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    Sai Hyuuga [Konohagakure ANBU]

    Sai Hyuuga
    Sai Hyuuga

    Posts : 46
    Join date : 2009-04-24

    Sai Hyuuga [Konohagakure ANBU] Empty Sai Hyuuga [Konohagakure ANBU]

    Post by Sai Hyuuga Sat Apr 25, 2009 2:31 am

    Name: Sai Hyuuga
    Nicknames: -
    Age: 16
    Gender: Male
    Village: Konohagakure
    Land Of Birth: Konohagakure
    Ninja Rank: ANBU
    Sai Hyuuga [Konohagakure ANBU] Nejianbustylebyleenus

    Fighting Styles: Gentle Fist (Hyuuga taijutsu)
    Personality: Sai is a natural born leader, with his brilliant leadership skills he is a role-model for all young shinobi. His sociable nature and outgoing personality makes him very appealing so it’s only natural for people to be attracted to him. He is very talented but he can be a real idiot sometimes degrading and making a fool out of himself just for others’ amusement, though Sai's intentions of making everyone laugh at his expense, he can be serious and mature as well, but he likes to live by his nindo, which is; live carefree and without regrets, the shinobi world is serious enough as it is. His preferable activity is training, when he’s striving for better results and breaking a sweat, that is the time when he feels truly alive, bettering himself in every aspect of his life. He loves company, his friends and hates the opposite, being alone. This strange behavoir annoys his father which is the Hyuuga clan head. Although annoyed his father lets him have his way because of his talent and ability.


    Name: Standard ANBU katana
    Description: The sword has a silver handle with pieces of cloth tied around it for better grip. The blade is not very long measuring only 2’ in length it is designed for assassination purposes and is created to be light and agile.
    Chakra Element: -
    Weapons Jutsus: -

    Special Characteristics: -
    Elements: - Katon, Raiton

    Main - Taijutsu
    Sub - Summonings
    Sub - Ninjutsu

    History/Background Story:
    Childhood years:
    Born on a stormy night under the zodiac symbol of Leo, marking his kind and generous nature. He was born into the Hyuuga family main branch a strict but kind family; his father - the Hyuuga clan leader and his mother – talented medical ninja. He was loved and cared for, even though his parents were busy people he was never left alone. Sai has frequently visited his mother in the hospital of Konoha and everyone loved him because of cute and innocent style of doing things. He often dreamt of being a shinobi everybody would be produ of. His father would often take his son on long walks around Konoha, telling him about the life of a Hyuuga and its responsibilities. Already at the age of 5 he knew started practicing the Hyuuga taijutsu style.

    His father dedicated a lot of time to him teaching him Hyuuga taijutsu and chakra control by showing him different types of techniques. It was never a dull moment in Sai’s early childhood, had always somebody to take care of him. At the age of 7 he was prepared to enter the Konoha ninja academy, on his reception day his father and mother both showed up and smiled proudly as their son would enter the academy doors for the first time in his life.

    Genin years:
    He was first introduced with his teacher and teammates on a sunny, windy day. He still remembers the scent of the air when he first saw his sensei and his two genin companions. It was a sight he would never forget. In the same moment he saw his teacher, Sai recognized him his name was Ryou Takashi; he was a high ranked jonin who was known throughout the Konoha village for saving his teammates on a dangerous mission involving protecting Konoha's borders, so he knew he was in good hands. The squad’s only female genin was a beautiful girl with big eyes and a white smile, she had long black silky hair which shined on a sunny day. His other teammate was a brown haired boy with small brown eyes, he never saw him before in his class; ‘he must be an older genin’ he thought to himself when he quietly observed him.

    When the members of team Ryou introduced themselves and their goals, he found out the names of his new teammates. The beautiful girl’s name was Rin and the brown haired kid’s name was Zei. He was the youngest genin in his squad by far. Both of his genin mates were 13 years old, while he was only 9. Because of his age he was grossly underestimated by everybody, at the start even by his teammates. He had to work hard to gain everybody’s approval. As were his genin years slowly passing by he developed a strong relationship with his teammates, they trusted him with their lives and he never disappointed them.

    After 3 years of personal intense training and completing low ranked missions he and his team entered the chuunin exams, where he proved his worth right in the first fight with his teammate Zei, they had an intense battle with techniques and strategies no other genin could’ve dreamt of imagining. The fight was proclaimed a draw and thus none of the two fighters advanced into the next round. But the public and the examiners were so impressed with their fight they gave the title of chuunin to both of them.

    Chuunin years:
    When he gained the tittle of chuunin he was assigned his first B ranked mission, which he and his squad completed efortlessly.

    With time passing by Sai would hone his skills further to stay in shape for his missions and to protect his friends, he would see his ex genin teammates all the time as they would go together on missions or just hang out. His friends were very important to him and would do anything to protect them, he enjoyed seeing Zei becoming a chuunin examiner as that would remind him of the battle they had as genin.

    Three years have passed since Sai has become a chuunin and he has become an experienced shinobi with lots of missions under his belt. He has become a fine man with a strong and warm personality, his father and his mother were very proud of him and were very happy to see their son grow up in this way. At the age of 15 Kai gained the title of jonin by recommendation of his superiors, his father was thrilled to hear the news and was proud of his son. His friends were not surprised at all, saying only that this was only a matter of time. He was immensely proud of his achievement and was ready to take on new challenges that would await him.

    Roleplay Sample:
    As Sai was approaching the forest he decided to take a break and just lay down for awhile. While laying down he noticed the blue sky and the white clouds swirling. 'The wind is picking up.' he thought to himself. Sai was thinking about taking a nap right untill a sudden breeze brushed gentle by his face and woke him up. He stood up, quickly cleaned himself by brushing his clothes with his hands and continued walking towards the forest. 'I must see this waterfall my mother constantly talkes about... She said it was around here somewhere.' Sai thought to himself while slowly approaching the edge of the forest.

    A strong wind blew the leaves from the trees infront of him and one of them landed right on top of Sai's head. He grabbed it and threw it into the incoming gust of wind. Sai decided to look for the waterfall with his doujutsu. "Byakugan" he shouted and quickly his pupils contracted allowing him a better field of vision and range. He spotted a large body of water a bit south of his position 'This must be it.' with that thought he picked up the pace and started running towards his destination.

    After reaching his destination he saw a beautiful scene; the bright sunshine with the waterfall caused the apparition of a beautiful rainbow. 'Woah, this is truly amazing.' he thought to himself. Sai decided he was going to spend the entire day here watching the clouds and soaking his feet in the fresh water. A couple of minutes later he dozed off and was at peace.

    Clan Name: Hyuuga
    Kekkei Genkai: Byakugan
    Symbol: -
    Clan History: The Hyuuga clan were one of the founding noble families of Leaf village. The clan itself is said to be the ancestors of the Uchiha clan who possess the bloodline of the Sharingan eye. Each clan member possess the "Byakugan" or "White Eye." When the "Byakugan" is activated, the clan member gains an extra-sensory perception, which gives them penetrating sight and telescopic vision.


    Name: -
    Rank: -
    Size: -
    Personality: -
    Gender: -
    Duration: -
    Jutsu: -

    Last edited by Sai Hyuuga on Wed Apr 29, 2009 5:12 pm; edited 2 times in total
    Sai Hyuuga
    Sai Hyuuga

    Posts : 46
    Join date : 2009-04-24

    Sai Hyuuga [Konohagakure ANBU] Empty Re: Sai Hyuuga [Konohagakure ANBU]

    Post by Sai Hyuuga Sat Apr 25, 2009 2:32 am


    Name: Jyuuken - Hou Teiryuu (Paralyzing)
    Rank: C
    Range: -
    Type: Taijutsu
    Elemental Affinity: -
    Clan: Hyuuga

    Description: This is a simple Jyuuken Technique. By pressing specific tenketsu/pressure along key nerve clusters in a way so as to not close them but rather back them up and cause chakra surges within them, a Hyuuga can paralyses an opponent in place, prohibiting them from moving. To move again the victim will either need to have the tenketsus pressed again, which only a Hyuuga or a medical ninja can do, or wait until their network re regulates itself, a process that can take [2 posts] to happen. This technique can also be used locally, to paralyze specific body parts such as an arm or leg, this requires hitting fewer tenketsus obviously, only those related to the area the Hyuuga is attempting to affect. The strikes used for this technique are delivered with lightning speed, and require minimal actual contact.

