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    Sai Hyuuga [S rank jutsu]

    Sai Hyuuga
    Sai Hyuuga

    Posts : 46
    Join date : 2009-04-24

    Sai Hyuuga [S rank jutsu] Empty Sai Hyuuga [S rank jutsu]

    Post by Sai Hyuuga Sat Apr 25, 2009 5:37 pm

    “Haachoo” Sai violently sneezed. “I better not be catching a cold.” then added while heading towards the Konoha forest – his favorite training spot. Quite some time has passed since the last time Sai was at his spot beside the lake and Konoha forest. He was eager to start training his new jutsu and the sheer thought of getting better excited him to the core. Being the Hyuuga heir he knew he needed to become stronger to be worthy of the clan’s name but for the most part he needed to become stronger so he can protect his family and friends.

    Upon his arrival at his favorite place a strong gust of wind blew his long hair which danced around his head. When he saw the glittery reflection of the sun in the lake he remembered all the times he came here as a kid and train. “No time for nostalgia.” Sai said and began creating a plan for the completion of his new jutsu. ‘I want to create a jutsu which its use is a defensive one.” With that thought in mind he remembered the mechanics of his Kaiten and how is thought out to be a perfect defense. ‘But that technique can’t be used to protect inside the circle since everything around me is repulsed away. I have to create a technique which shields but not consume everything in its path.’ He imagined chakra threads forming from his body’s tenketsu, the threads converging just above the user and then spreading around, when the user will spin in a manner which is similar to Kaiten the chakra threads will spin as well and create a dense chakra field capable of repulsing high level attacks. Sai then proceeded with trying to covert his idea into actions. Before he actually tried anything he activated his Byakugan allowing him to perform his clan’s jutsu then he manipulated his chakra from the body to form a convergence point above his head which then dispersed around him in a 3m radius, Sai then performed a spin. The chakra dispersed before followed him in his spinning which formed a protective layer of chakra. ‘Success.’ Sai thought to himself.

    But it wasn’t quite completed yet. He needed to emit more chakra when performing the jutsu so on his next try he did exactly that and his technique was coming along pretty nicely. The next step was a crucial one, before his jutsu would become useful it was necessary to expand his maximum radius of protection. Sai then began to focus his chakra to the point of convergence which this time was placed higher which allowed the thread to dissipate further from his body. The radius of the jutsu at this point was 10 m and was still not in its completed state. ‘Hopefully with this next try the jutsu will be completed with the maximum radius of 25 m.’ with this thought Sai repeated the process and extended his jutsu to the maximum range, performing a spin. The excitement of success was greater than the exhaustion from all the training so he ignored his tiredness and took a walk around the lake.

    While he was walking he saw a bench on which he sat. The next moment he closed his eyes and dozed off, dreaming about his new technique. When he woke up the sun was already setting down. He decided to spend the night out under the clear night sky. First he gathered some firewood and caught himself some fish which he roasted by the fire he latter lit. After he finished his meal he closed his eyes and fell sound asleep.
    Sai Hyuuga
    Sai Hyuuga

    Posts : 46
    Join date : 2009-04-24

    Sai Hyuuga [S rank jutsu] Empty Re: Sai Hyuuga [S rank jutsu]

    Post by Sai Hyuuga Sat Apr 25, 2009 5:38 pm

    The next day he was up early and ready for the next step of training. Although this technique was created for the defensive purposes it still had the potential to become a great offensive technique as well. Sai knew he would be able to fill the space in the sphere his rotation created with violent dense spinning chakra which would assault his enemies. But before attempting to convert his theory into practice he needed to make a more extensive plan. ‘First I am going to converge the chakra and start to rotate which will result in a perfect sphere, then while spinning I’ll need to release my chakra in the form of violent spinning.’ With that thought Sai began to practice.

    His first attempts failed either in terms of strength or rotation, it seemed if he added more chakra the rotation slowed down and ending the technique, but on the other hand if he didn’t add enough chakra the technique was not strong enough. So with that thought in mind Sai found a way to expel just the right amount of chakra. And completed the offensive part of the jutsu which he named Hakkesho Tenraikansho [Eight Trigrams: Divine Intervention]. After his extensive training he collapsed, exhausted to the state in which he couldn’t even catch himself some food. Luckily there was a tree full of apples nearby so he didn’t starve through the day. After his quick meal he rested and fell asleep.

    The next morning he was awakened by a gentle breeze which blew his hair a little bit. He looked up to the sky and noticed dark clouds were forming above his head. ‘Looks like there is going to be a storm. No matter, I’m not going to cancel my training session.’ Sai stated within himself. He picked himself up and looked for shelter which he would later need because of the rain. Sai noticed a giant tree trunk hollow inside perfect for sheltering him in rain. After that was taken care off his resumed his practice of Hakkesho Tenraikansho [Eight Trigrams: Divine Intervention] he looked up to the sky and a raindrop fell on his forehead protector, the next moment the rain intensified and began to pour. Sai tried to perform the technique and succeeded with perfection. The droplets bounced off the massive rotating orb which resulted in splashes all around Sai. ‘For reward of perfecting my new technique I am going to take the rest of the day off.’ He said to himself confidently.

