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    Ayame Nicole Kouhei Housing

    Ayame Nicole Kouhei
    Ayame Nicole Kouhei

    Posts : 101
    Join date : 2010-01-03
    Age : 35
    Location : Konoha Village

    Ayame Nicole Kouhei Housing Empty Ayame Nicole Kouhei Housing

    Post by Ayame Nicole Kouhei Mon Jan 04, 2010 2:40 am

    This house was a one story house with 2 bedrooms. The master bedroom belongs to Ayame and the other bedroom was use as a guest bedroom for any of Ayame's friends to stay in. There was one bathroom that was attached to the master bedroom and then there was a bathroom that was located beside the guest bedroom for anyone else to use. Ayame as well had a small kitchen and living room with a black sofa in it with a black lounge coffee table. As well in the living room there was two black leather chairs and a 46 inch screen tv. In the back of the house there is a huge porch with a huge pool in the back it goes to 1 feet up to 7 feet deep and 22 feet wide.
    Ayame Nicole Kouhei
    Ayame Nicole Kouhei

    Posts : 101
    Join date : 2010-01-03
    Age : 35
    Location : Konoha Village

    Ayame Nicole Kouhei Housing Empty Re: Ayame Nicole Kouhei Housing

    Post by Ayame Nicole Kouhei Mon Jan 04, 2010 3:40 am

    Ayame Nicole Kouhei was resting in her bedroom for a little that morning. She overslept in other words and she wonders how exactly the academy was doing without her today. She help out there so much in teaching the young ones she was getting a little tired of it. So she was hoping some other exciting thing would come up for her. She finally decided to get out of bed and hop into the shower as she sit up on the bed hoping down to the floor from the queen size bed that she owns.

    After a quick shower was taken she would get dress in her training outfit and walk towards the kitchen pouring herself a cup of coffee. She sigh looking out the window muttering "Reckon I better get going or else those kids are going be disappointed for me not showing up to help them some more. But I reckon I would be on the streets if I didn't do this for the academy." Then Ayame would put the cup of coffee she drink in the sink and walk towards the front door picking up a light pink jacket she own and put it over her arm. Then she would walk out the front door of her house locking it and then walking out towards the village streets.
    Ayame Nicole Kouhei
    Ayame Nicole Kouhei

    Posts : 101
    Join date : 2010-01-03
    Age : 35
    Location : Konoha Village

    Ayame Nicole Kouhei Housing Empty Re: Ayame Nicole Kouhei Housing

    Post by Ayame Nicole Kouhei Wed Jan 06, 2010 8:54 am

    Ayame would carry in wolf on her shoulder after unlocking the front door. It would seem her other student didn't follow her. Oh well it would give her a chance to get some rest then as she carry her young charge to the guest room which was close to her kitchen. She smile softly as she undone the bed and set wolf into it with pulling up the blankets on him. She would sweep his hair then walk out of the doorway turning out the lights in there.

    "Sweet dreams young one..." Ayame would mutter as she walks towards her room. She would quickly get into her pj's herself and go into the bed. She would smile softly once before before turning out the lights herself and going into a light sleep. She was really worn out from the day and more was to come the next day she was sure of it.

    ooc: Sorry for the short post, have to go...
    Konoha Genin
    Konoha Genin

    Posts : 125
    Join date : 2010-01-03
    Age : 30
    Location : I don't know, but there is a lot of corn here.

    Ayame Nicole Kouhei Housing Empty Re: Ayame Nicole Kouhei Housing

    Post by wolf Wed Jan 06, 2010 8:09 pm

    Wolf was haveing a nightmare he fell into a dark room his brother and father were there "WOLF YOU FAILURE GIVE US ONE GOOD REASON WE SHOULDENT KILL YOU RIGHT NOW." they both yelled at the same time wolf didint talk he just looked at them "Remeber this scum this is your fault." his brother said coldly as a pit opend up and he fell into a room filled with demons that started to eat at his flesh wolf's body shot up on the bed in a cold sweat "That nightmare again when well this end."He asked as he looked around the room he was in "This is not my apartment." he said silently
    Ayame Nicole Kouhei
    Ayame Nicole Kouhei

    Posts : 101
    Join date : 2010-01-03
    Age : 35
    Location : Konoha Village

    Ayame Nicole Kouhei Housing Empty Re: Ayame Nicole Kouhei Housing

    Post by Ayame Nicole Kouhei Thu Jan 07, 2010 7:05 am

    Ayame Nicole Kouhei would sleep a good maybe 3 or 4 hours before she finally woke up. It was looking like it was getting closer to dawn when she quietly step out of bed and walk over to her window putting a robe around her as she peek out the curtains. She should go check on her guest right now, she hope he was having a good night sleep. So Ayame would yawn lightly as she walk across her bedroom to her door and step though it looking around the living room that she step into.