    Name: Hakke Rokujuuyonshou - Eight Divination Signs, 64 Palms of the Hand
    Rank: Chunin B rank
    Range: Short (0-5m)
    Jutsu Type: Taijutsu
    Elemental Affinity: -
    Clan: Hyuuga

    Description: Hakke Rokujuuyonshou is a Taijutsu technique unique to the Hyuuga bloodline. Hakke Rokujuuyonshou is a special technique passed down through the main family line. When an opponent is within the clan members divination field of attack, they can quickly begin their assault. The technique allows the clan member to use the Byakugan eye to see the inner chakra coils system. Using the Jyuuken style, they can force their chakra through their hands into the tenketsu of the opponent's body through 126 strikes. First the clan member will strike 2 times, then 4, 8, 16, 32 and finally 64. This damage forceably closes 64 tenketsu, stopping the chakra flow of the opponent. This then limits their opponents ability to use jutsu.than the fingertips of the index and middle fingers. The end result is a victim with disrupted chakra flow, making it very problematic to stay standing up and impossible to execute jutsu, unless an alternate chakra source is available, which is exceedingly rare and has only been demonstrated thus far in people containing a Biju« (Tail Beast).

    Name: Hakke Hyaku nijuu hachishou - Eight Divination Signs, 128 Palms of the Hand
    Rank: A rank
    Range: Close (0m ~ 5m)
    Type: Taijutsu Attack/defense
    Elemental Affinity: -
    Clan: Hyuuga - Jyuuken

    Description: Hakke Hyakunijuuhachishou is a Taijutsu technique unique to the Hyuuga bloodline. Hakke Hyakunijuuhachishou is a variation of Hakke Rokujuuyonshou, It is both faster in execution, grants greater range and is far more devastating, which require far longer to recuperate from and is harder to block or dodge. When an opponent is within the clan members divination field of attack, they can quickly begin their assault. The technique allows the clan member to use the Byakugan eye to make nearly double the normal 64 strikes, striking 128 times against their individual foe or opponents. First the clan member will strike 2 times, then 4, 8, 16, 32, 64 and which ends the technique in final 128 hits.

    Name: Jyuuken - Hou, Hirate Debari
    Rank: C Rank
    Range: Jonin - 8 Feet
    Type: Taijutsu
    Clan: Hyuuga

    Description: This is a Jyuuken technique where a Hyuuga will with each strike expulse an amount of charka rather then continuously flow charka from their hands as is usually done to perform Jyuuken. The expulsed charka flows out to 4 to 8 feet (depending on rank) allowing the Shinobi to attack their opponent from several feet away and each strike impacting despite no actual contact being made. Blows from this technique are the same as other Jyuuken blows in that they cause internal damage but unlike actual contact blows these cause no external Damage.
    This technique was developed by the Hyuuga so as to be able to use their Taijutsu mastery without having to approach an excessively dangerous adversary where direct contact could prove harmful such as an electrically charged adversaries, etc...

    Name: Hakkesho Hirate Houshutsu (Eight Trigrams Palm release)
    Rank: A rank
    Range: 20 feet
    Type: Taijutsu/Chakra Control
    Elemental Affinity: -
    Clan: Hyuuga

    Description: This Technique is an advanced Jyuuken maneuver developed by Sai Hyuuga building off of the Hakke Hazangeki and the ability to emit Chakra beams, and putting to use his understanding in the control and focus of chakra. A powerful and destructive technique, Sai will focus an amount of chakra into one of his palms (or two if he needs more power). Finally, aimed towards her target, this chakra will be released right towards them. The Chakra fires out like a powerful energy blast, taking the appearance of a 6 inch wide bright bluish white beam of light, almost laser like.
    This blast is very powerful, it could blast through solid rock creating a hole 1 foot wide in the blink of an eye. It can cut through steel just as easily, Being a blast of Pure concentrated chakra it can also cut through chakra with ease. Whatever it hit gets blasted right through, as if vaporized. Being Pure Chakra and of the jyuuken it can even be used to disrupt Chakra.

    Name: Hakkeshou Kaiten - Eight Divination Palms of the Hand, Heavenly Spin
    Rank: B
    Range: Close (0m ~ 5m)
    Type: Defense
    Clan: Hyuuga

    Description: Hakkeshou Kaiten is a Taijutsu technique unique to the Hyuuga bloodline using the Jyuuken. Kaiten takes advantage of several of the unique abilities of the Byakugan eye. Byakugan gives the clan member an almost complete 360 degree view of their surroundings. This allows the member to see all angles of attack. The Hyuuga skilled in Jyuuken are able to emit a solid amount of chakra from nearly any tenketsu to block an attack. The Kaiten takes this to an all new level it uses a solid amount of chakra expelled from the whole body (as opposed to imprecise bursts from only specific parts of the body, which is the most even your typical Jounin can manage) to stop any attack in its tracks, this along with the motion of spinning like a top the Kaiten is able to push an attack back with equal force, earning the Kaiten the reputation of being an absolute defense and also making it possible to use it as an offensive move.

    Name: Hakkesho Dai Kaiten - Eight Divination Palms of the Hand, Great Heavenly Spin
    Rank: A
    Range: 15 feet out
    Type: Chakra control
    Elemental Affinity: -
    Clan: Hyuuga

    Description: An expansion on the Hakkesho Kaiten. This version takes the Kaiten to an all new level, utilizing a greater amount of Chakra to produce a far larger and far more powerful version of the heavenly spin. This version is well suited for offensive applications as it spreads out to cover a larger region all around the Hyuuga. It expands out to such a diameter so as to easily capture an opponent in its spin, bombarding them in the current of chakra, It can easily knock out an opponent caught in it. Like the normal Kaiten, the flow of Chakra emitted from the Hyuuga will stop any attack, the spin then pushes that attack or momentum away with from the Hyuuga, but unlike the normal Kaiten which seems to apply equal force as the attack, this version counters with far greater force then was applied.
    This vortex can expands out to approximately 12 to 15 feet in every direction of the Hyuuga to a total of 24 to 30 feet in diameter. Any caught in it will find themselves violently assaulted by the massive chakra flow only to finally be violently thrown away with massive concussive force.

    Name: Jyuuken-Hou, Rei Zanzou - Jyuuken Style Spirit Afterimage
    Rank: B
    Range: - (Self)
    Jutsu Type: Taijutsu/Chakra Control
    Elemental Affinity: -
    Clan: Hyuuga

    Description: This Variant of the "Jyuuken-Hou, Rei Debari" differs from its parent Jutsu in a number of ways. First unlike its parent jutsu, this projection creates a Pre or after image of Sai where he is rather than projecting it at a distance. It also does not mimic his movement or attack as he does it, but rather performs a different attack than the one he is doing. Basically this Jutsu creates a pre or after image of himself as he's about to strike, these pre or after images perform a different attack than the one Sai does, granting him a unique element of surprise, leaving an opponent believing that he has blocked his attack only to have the ghostly projection appear a split second behind him with a completely different and unexpected strike. This projection appears for only a second or so, the time to deliver a single simple blow before evaporating into nothingness. These blows have physical substance, able to make physical blows, it also delivers its own portion of Chakra into a Jyuuken blow.

