    Konoha Genin

    Posts : 125
    Join date : 2010-01-03
    Age : 30
    Location : I don't know, but there is a lot of corn here.

    A quiet afternoon or not? [private - Ayame/Wolf] Empty Re: A quiet afternoon or not? [private - Ayame/Wolf]

    Post by wolf Mon Jan 04, 2010 8:29 pm

    Wolf thought about it"Sure why not" he said as the snake went off his arm and onto his sensai's again "Gusse Archer likes the idea to eh" Wolf said with a chuckle "And dont worry about the hokage she is the strongist in the village" Wolf said
    Ayame Nicole Kouhei
    Ayame Nicole Kouhei

    Posts : 101
    Join date : 2010-01-03
    Age : 35
    Location : Konoha Village

    A quiet afternoon or not? [private - Ayame/Wolf] Empty Re: A quiet afternoon or not? [private - Ayame/Wolf]

    Post by Ayame Nicole Kouhei Mon Jan 04, 2010 8:44 pm

    Ayame would smile at the young student. She was sure that he would possibly even become a sannin someday. But for now she was sure that he would be a good student as she waits for another one of his answers. She would stare down at his clothes seeing he was dress properly. She was glad at that, at least she wouldn't have to provide clothes for the young student. She would chuckle as he finally gives his answer.

    As Ayame watches the snake come onto her she would blink cracking a huge smile. To think a snake liking her and it seem the boy name it archer. She would sightly touch the snake on its skin feeling a smooth type of skin as she stares at the student. It would be good to have a little company in her house. She would nod at the boy saying "Then I shall catch up to you two later on I guess. Come by the ramen stand later tonight and I'll treat you to some ramen. I'm for now headed off somewhere else."

    Good that this takes care of stuff right now to her, it felt like something was lift off the chest. Now all she had to do was make sure that the kid didn't get into trouble and make sure he is ready for what the kage was expect of her villagers. Even though she haven't known the hokage that long, Medusa. She wonder how her first job dutys will go starting tomorrow. She yawn cracking a smile, it was time for a nap to her. The hot springs ought be nice and relaxation. So she would stand up and walk out of the park entrance waving bye at her student.

    She'll head towards the hot springs now for a little relaxation before having to get down to seriousness at the boy's training. Seriously is she going get someone else assigned to her before long for a student or will she be babysitting. You can never know in the village of Konoha. Land of the fire, which was her specialty.

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    A quiet afternoon or not? [private - Ayame/Wolf] Empty Re: A quiet afternoon or not? [private - Ayame/Wolf]

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