    It was a pretty nice living room with white painted walls, yes boring but at least she can have any color furniture in her living room. She would smile softly as she continue to walk towards wolf room looking at her kitchen on the way by. It was a nice kitchen too with enough space for her to be able to move in, since she was skinny anyways. She didn't really need that much room she figure when she first bought the house. Ayame grinned as she near Wolf's room and peek around the doorway only to see that the young student was awake and not sleeping.

    She wonder why, it couldn't be a reason for him to be not liking the room she put him in. It was perfectly safe and everything. Hm, that's something she had to learn about him she thinks as she say's "Wolf are you alright? Don't be frighten, your at your sensei's house in my guest room. The one I offer you to stay in while your under my direction in my squad." Ayame would smile softly thinking she was glad for some company in this old house as well after living alone so many years.

    (ooc: It's short of 400 words I know but I'll try to add more onto it when I get to the college if I have time before class today.)
    Konoha Genin
    Konoha Genin

    Posts : 125
    Join date : 2010-01-03
    Age : 30
    Location : I don't know, but there is a lot of corn here.

    Ayame Nicole Kouhei Housing Empty Re: Ayame Nicole Kouhei Housing

    Post by wolf Thu Jan 07, 2010 10:44 am

    Wolf didint talk he just sat there with a scared look in his eye remembering his mission he was sent here for as he had a flashback he was in his clans training room teaching younger clan members the fighting style of the clan "NEVER LET THE ENEMY GET A CHANCE TO FIGHT BACK IF THEY ARE ON THE GROUND BEGING FOR MERCY THEN YOU HAVENT BEAT THEM ENOUGH. IF THEY STILL HAVE A DROP OF BLOOD IN THERE BODY THEN THEY ARENT BEATIN ENOUGH. IF THEY CAN STILL SPEAK THEN THEY ARE NOT BEATIN ENOUGH. IF YOU LET THEM LIVE YOU ARE WEAK AND I WILL KILL YOU."He yelled out as his father and brother came in "I see your teaching them they we you were brother."Wolf's brother said.""I am brother tell them what you have learned kids."Wolf said and the childern said "If they are beging for mercy they are not beatin enough. If they still have a drop of blood in there body they arent beatin enough.If they can still speak then they arent beatin enough." the kids said "And most importent."Wolf said "If we let them live we are weak and you will come and kill us."They said "I see you taught them well son but you have a mission goto konoha and destroy it."His father said "As you wish father class is done for this week my brother well be takeing over untill i return."Said wolf as he left the buliding and started to run to konoha wolf then passed out after the flash back
    Ayame Nicole Kouhei
    Ayame Nicole Kouhei

    Posts : 101
    Join date : 2010-01-03
    Age : 35
    Location : Konoha Village

    Ayame Nicole Kouhei Housing Empty Re: Ayame Nicole Kouhei Housing

    Post by Ayame Nicole Kouhei Thu Jan 07, 2010 11:40 am

    Ayame Nicole Kouhei would watch as her student suddenly sit up looking as he was in cold chills. She was worried about him as she step's closer to him and touch his forehead first then his hand like a mother should. She wonder what was going on in his mind for some reason wishing she could read minds now. Then she would watch him as his eyes widen it would seem to her and then a few minutes later he would suddenly passed out. She hope everything was okay with him as she touch his hand again and worried for a minute as she covers him up with the blanket on the bed she set him in.

    She would sigh and chuckle as she walks out of the bedroom leaving the light off looking back over her shoulder once. Again it would seem her student was sleeping again and it would relief her as she heads towards the kitchen to make some hot cocoa. As soon as she got there she would quickly take out the supplies she needed for the hot cocoa out of one of her cabinets in the kitchen and mix together the supplies in a pan on the kitchen stove. Then she would pour two cup's of the hot cocoa taking out whipped cream and white chocolate shaves to put on top of the whipped cream. She grinned as she put them on sure that her student would like some when he woke up.