    Last edited by Sai Hyuuga on Mon Apr 27, 2009 4:07 am; edited 2 times in total
    Sai Hyuuga
    Sai Hyuuga

    Posts : 46
    Join date : 2009-04-24

    Sai Hyuuga [Konohagakure ANBU] Empty Re: Sai Hyuuga [Konohagakure ANBU]

    Post by Sai Hyuuga Sat Apr 25, 2009 2:32 am

    Name: Taibu Sekishokyuu (Greater Barrier Sphere)
    Rank: C rank
    Range: Jounin: 500 meters
    Type: Doujutsu
    Elemental Affinity: -
    Clan: Hyuuga Byakugan

    Description: Part of what makes a Hyuuga able to detect everything around them is the release of chakra to saturate their surroundings, it's part of how the Byakugan works called the "Sekishokyuu". This chakra though subtle and barely perceptible even to the Hyuuga will aid them in detecting anything and everything for some distance around them, for a genin this is typically up to 50 meters, for Chunnin 250 meters etc.
    By slightly intensifying that chakra emission, the Hyuuga is able to greatly increase their awareness of their surroundings, the Chakra they emit becomes more easily perceptible to them, more easily observed. Anything passing through this Chakra or disrupting it, such as an individual, a different chakra, or projectile will cause a rather clear distortion within that Chakra that the Hyuuga will be able to perceive clearly, therefore allowing them to detect even that which might be invisible to them otherwise. The disturbed chakra paints a rather clear picture of what is coming, the Hyuuga could make out the full silhouette of the individual or item coming towards them, or sense the intensity and strength of an intruding chakra. As a side effect the Hyuuga's reflexes and response time are also greatly increased by this technique.
    The Chakra used in this is minimal as it is done in small periodic bursts to keep the area saturated.

    Chakra Control

    Name: Omoijiyuu
    Rank: - (Jonin)
    Range: Self
    Type: Chakra Control
    Elemental Affinity: -
    Clan: Hyuuga

    Description: Hyuuga clan members, as part of their blood heritage and through skills mastered by studying the Gentle Fist arts, possess a unique control over their own Chakra flow and release. This Supplementary Technique is an application of this Hyuuga mastery over their own Chakra flow and release. ”Omoijiyuu” Is both a means of avoiding falling into a Genjutsu or to break free from one if caught. This works through the Hyuuga Clan member’s control over his own chakra flow, He can force his Chakra flow into a specific fixed and ordered pattern for a time, using said rigid control to keep his Chakra flow from being altered, He has to actively be doing this to resist said Genjutsu, if not then said resistance will not apply. This same principle of forceful Control allows the Hyuuga to force his Chakra flow back to normal if he does fall into a Genjutsu thus allowing Sai to break free. Needless to say however, he needs to know he is in a Genjutsu in the first place, which fortunately, with Byakugan, if often far more easily accomplished than for others.

    Name: Hakkesho Shouten
    "B" at Chunnin
    "A" at Jounin
    Range: -
    Type: Chakra Control
    Elemental Affinity: -
    Clan: Hyuuga

    Description: This is a Hyuuga Clan Technique taking advantage of their ability to see, control and manipulate their Chakra networks to increase their Speed strength endurance and Reflexes. Basically this technique is rather simple, and based on principles that Jyuuken practitioners know very well. The Tenketsus, EI Chakra points, control the Flow of Chakra through the individual's network. By applying chakra to these points one can either Close it, cutting the flow of chakra through that point, or, in this case, force it to open to a greater extent than usual, the result in this case being an increased flow of chakra through that chakra point. This is the principle behind this technique, the Hyuuga, by concentrating for a moment rushes the flow of chakra through his system, forcing his Tenketsus to dilate open for a period of time, increasing their Chakra flow, granting them greater speed, strength, and endurance, heightened reflexes and reaction time, as well as increases both the defensive and offensive capabilities of Jyuuken techniques by increasing the amount of Chakra the Hyuuga can use at once. The benefits are obvious.
    (This technique can also be focused, as in used regionally, increasing flow to one body part only but this isn't as effective, unless used for specific purposes - For example increased flow to the ears to improve sound perception, etc.)
    The Drawback of this technique is also obvious, increased Chakra flow also means increased rate of use, meaning the Hyuuga will run out of Chakra more quickly then he usually would. It also more quickly exhausts the body as the body isn't used to such a strain, though this effect lessens the higher the Rank. If the Hyuuga is not careful he'll run out of chakra and exhaust himself before a match is won.
    A secondary benefit of this technique, at b rank and above is the possibility to use this principle and use it to "force open" tenketsus closed by another Hyuuga, though at b rank this has its limits, by A rank however it can be quite effective.

    Name: Hirameki no Douran
    Rank: B rank
    Range: 20 feet
    Type: Doujutsu
    Elemental Affinity: -
    Clan: Hyuuga

    Description: The "Disrupting release" is a Chakra control technique unique to the Hyuuga. Hyuuga release Chakra all around them to better detect movement and as part of how their Byakugan vision works. In this case that release of Chakra is intensified at the initial release, causing a disrupting pulse of Chakra instantly affecting an area some 20 feet in all directions. This sudden relase of Chakra momentarily disrupts all Chakra sources within the area. All within will find themselves struck by a sudden intense weakening, loss of balance, loss of strength inability to focus, and barely able to remain on their feet. Basically, they will be disabled as their Chakra network finds itself in flux and disarray trying to resettle. Of course the effects only last momentarily, usually up to 5 seconds 10 at the most as the victims chakra network recalibrates itself. During this time of course the victim can no more use Ninjutsu or Genjutsu, Their Chakra in just too much in. Beyond this they would recover completely and be ready to go, but of course 5 seconds is more than enough for a Hyuuga to take advantage of their opponent's sudden misfortunes.
    A Hyuuga of equal rank as the one casting this jutsu, utilizing their greater Chakra control could force a more rapid recovery, forcing their network to recalibrate by forcing a strong release of Chakra from their entire network, a Higher ranked Hyuuga familiar with the technique could resist this jutsu by fortifying their own network, enforcing a steady flow to resist the Jutsus effect.
    This Jutsu requires a moment (roughly a second or so) to build up the needed chakra before releasing it, this build up can or course be seen by the Byakugan or Sharingan, or similar Chakra seeing doujutsus.

    Name: Kaisoku (Celerity)
    Rank: A
    Range: -
    Type: Chakra Control
    Elemental Affinity: -
    Clan: Hyuuga

    This is a technique created by Sai Hyuuga based on the Hakkesho Shouten and it's method of opening Tenketsus to increase Chakra flow, but in this case Sai concentrates and focuses this Chakra boost completely on increasing his speed to unnatural and inhuman levels. Already extremly fast, this jutsu allows Sai to take it a step further.
    Within a 100 ft radius, this jutsu allows for rapid speeds so high it appears as if he moves instantaneously to a predetermined point in space. So, for example, Sai standing 100 feet in front of an opponent, can appear at their side within a blink of an eye. The limitations of this speed, however is limited to near linear movement, some curving of his course is possible, but only very little as at these speeds drag and force makes it near impossible to suddenly change course without first slowing down. Meaning if attempting to go around a large enough obstacle to get behind it, he would most likely have to come to a near stop at its side first before changing course to get behind it.

    Sai can also apply this kind of speed to attacks such as punches, kicks, and strikes of all kinds striking away at inhuman speeds, allowing his attacks to appear as nothing more than a blurr to his target or onlookers. The weakness of this particular ability is that she cannot sustain this kind of speed for long runs or extended periods, as the increased Chakra expenditure will fatigue him faster.
    Note: Overuse or exersion with this Jutsu can result in extreme fatigue and Muscle damage. Sai usually uses this Jutsu for momentary boosts of speed, to quickly approach his target or out maneuver him, or to give him a quick edge in speed to strike with. He does not however tend to use this in some berserker style extended attack (Think Rock Lee or Maito Gai when opening the gates). Minutes of intense and constant use will result in extreme Fatigue and cause Muscle and bone Damage requiring medical Attention.