    Sai retreated to his shelter since he didn’t want to be soaking wet or even worse to catch a cold and he was sneezing already before. The inside of the trunk was dry and warm, and because Sai didn’t had anything better he listened to the rain pouring down onto his shelter, that soothed him greatly and made him drowsy. The next moment he fell asleep.
    Sai Hyuuga
    Sai Hyuuga

    Posts : 46
    Join date : 2009-04-24

    Sai Hyuuga [S rank jutsu] Empty Re: Sai Hyuuga [S rank jutsu]

    Post by Sai Hyuuga Sat Apr 25, 2009 5:38 pm

    When he woke up he didn’t knew if he slept through the day or just had a quick nap. He slowly crawled out from the hollow tree trunk and looked up to the sky. It was still raining. ‘If it’s still raining then I must’ve took just a short nap.’ Since he didn’t care anymore about catching a cold or about his clothes, Sai proceeded onto his next jutsu he wanted to complete for quite some time. For the next technique he had some basic pre knowledge so this jutsu is going to be easier to master but still it’s not going to be easy.

    The technique he had in mind was an upgrade of his existing Hakke Hyaku nijuu hachishou - Eight Divination Signs, 128 Palms of the Hand which instead of closing 128 chakra points it would close all the 361 tenketsu the human body has. The jutsu paralyzes the body with each blow Sai lands and he decides if the technique he performs will be lethal or not, since the last blow is the one that counts if he chooses not to kill the opponents body will collapse and fall unconscious. Even though Sai never used or has seen this technique he knows this much by analyzing the anatomy of the tenketsu with his Byakugan. After theorizing he decided to convert his idea into reality.

    After he changed his stance the Trigrams appeared, he then started to launch his barrage of strikes and was able to complete the whole 361 strikes, but his jutsu although fast was not efficient enough since he used to much up his chakra. Because of the exhaustion he rested and let himself recover and then tried again. The jutsu started coming along quite nicely and it wasn’t long before it reached its fullest potential.

    The rain was still falling while Sai was perfecting his new jutsu because of that he was soaking wet but he didn’t care. He enjoyed training more than he cared about his clothes. While taking a break Sai come up with an another great idea which involved him striking the raindrops with his new technique. After his much needed break he put it to the test. Changing his stance which was crucial for the jutsu to work he began striking abnormally fast, Sai was faster than the eye and didn’t miss a single drop with his 361 strikes. Confident and pleased with his results he named his technique similar to its predecessors; Hakke Sanbyaku Rokujuichi Shiki [Eight Trigrams 361 Palms of the Hand]. After his vigorous training he slowly started to move back to his shelter when the rain stopped pouring. He picked himself another pile of apples and ate them before falling asleep.

    The next day he woke up in the middle of the day. ‘I guess I was that exhausted from all the training I’ve done yesterday and all the days before.’ When climbing out of his shelter the sun blinded him for a short time, Sai didn’t expect to be sunny so soon again. After picking himself up from the ground he sat up on the tree trunk under which he slept. “Today is the day when I return back home, my mother and father must be wondering where I am by now. But not before I perfect my new jutsu.” said Sai aloud. He noticed a big tree just a couple of meters away from him and decided it was going to be his practice dummy. Sai changed his stance and said “ Hakke Sanbyaku Rokujuichi Shiki [Eight Trigrams 361 Palms of the Hand] The next moment Trigrams appeared under his feet extending in a radius of 15 m. The tree trunk was in Sai’s range, he instantly disappeared when he lunged towards it and appeared right before it. The Hyuuga heir started violently striking against the body of the tree, reducing it to mere pieces.

    Sai was confident and proud of the results he achieved in his short time training alone. After his session he slowly left the area and began approaching the Konoha gates. While passing through them he was greeted by the Chuunin guards. Sai was now steadily approaching the Hyuuga premises and was excited to sleep in his own bed for a change. When he opened the front door there he saw his mother preparing dinner “Mmm, a home cooked meal I haven’t had one of those for quite some time now.” Sai said and look towards his father who was signing some documents. After he finished his meal he headed out under the shower to clean himself up after his training. When he put on some fresh clothes he went to his room where a comfy bed was waiting for him. Just as he closed the door of his room he lunged towards his bed and lay down. He laid there for a few minutes and just observed the ceiling. Then he shut his eyes and fell asleep.

    Word Count: 1923 (Uh, 77 words short. Can I keep it like that?)

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