    Then Ayame would take her hot cocoa into the living room where she would look out a window at the moon and stars in the night sky which will soon disappear as it was getting closer to dawn break. It seem weird having a squad under her at first but she like the idea of it. Now she could past down her techniques to her student, if she creates any new ones that is or either come up with some, that is if her brain would work. She would laugh softly at that then glance up at the window again humming as she sips her hot cocoa away. It was mighty good to her as she drink it and soon in 20 minutes it was gone as she was ready to start her training.

    So she would go back to the kitchen setting down her cup as she made sure her students cup was noticeable for him. Then Ayame would hurry back to her bedroom where she quickly dressed back into her white gi and went out back with a wooden staff that she had crave up the other day. She was practicing the ways of weaponry these days in case she needed to teach one of her students how to handle weapons properly. She would clap her hands as 6 dummies appear in the back of her house and a wooden platform raise up that could perform training spars on along with much more. She would grin as she thinks her students would like her backyard which as well contain a pool for cooling off after sweating a lot.

    A course.... she thinks they could go to the hot springs instead. Then Ayame would once again laugh as she begins to practice with her weapon. She would swing left and right with it trying to master the swinging style of not losing her weapon out of her hands then suddenly the weapon went swinging into bushes as she rolls her eyes. She was a bit cumsly sure but she was better at balancing and training as a Jounin thanks to lots of practice in the past years. So she would go pick up her weapon and begin to practice again.
    Konoha Genin
    Konoha Genin

    Posts : 125
    Join date : 2010-01-03
    Age : 30
    Location : I don't know, but there is a lot of corn here.

    Ayame Nicole Kouhei Housing Empty Re: Ayame Nicole Kouhei Housing

    Post by wolf Thu Jan 07, 2010 11:58 am

    Wolf woke up after passing out and got out of the bed and walked out of the room "Sensai im going to the training feild alright." he said "And thank you for letting me stay here." he said as he went out the door and started to float into the air and flew off in the way of the training feild
    Ayame Nicole Kouhei
    Ayame Nicole Kouhei

    Posts : 101
    Join date : 2010-01-03
    Age : 35
    Location : Konoha Village

    Ayame Nicole Kouhei Housing Empty Re: Ayame Nicole Kouhei Housing

    Post by Ayame Nicole Kouhei Thu Jan 07, 2010 12:12 pm

    Ayame nicole Kouhei would sigh with disappointment as he had good manners but he didn't even drink the hot cocoa she made for him. She would shrug her shoulders then and resume training as she clench her teeth determine not to give up on getting the balance that she needed for her jutsu.She would nod as she whistles her wolf not knowing why she love them so much. She grinned as she pat it then put the wooden staff in his mouth to be taken away and put up.

    Ayame would watch as Kori ran back into the house and put up her wooden staff then bring her a little key chain. This key chain was some what a necklace that she puts around her neck sometimes. So she would put it on with happy thoughs in her head then decided it was time to head towards the ho kage ofice to hear her orders for today. But first she check to be sure she had her squad scroll in her gi still from the night before which she found still there. She grinned and walk towards the house yawning lightly as the dawn light comes up looking up. It was time to head towards the kage summit she reckon as she received a message about it a short time ago from a message bird of the hidden sand village.

    She would sigh looking up at the sunny sky thinking how she dread tracking across the sandy dessert that lead towards the sand village but she reckon that it best be done with already. So she would whistle for her wolf to follow her as she head towards the front door picking up a chance of clothes for the road as she looks around one last time. She had everything she reckon so she headed out the front door and started walking towards the hokage office. As Medusa's assistant she hope the kage remember the meeting they had to go too today.

    Ayame grinned as she walk the village streets as she waves at the young ones and look at the ramen stand looking at her stomach as well. But she didn't have time to eat today so she started to hop towards the roof and speed off towards the office of Medusa, the hokage of the hidden leaf village. She was proud to start her first day of work with her as she stares at the rising sun in the sky thinking it was a awesome day to start off. She hope everything went smoothly though with getting the kage up for the day and start towards the sand village.

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