    Name: Kage Bunshin no Jutsu - Shadow Clone Technique
    Rank: B
    Range: -
    Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu
    Elemental Affinity: -
    Clan: -

    Description: Sai earned this technique by finishing in top spot at the annual Konoha Chunin Exam. Kage Bunshin is a Jounin level Ninjutsu technique. The normal Bunshin technique creates a copy of the ninja that lacks any substance. The Kage Bunshin distributes the ninja's chakra evenly among the clones and creates a real copy with form and substance. The clone itself can also utilize any jutsu the original ninja knows. When the clone finally disperses, any new knowledge it has gained is passed back to the original ninja and any additional clones. This makes Kage Bunshin an excellent training method if the ninja has the chakra capacity and stamina to maintain the Kage Bunshins for an extended period of time. This allows the ninja to essentially reduce the time it takes to train and learn with each clone added.
    Sai Hyuuga
    Sai Hyuuga

    Posts : 46
    Join date : 2009-04-24

    Sai Hyuuga [Konohagakure ANBU] Empty Re: Sai Hyuuga [Konohagakure ANBU]

    Post by Sai Hyuuga Sat Apr 25, 2009 3:11 am

    Academy jutsu:
    Jutsu: Bunshin no Jutsu
    Name: Clone Jutsu
    Rank: E
    Element: N/A
    Description: A jutsu that creates an illusionary clone of the user, in numbers of 1 or more. The Clone disappears after being struck with an attack, and can deal no damage. This jutsu is one of the basics, and required to pass the Shinobi Academy.

    Jutsu: Henge no Jutsu
    Name: Transformation Jutsu
    Rank: E
    Element: N/A
    Description: Henge no Jutsu is an illusionary jutsu that gives the user the appearance of another person or objet. A common skill all ninja have.

    Jutsu: Kai
    Name: Release
    Rank: N/A
    Element: N/A
    Description: Kai is a Ninjutsu technique which allows the ninja to avoid the effects of a Genjutsu illusion. After forming the needed handseals, the Genjutsu technique will not affect the ninja. The ninja can also use the technique on another individual who was unable to avoid the attack. After forming the needed hand seals, the ninja touches the one affected to end the affect of the spell.

    Jutsu: Kawarimi no Jutsu
    Name: Change of Body Stance Technique
    Rank: E
    Element: N/A
    Description: Kawarimi no Jutsu is a basic Ninjutsu technique. When in danger the ninja will quickly substitute themself with another nearby object. This can be a block of wood or even another person. This allows the ninja to quickly flee and hide while the original object takes the brunt of their opponents attack. Explosive tags can be attached to the replacement for an added surprise.

    Jutsu: Nawanuke no Jutsu
    Name: Escaping Skill
    Rank: E
    Element: N/A
    Description: Nawanuke no Jutsu is a very basic Ninjutsu technique that allows a ninja to escape from rope binds.

    Jutsu: Shunshin no Jutsu
    Name: Body Flicker Technique
    Rank: D
    Element: N/A
    Description: Shunshin no Jutsu is a basic Ninjutsu technique. The ninja will appear and disappear in an instant, allowing them to retreat or attack suddenly. To facilitate the movement the ninja will often use nearby elements such as mist, sand or leaves to mask their appearance or disappearance.

    Basic Jutsu:
    Jutsu: Kinobori no Waza
    Name: Act of Tree Climbing
    Rank: N/A
    Element: N/A
    Description: Kinobori no Waza, the art of tree climbing serves a dual purpose. Taking part in Kinobori Shugyou (Tree Climbing Training) helps a ninja learn how to focus their chakra. It also teaches the ninja how to run up trees and walk on vertical walls. The training helps the ninja learn how to focus just the right amount of chakra to a particular part of their body. The amount needed to climb is small but it must be precise. The feet are regarded as the hardest location to master chakra focusing. So by gaining the art of this skill, the ninja will have any jutsu available because they will be able to focus their chakra as needed.

    Jutsu: Suimen Hokou no Waza
    Name: Act of Water Surface Walking
    Rank: N/A
    Element: N/A
    Description: A variation on the Kinobori no Waza (Act of Tree Climbing), the art of water surface walking allows a ninja to walk on water as if it was a solid surface. Focusing an even amount of chakra out of the soles of their feet, they can balance themselves on the very surface of the water.
    Zatheria Senju
    Zatheria Senju

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    Sai Hyuuga [Konohagakure ANBU] Empty Re: Sai Hyuuga [Konohagakure ANBU]

    Post by Zatheria Senju Sat Apr 25, 2009 9:12 am

    Sai Hyuuga
    Sai Hyuuga

    Posts : 46
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    Sai Hyuuga [Konohagakure ANBU] Empty Sai Hyuuga - Hyuuga Clan Techniques

    Post by Sai Hyuuga Sat Apr 25, 2009 5:35 pm

    Name: Juuho Soryuuken [Gentle Step: Twin Dragon Fist]
    Rank: B
    Range: Close Range (0-5m)
    Jutsu Type: Taijutsu
    Elemental Affinity: -
    Clan: Hyuuga
    Description: This is a powerful technique that is similar in nature to the Juuho Soshiken [Gentle Step: Twin Lion Fist]. However, the change in name results from the form Sai's chakra takes when utilizing this technique. Whereas the original molded chakra into the form of spectral lion heads around the user’s palms, this technique molds it in the form of twin dragonheads. These heads are massive, being roughly the size of the user’s full torso. The heads look vicious as the user’s approaches for this technique, looking as through their fangs are prepared to clinch down upon the opponent with massive force. However, these heads are not fully physical, still being translucent in form. Instead, this technique is an extension of the Hakkeshō Kaiten [Eight Trigrams: Heavenly Rotation], though one that is aimed at offense, rather then defense. For this technique, the user will charge towards their opponent with amazing speed, even as the chakra manifestations of dragonheads appear around their chambered arms. Once in range of the opponent, the user will use their momentum and chakra force to push the opponent back, spinning in their steps so that the chakra around their palms begins to surround them in their charge. Not only does this technique allow for the avoidance of attack, but also the striking of the opponent, who will not only be pushed back, but will also have their chakra network thrown into discord. It becomes difficult for most to mold chakra when under a direct assault of this technique, but no lasting damage is done to the chakra network. However, because this technique is not as complete a protection as normal rotation, it possesses less of a protective nature. While it can still protect the user during the duration of this attack, it can only defend will against C-ranked attacks, only lessening the effects of B-ranked attacks. Thusly, this technique is more offensive then defensive.

    Name: Hakke Chakra Tate [Eight Trigrams: Chakra Shield]
    Rank: D-A
    Range: Close Range (0-5m)
    Jutsu Type: Taijutsu
    Elemental Affinity: -
    Clan: Hyuuga [Sai Exclusive]
    Description: By releasing chakra at the exact point of physical impact, the user is able to nullify physical damage to the area. This technique utilizes the Hyuuga's ability to release chakra form any part of their body. However, even more then that, it requires complete precision to the target area as a means of conserving chakra, for releasing chakra through the body in order to defend a localized area would be far too high of a chakra coast for the user to efficiently perform this technique. This technique not only requires the release of chakra, but it also requires the user to understand how much chakra is being used by the opponent in the attack they are countering, since an equal or greater amount of chakra must be released by the user in order to negate the physical damage of a attack by precise chakra repulsion. This technique can be used to not only counter physical attacks, but also negate the Hyuuga's own style of Gentle fist. Sai can use this technique at an A Rank Level, but he can downgrade the power of the technique to counter weaker jutsu with less exhaustion. Repeated use of this technique will drain the chakra from her body at a faster rate then simply offensive moves. At his current level, Sai can so precisely understand the amount of chakra within the incoming attack in order to not waste much, if any, chakra when using this technique to protect himself.

    Name: Jyuuken - yaibi [Bladed Gentle Fist]
    Rank: B
    Range: Close Range (0-5m)
    Jutsu Type: Taijutsu
    Elemental Affinity: -
    Clan: Hyuuga [Sai Exclusive]
    Description: This is an advanced form of the Juuken [Gentle Fist] style. By collecting chakra in their hands like when performing the original technique, the user will release a subtle amount of chakra with each of their strikes, this chakra being aimed more at damaging the interior of the opponent by targeting the Tenketsu [Chakra Points], which are heavily collected by the vital organs of the body. However, while normal Gentle First Style is not focused around causing physical damage, this technique is capable of doing so as the charka that is released is done so through the side of the palm, making it jagged and blade like. The term blade here is not a physical blade, so it cannot be used to hold off such a thing as a sword, however, the outline of the user's palm is coated in a visible glow of white chakra that can cut at the flesh of the opponent, as well as go into the opponent to shut down chakra points. It is possible to draw blood with this technique by using very slender cuts, or even pokes in the cases were the tips of the fingers are used for this technique. However, the true strength of this technique is that it can be used to cut the interior of a person without leaving a physical sign of damage. This technique not only targets the chakra points that it is slashed across, but it can be used to cause internal bleeding and damage the organs within the targets body. This technique most commonly is used in much of the same way as Chakra Scalpel and a steady hand can use this to perform medical operations with without actually puncturing the skin, but selectively cutting internally. However, unlike normal Chakra Scalpel, the Hyuuga's abilities with chakra allow it to be more effective, and less strenuous on chakra consumption.

    Name: Hakke Hazen Hougeki [Eight Trigrams: Crumbling Mountain Bombardment]
    Rank: B
    Range: Close Range (0-5m)
    Jutsu Type: Taijutsu
    Elemental Affinity: -
    Clan: Hyūga
    Description: This attack, which is performed with the open palm of the user, works by gathering a great amount of chakra within the palm before releasing it in a single strike to the opponent. This chakra is so intense that it appears as a bright white like when released, and it is so forceful that it completely shots through the opponent's body, while keeping with the Gentle First style of showing no physical injury. However, this technique does injure the internal organs of the opponent as it pushed them backwards about five meters. The effectiveness of this technique largely depends on where on the opponent is targeted. This technique will also shut down any Chakra Points that are directly hit by this beam. However, if it is a vital organ then it could potentially take the opponent out of the battle. This technique is named such because it possesses enough force to crush rock into pebbles.

    Name: Hakke Suraisuito [Eight Trigrams: Slicing Threads]
    Rank: A
    Range: Close Range (0-5m)
    Jutsu Type: Taijutsu
    Elemental Affinity: -
    Clan: Hyuuga [Sai Exclusive]
    Description: This is an advanced Hyuuga technique developed by Sai, inspired by the puppeteers which he met in Sunagakure on a mission he developed a technique using chakra string, though not actually using chakra strings like a puppeteer but instead uses the same style a whip creates, though at a highly reduced level, meaning that these thread like formation of chakra used in this technique are used offensively, and cannot attach to objects like puppeteer strings can. By collecting chakra within their fingertips, whether it is all of them or simply the selected one or ones, the user will create a bright white glow of physically visible chakra at the tips of their fingers. These formations of chakra will whip out and follow the sway of the user's hands, potentially creating 10 thread like white formations of chakra that extend out form the user's fingertips. The ends of these threads appear slightly thicker then the threads themselves, and are able to target the individual Tenketsu [Chakra Points] within the opponent's body. However, perhaps even deadlier then the tips are the threads themselves, which are so refine, yet powerful, that they can slice through nearly anything, creating a very precise cut. The threads can slash straight through any type of metal or even diamonds, even cutting through non-physical objects such as pure chakra from other attacks. These threads have a potential danger to the user, as they user cannot control the slicing nature of the, and thusly must be extremely careful in using them to ensure that they do not come in contact with the allies, or even their own body, meaning that only an experienced Byakugan user can wield them well. The requirement for this technique is only that the user's hand remains in motion at all times, for if they stop their movement this chakra will die down and diminish.

    Name: Hakke Tenrai no Shin [Eight Trigrams: Faith in the Divine]
    Rank: B-A
    Range: Close-Mid Range (0-10m)
    Jutsu Type: Taijutsu
    Elemental Affinity: -
    Clan: Hyuuga
    Description: This is a powerful technique that combines a high level of chakra control with physical motion. Depending on how much chakra is being used and how refined that chakra is the effects of this technique may vary. To perform this technique, the user will collect chakra into both of their palms to the point where a bright white glow of chakra appears in the center of their palms, roughly the full diameter of the palm. This glow is much like Hakke Hazen Hougeki [Eight Trigrams: Crumbling Mountain Bombardment]. However, instead of being directed in a palm strike outward, the chakra is manipulated through different physical force, namely the form of a clap. The user will compress their palms against each other in a high-powered clap, releasing in front of them a crescent shaped strike that shoots on the angle of the plain between the user’s palms at the moment of the clap. At B-rank, this crescent will be wider, and will carry with it a concussion style force enough to knock the opponent back. However, at an A-rank, the technique becomes deadly. It will be extremely thin, and have the same cutting nature of Hakke Suraisuito [Eight Trigrams: Slicing Threads], making for a devastating attack.

    Name: Hakke Bachitenshi [Eight Trigrams: Fallen Angel]
    Rank: A
    Range: Close Range (0-5m)
    Jutsu Type: Taijutsu
    Elemental Affinity: -
    Clan: Hyuuga
    Description: This is a devastating technique that utilizes the Hyuuga ability to kill with a single, gentle blow. This technique, like many Hyuuga style moves, involves releasing chakra into the opponent through the use of the middle and pointer fingers. However, instead of releasing just enough chakra to shutdown a Tenketsu at the point of impact, the user will instantly release enough chakra into the opponent to overload the system surrounding major organs, thus causing the organs to shut down. With this move, only a single strike is needed in order for an organ such as the heart to be made inactive, thus killing the opponent. Furthermore, since the chakra is so expediently delivered, the organs are damaged even as they shut down, meaning that even resuscitation cannot ensure life, as the organ would need further healing then just having been reactivated. Any organ can be targeted with this destructive technique, the jutsu is more about precision then power.

    Name: Hakke Shinten Kuusho [Eight Trigrams: Four Heavens Empty Palm]
    Rank: A
    Range: Close-Far Range (0-13m)
    Jutsu Type: Taijutsu
    Elemental Affinity: -
    Clan: Hyuuga
    Description: This technique is an advanced form of Hakke Kuusho [Eight Trigrams: Empty Palm] and uses a great amount of chakra to perform. The chakra in this technique is so potent that it not only physically pushes back the opponent, but it also damages the chakra circulatory system of the opponent at the same time, and even if a direct his is not landed, there is a high chance that the opponent's chakra network will be disrupted from just being grazed by this technique. This technique unleashes powerful blasts of invisible chakra, much like normal Empty Palm, but does so on a larger, climbing scale. There are four strikes in all for this technique, and the true chakra cost of this move is not reached until all for strikes are landed. However, so long as the first powerful blast is delivered, the rest will follow suit, as the concussive force behind even the smallest of the attacks is enough to drive an opponent back against a wall, effectively eliminating their foundation while causing havoc on their internal aspects related to the chakra network. As each of the blasts are launched they grow larger in scale, the first being around 3 meters in diameter, the second being around 5 meters in diameter, the third being 7 meters in diameter, and the last blast being around 9 meters in diameter. The first blast will push the opponent back, slamming them into whatever is behind them; though will not cause much damage against rock. The second and third blasts follow quickly after the first, being released one after the other, the second with the palm the first was delivered with, and the third being with the palm not yet used. The second blast will begin to crumble rock, pushing the opponent into anything that they hit up against, and will be strong enough to level trees, ripping them from their roots. The third blast is even more powerful, having built up longer in the arm not yet used, so that the opponent will be pushed even farther back and damaged even more, both externally and internally. Finally, the forth blast is large enough to crumble rock and steel, and will shoot the opponent through the rubble they collided against, causing a massive amount of damage, while effectively laying the opponent's body in enough chakra to shut down most, if not all, of their chakra system. The user will be very tired after this attack, but the opponent will most likely be dead.
    Sai Hyuuga
    Sai Hyuuga

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    Sai Hyuuga [Konohagakure ANBU] Empty Re: Sai Hyuuga [Konohagakure ANBU]

    Post by Sai Hyuuga Sat Apr 25, 2009 5:36 pm

    Name: Hakkesho Tenraikansho [Eight Trigrams: Divine Intervention]
    Rank: A-S
    Range: Close-Long Range (0-25m)
    Jutsu Type: Taijutsu
    Elemental Affinity: -
    Clan: Hyuuga [Sai Exclusive]
    Description: This is a devastatingly powerful move that is developed for the purpose of defense, and not offense. Essentially, the move takes its mechanics from Hakkesho Kaiten [Eight Trigrams: Heavenly Rotation]. The Hyuuga are able to release chakra form all over their body, and whenever the Byakugan is employed there is always a low-level of chakra completely surrounding them in order to give them their near 360-degree form of sight. The chakra is laced throughout the environment, allowing them to feel and see everything around them. Rotation works through the rapid spinning of one’s body along with the release of even more chakra so to create a spherical protection around the user of chakra that is able to repel attacks with this momentum. This technique is largely the ultimate form of rotation, being able to establish this form of protection in something more of a dome then a spear, and being able to do so without a complete consumption of the pace between the spinning user and the outer surface of the rotational protection. Thusly, the user is able to encompass other objects within their protection. This technique can only be performed by a skilled Hyuuga and one with practically perfect chakra control, as they are manipulating their chakra in a far larger environment, and concentrating it so that it does not consume everything in its path. Thusly, the user will be able to form the same great level of protection around not only themselves, but their allies, affording them a high degree of protection. The user will still have to spin with the flow of chakra out of their body, but this technique does not usually create a crater beneath them, as the protection is usually developed in the from of a dome, or half-sphere, in order to protect without destroying. To establish the actual area of the rotation, as the inner side is left hollow to protect the user's allies, the body of the user acts as though a tesla coil. Strands of chakra will be emitted from their body, appearing as white lines of shooting out to establish the outer point of where the rotation will actually form, allowing for the region between the outer points and the body of the user to remain hollow. The downside to this though is that the chakra network of the user's allies are temporarily disrupted if they make contact with these connector lines, though not to the point where any damage is done to the networks. Sai is at such a level that he can use this technique to the fullest extent, S-ranked effectiveness. Doing so allows him to create a dome of protection wide 25 m in radius. There is a hidden degree of destructiveness with this technique, as the user can potentially comply with normal modes of rotation and fill the space between themselves and the outer points of the sphere with violently spinning chakra. Thusly, this style of massive rotation can be used to destroy a large area through the formation of a rapidly spinning barrage of chakra, even creating the same crater that forms under the user during normal rotation. However, making this technique offensively prone such as this limits the size so that it would not consume in 25m radius but in a 10m radius. Anyone caught within this style of offense is in danger of death, for not only will their body be victim to the barrage of spinning chakra capable of carving a crater out of rock, but this much violently spinning chakra can also shut down practically all of their Tenketsu within a mere moment. Making this move offensive also qualifies it as S-ranked, and thus would also incredibly drain Sai.

    Name: Hakke Sanbyaku Rokujuichi Shiki [Eight Trigrams 361 Palms of the Hand]
    Rank: S
    Range: Short to mid (0-15m)
    Jutsu Type: Taijutsu
    Elemental Affinity: -
    Clan: Hyuuga
    Description: Hakke Sanbyaku Rokujuichi Shiki is a Taijutsu technique unique to the Hyuuga bloodline and is the a variation of Hakke Rokujuuyonshou . This Jutsu is considered one of most devastating technique within the Hyuuga clan and as its lesser variants, once inside the Hyuuga's Trigrams and the technique commenced there is no escaping it. When using this technique, the speed of the user is comparable to that of the hidden lotus and Reverse Lotus, the Hyuuga literally coming to move too fast for normal eyes to see. It closes the Tenketsus faster than they could be re reopened even by those capable of doing so, with the final blow either rendering the target unconscious instantaneously or killing them depending on which outcome the Hyuuga chooses.

    This Jutsu allows the user to strike all 361 chakra points of the opponent, paralyzing them with each blow but the final blow is the one that makes this technique a lethal one or not. If the Hyuuga chooses not to deliver that last blow then the target falls unconscious, if the Hyuuga does choose to deliver that final blow then the target dies instantly upon the final hit.

    Alternatively, this technique, like its lesser variants, the 64 or 128 palms techniques, can be used to hit a great number of targets with blinding speed, or used to counter an adversary that would otherwise prove too fast, No Hyuuga skilled in this technique has ever be outpaced or beaten by speed.

    Link: Training
    Renjiro Senju
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    Sai Hyuuga [Konohagakure ANBU] Empty Re: Sai Hyuuga [Konohagakure ANBU]

    Post by Renjiro Senju Sun Apr 26, 2009 4:42 pm

    Renjiro Senju approves this jutsu and training
    Sai Hyuuga
    Sai Hyuuga

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    Sai Hyuuga [Konohagakure ANBU] Empty Sai Hyuuga Summoning & Other

    Post by Sai Hyuuga Wed Apr 29, 2009 6:24 am

    The Great Mountain Hawks

    After investigating a corpse which he was ordered by his superiors in the forests of Fire country Sai discovered the Great Mountain Hawks of Raptor’s Peak, Helping them retrieve their stolen Summoning scroll and Quill he returned the items to them and was thus rewarded by being granted permission to sign their summoning contract. These hawks are Natural Fuuton users. Some of the elder Hawks are also known to use Raiton. Whatever Ninjutsu they may possess, even the smallest and youngest of hawks are renowned for their natural speed and agility as well as their keen eye sight and their razor sharp talons.

    The Great Mountain Hawks once roam the skies freely. It wasn’t uncommon sight to see one passing over head when near a mountain range. They dominated those regions, their rule unquestioned. In those ancient times, the Hawks were regarded as guardians and masters of the sky. Their great powers over wind and flight, their courage and nobility, their powerful and swift bodies and their acrobatic combat skills meant they were both revered and or feared and highly respected.

    Those old days are gone however. in the modern age the hawks are gone. retreated from those territories they once called their domain. They have withdrawn from the world. The reasons are many. their numbers grow smaller, as do the numbers of their prey, forcing them to gather together in a single place. Also Man takes more and more room, room which the Hawks willingly give to the young developing race. And perhaps quite simply their interest in the world has diminished, rather they seek new horizons and new truths to explore, things best done away from prying eyes.

    Whatever the reasons, Zagorta, The oldest, wisest and most powerful of the Hawks, lead his people into isolation in hopes that they would find their new path in life in peace. They have broken free from the world but not entirely forgotten it. On extremely rare occasions, and if ones eye sight is very good and possess great luck, one might see a great hawk flying high above in the sky. A select few are even luckier, they are given the privilege of being able to summon them, calling upon the great Hawks and their magnificent power to their side and service.

    These Hawks often have two forms. Unlike Normal Hawks the Great Mountain Hawks grow to incredible size as they age. They can however transform into more normal sized forms, and usually unless in difficult battle, will remain in their smaller forms when away from Raptor’s peak. Younger Hawks such as Yiga however only have one form and size, that of a normal Hawk.

    Taka Jutsu

    Takasakebi no Shingai
    Rank: C
    Range: Long 30M
    Type: Genjutsu/Hawk Art
    Elemental Affinity: -
    Clan: Hawks of Raptor’s peak summoning contract
    Description: A jutsu taught to him by his Mountain Hawks - this being one of their preferred Genjutsus for hunting. Sai will focus for a moment taking in a deep breath which, finally, she will release in a powerful resonating screech. This scream sounds exactly as a Hawk would, and can be heard from far away, Within 30 meters however this scream also acts as a Genjutsu, causing a sudden and powerful momentary panic in those that hear it. The fear is so powerful as to freeze an opponent in terror, though a victim of equal rank to Akemi could resist the paralyzing effects of this Jutsu, the terror will still be there, overwhelming them with an urge to flee or beg for mercy, whatever happens the result is always debilitating. The effects do not last very long, only as long as Sai can keep screeching. Usually for no more than 5 to 10 seconds, after which the Genjutsu ceases. This Jutsu is meant as a distraction move, creating an opening for attack or retreat.

    Hyakutakarasu no Jutsu - One Hundred Scattered Hawks technique
    Rank: B
    Range: 100 meters
    Type: Hawk Art
    Elemental Affinity: -
    Clan: Hawks of Raptor’s peak summoning contract
    Description: Hyakutakarasu is a summoning Technique developed by Sai Hyuuga with the Aid of her Summoning Hawks. preforming the Summoning Jutsu Sai will call forth 100 Hawks to appear within an area so as to flood it with activity. These Hawks will fly where directed by Sai, usually around a target, causing confusion with their constantly and rapidly moving forms and endless screeches. Sai or an ally could move within the flock almost undetected. With the target distracted by the Hawks, Sai can strike more easily and undetected till the last moment. Also the mass of crows can obscure any retreating ninja. When no longer needed, the Hawks will simply puff away in smoke, which by itself can also prove quite effective to cover ones movements.

    Taka Bunshin no Jutsu
    Rank: B
    Range: -
    Type: Hawk Art
    Elemental Affinity: -
    Clan: Hawks of Raptor’s peak summoning contract
    Description: This is a Jutsu taught to Sai by her summoned Hawks. Akemi, after forming 6 hand seals will create a Clone of himself composed of Hawks, The Sai clone can disperse into multiple Hawks at any time which still maintain her consciousness until they disperse, allowing the clone to speak and react while in crow form. This Clone can attack with Taijutsu equal to Sai's skill though can not use Jyuuken. It can not use any of Sai's Ninjutsu other than his Hawk Arts up to B rank. It does not possess the Byakugan though can pretend to do so, even taking the appearance of it happening, though it does have the full sight of a Hawk meaning extremely detailed and to a far range in some ways mimicking certain Byakugan abilities. A single blow is enough to cause the clone to disperse into dozens of Hawks not to return. Sai particularly likes using this type of clone as a distraction or to cover his own movements.

    Taka Ishuu
    Rank: B rank
    Range: -
    Type: Hawk Art
    Elemental Affinity: -
    Clan: Hawks of Raptor’s peak summoning contract
    Description: Forming a single focusing hand sign Sai can make herself disperse into a multitude of hawks, Usually numbering 20 or so. Able to reform at any time, he is still able to speak while in this multi Hawk form, speaking from each and every one of them. There are no real offensive capabilities in this form, and her health and Chakra are split evenly among the Hawks, meaning that for each Hawk destroyed she suffers injury and Chakra loss once reformed, As long as a Single Hawk remains he can reform, but his health will reflect the loss. If all Hawks are killed or destroyed than Sai will die also. Also Sai is aware of what each Hawk sees, hears, smells, experienced etc, allowing her to perceive event from multiple points of view. Usually this hawk swam must remain within a certain distance from each other, within one mile.


    Taka katachidzukuru
    Rank: A rank
    Range: -
    Type: Hawk Art
    Elemental Affinity: -
    Clan: Hawks of Raptor's peak summoning contract
    Description: This is an advanced transformation technique learned by Sai from his Hawks. More than simply Henge no Jutsu, this is a full and complete transformation, it will not be dispelled after a simple hit, rather he truly takes on the form of a hawk, and will need to perform the Jutsu again to transform back into Human form. Even the Byakugan would be hard pressed to realize his true nature while in Hawk form, the only evidence of which would be her white on white eyes, signature of the Hyuuga.

    He was taught how to transform into a full fledged Hawk as a reward after accomplishing a task given to him by the leader of the Hawks of Raptors peak, retrieving a lost air loom.
    The Transformation itself is quick and instantaneous; a small puff of smoke and it’s done. It requires no hand seals to perform, rather relying on the large tattoo Seal placed on most of his back.

    In his Hawk Form Sai takes on the appearance of a Red Tailed Hawk, with grayish near white feathers with darker grey highlights throughout his body except for the darker (near black) wings where the light grey becomes the high light and her red tail. In his Hawk form he measures 22 inches in length with and weighs about 2 pounds, he possesses a 46 inch wingspan.

    He has a cruising speed of about 40mph (65 kph) and can, in short bursts of level flight, achieve speeds approaching 70mph (110kph). His diving speed is a little over 120mph.

    Sai has become quite skilled at Aerial maneuvers and Physical Combat using this form, however this is more of a means of travel and infiltration, perfect for spying especially since Sai’s Byakugan remains with him in this form.


    Name: Yiga
    Rank: D
    Physical Description: Yiga is a young hawk of barely a 30 years of age. She has a wing span of over 4 feet. best suited for message deliveries, reconnaissance and spy missions. With Brown Feather along the back and wings, and light beige feathers along her belly she has red tinted tail feathers and beautiful full coat. (Yiga is the size of a real hawk, and possess all the strength, speed, abilities and limits of a real hawk)
    Physical info:
    Weight: 3 3/4 Pounds
    Length: 22 inches
    Wing Span: 52 inches (4 feet)
    Up to 40 Km/Hour. Diving speed of 120 Km/hour
    Type of Summon: Blood Donation
    Species: Hawk
    Elemental Affinity: Wind
    Jutsu List:

    Name: Cast of Hawks
    Rank: C
    Physical Description: Each of these Hawks can be considered to be relatively the same as Yiga, being of the same size, speed, strength, etc. Yiga herself leads this group and is summoned as part of it. Each Hawk can be considered to have a wing span of over 4 feet. Weighing around around 3 pounds and measuring 22 inches in length. They tend to have Brown Feather along the back and wings, and light beige feathers along her belly she has red tinted tail feathers and beautiful full coat. (These are the size of real hawks, and possess all the strength, speed, abilities and limits of a real hawk)
    Physical info:
    Weight: 3 3/4 Pounds
    Length: 22 inches
    Wing Span: 52 inches
    Up to 40 Km/Hour. Diving speed of 120 Km/hour
    Type of Summon: Blood Donation
    Species: Hawk
    Elemental Affinity: Wind
    Jutsu List:
    Sai Hyuuga
    Sai Hyuuga

    Posts : 46
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    Sai Hyuuga [Konohagakure ANBU] Empty Re: Sai Hyuuga [Konohagakure ANBU]

    Post by Sai Hyuuga Wed Apr 29, 2009 6:27 am

    Name: Zotsu
    Rank: C
    Physical Description: Zotsu is a relatively Young Hawk, nearly 120 years old. Having darker Wings and Back feather’s than Yiga, Hers are a very dark Grey, Her belly, Legs and Tail feathers however are the same Beigish and red. Her eyes are a Dark Black and her beak extra Sharp. Being able to shift between the size of a Normal Hawk similar to Yiga and between a larger form easily three times her size, Zotsu is adorned with an ornate Metalic blue helm, Her Talons are razor sharp, able to rend stone or steel.

    [/i]Physical info: [/i]
    Smaller Form (Comparable to a Red Tailed Hawk)
    Weight: 4 Pounds
    Length: 24 inches
    Wing Span: 56 Inches
    speed: Up to 40 Km/Hour. Diving speed of 120 Km/hour

    Larger Form
    Length: 5 feet 6 inches
    Wing Span: 148 Inches (12�4�)
    Speed: Up to 65 Km/Hour. Diving speed of 190 Km/hour

    Type of Summon: Blood Donation
    Species: Hawk
    Elemental Affinity: Wind
    Jutsu List:

    Name: Hargot
    Rank: B
    Physical Description: Hargot is comparable in size to a Large Horse with a wing span of nearly 27 feet. His name is given to him not because of treason towards his own people, but rather because of the way he hunts and the way he battles. Large enough to be mounted, Akemi can use Hargot for transportation, but he is not the most likely to accept to act as ride for any one. Hargot, is quiet, withdrawn and rather mysterious. His wings and back are nearly pure black, while his eyes are of the purest blue.

    Physical info:

    Smaller Form (Comparable to a Red Tailed Hawk)
    Weight: 4 Pounds
    Length: 24 inches
    Wing Span: 56 Inches
    speed: Up to 40 Km/Hour. Diving speed of 120 Km/hour

    Large Form
    Length: 11 feet 1 inches
    Wingspan: 24 feet 6 inches
    Speed: Up to 85 Km/Hour. Diving speed of 320 Km/hour

    [/]Type of Summon:[/i] Blood Donation
    Species: Hawk
    Elemental Affinity: Fire
    Jutsu List:


    [/i]Name:[/i] Zandra
    [/i]Rank:[/i] B
    [/i]Physical Description:[/i]
    Zandra the Silver wing, A powerful Hawk Warrior, She has a wind span of nearly 24 feet in her large form. Her feathers are nearly entirely grey from head to tail, she also has a silver streak along her back. Zandra is adorned with a number of gems that distinguish her, most attached to her head feathers or shoulders. She could be best described as a daredevil and always seems to be in a good mood. Large enough to be mounted, Akemi can use Zandra for transportation.
    [/i]Physical info:[/i]

    Small Form (Comparable to a Ferruginous Hawk)
    Weight: 4 1/4 Pounds
    Length: 25 inches
    Wing Span: 58 Inches
    Speed: Up to 40 Km/Hour. Diving speed of 120 Km/hour

    Large Form
    Length: 12 feet 1 inches
    Wingspan: 27 feet 2 inche
    Speed: Up to 90 Km/Hour. Diving speed of 310 Km/hour

    Type of Summon: Blood Donation
    Species: Hawk
    Story: Just over 300 tears old, Zandra is one of the more experienced and most powerful Hawks among the Raptor's peak clan, Her Fuuton abilities are fearsome, whether from her wings or Scream. She is also able to spit out balls of fire. Her most unique ability and the ability from which she earned her name, is that using charka, she can turn her skin and feathers into a sort of silvery alloy substance, able to withstand nearly any direct physical or energy attack. Though while in this form her speed is greatly reduced as is her agility. She becomes immune to fire and lightning attacks, immune to bashing damage and her skin is near impenetrable.

    Elemental Affinity: Wind, Fire
    Jutsu List:


    Name: General Sofran The Bold
    Rank: A
    Physical Description: Soffran is a massive hawk, second only to his king in size and power. His wing span is nearly 40 feet wide. Completely silvery white from head to tail, He is truly unique among his clan and It doesn't matter whether he's in his large form or small one, he stands out even among the giant Hawks of Raptor's peak. With piercing deep blue eyes and exuding power and wisdom, he is truly an amazing sight to behold. Wise and extremely intelligent. He�s a diplomat and a teacher. If some one is willing to listen, then he will be more then happy to teach them. Perhaps his greatest skill is his tactical expertise, his strategic know how and imaginative planning.

    Physical info

    Small Form (Comparable to a Ferruginous Hawk)
    Weight: 4 1/4 Pounds
    Length: 25 inches
    Wing Span: 58 Inches

    Speed: Up to 40 Km/Hour. Diving speed of 120 Km/hour

    Large Form
    Length: 17 feet 11 inches
    Wingspan: 39 feet 7 inches
    Flight speed: Up to 150 Km/Hour. Diving speed of 470 Km/hour

    Type of Summon: Blood Donation
    Species: Hawk
    Story: He is the most powerful, fearsome, experience, and skilled hawk after the king. A tactical and military genius, He is a skilled leader and planner. His talon, have been know to tear fortress walls apart. ripping true steel and stole as it butter. His powerful winds have been witnessed calling forth a wind so powerful as to rip apart a castle tower, they can even creates winds to defend him, blocking or redirecting attacks away from him. His defining scream releasing powerful whirlwinds able to tear whole trees to little more then splinters. Able to use Raiton Sofran can release powerful bolts of lighting from his beak and even his eyes. he is able to charge his talons with electrical charge for extra damage. His thick hide is extremely resistant and durable, leaving few able to cut into it.

    Elemental Affinity: Wind, Lightning
    Jutsu List:
    Sai Hyuuga
    Sai Hyuuga

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    Sai Hyuuga [Konohagakure ANBU] Empty Re: Sai Hyuuga [Konohagakure ANBU]

    Post by Sai Hyuuga Wed Apr 29, 2009 6:30 am

    Kuchiyose no Jutsu - Spiritualism Technique
    Rank: C
    Range: -
    Type: Ninjutsu
    Elemental Affinity:-
    Clan: -
    Description: A powerful jutsu, Ninpo Kuchiyose allows a ninja to summon animals, objects and the dead to fight on their behalf. The ninja normally signs a blood contract with the animal species, which allows him to summon different size and skill levels of creature. In this case Sai has his Hawks to summon.

    Shin Hakke Iyoku - True Eight Trigrams Heavenly will
    Rank: C to B
    Range: 20 feet
    Type: Chakra Control
    Elemental Affinity: -
    Clan: Hyuuga
    Description: This is a basic application of a trained Hyuuga’s ability to release Chakra from any and all tenketsus in their body. With this technique a Hyuuga can release Chakra from anywhere in their body out over a 15 foot range from themselves. This can be done in a manner as simple as “Chakra needles”, fired singularly or in multiples, even in rapid fire succession, with enough force or energy to cause the same level or damage as launched Senbon, though these can also affect an opponent’s chakra flow in the area hit. Or, a more forceful manifestation of this jutsu would involve a moment of concentration and focusing of Chakra towards the desired Tenketus before releasing it in the desired direction an a mass similar to the Hakke Kusho, with near identical property and effect. This more powerful version usually requires a second or so to focus the needed chakra. Any amount of energy or force in between these examples can be produced.

    Lightning Redirection
    Rank: A
    Range: Medium (30 feet)
    Type: Ninjutsu
    Elemental Affinity: Lightning
    Clan: Hyuuga
    Description: Having achieved new levels of mastery over his natural Lightning element and with the aid of his advanced Hyuuga Chakra control, Sai has been able to develop a number of Lighting techniques that he could not otherwise. Sai is now able to receive and redirect lightning attacks launched at him back towards his attacker with its full force, or redirect it safely away. He can do this with any lightning attack and any advanced lightning attack of equal rank or lower. This Jutsu requires no hand signs from him, and can be done at will once one understands how. This Jutsu effectively makes it extremely dangerous to Attack Sai with Lightning.

    Raikou Gekido
    Rank: B rank
    Range:30 feet
    Type: Ninjutsu
    Elemental Affinity: Lightning
    Clan: -
    Description: This is a powerful Lightning Jutsu Developed by Sai Hyuuga. Being a simple release of Lightning energy it requires no Hand signs (though Sai will need to take a short moment, roughly a second long to charge her hands, during which electrical energies will be visible around her hands). Sai will raise either a single hand or both and, aiming in the general direction of her target(s), and will release a torrent of lightning arcs out towards all with a 30 foot range and within a zone covering a 45 to 90 degrees arc from hir hands depending on the number of hands he uses. The arcs themselves will seem to concentrate on the victims once they strike one, in some ways making it seem as if Sai is actually aiming and focusing the lighting their way, but this is not the case, the lightning simply will head towards which ever individuals are within their field on their own, making this a perfect for targeting multiple targets at the same time with little effort. This lightning is extremely powerful and dangerous, dealing a great deal of damage even if only momentarily struck, and usually lethal is lasting more than 5 seconds. At the very least, being struck, even if for only a split second will stun the victim momentarily, partially disrupting their motor functions and leaving them in great pain, making it more difficult to continue to fight.

    The longer Sai does this jutsu, the more it drains him, he can usually perform it for maximum of 10 seconds at a time and for a total of 30 seconds maximum per battle.

    Katon: Gokakyu no Jutsu [Fire Release: Great Fireball Technique]
    Rank: C
    Range: Close Range (0-5m)
    Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu
    Elemental Affinity: Katon :: Fire
    Clan: -
    Description: After performing the necessary hand-signs and collecting Katon chakra into their lungs, the user will shoot from their mouth an enormous sphere of fire, usually focused through their funneled fist in order to guide the technique better towards the target. This fireball appears as a giant sphere that shoots towards the target at a fast pace in a straight path. Not only does this technique cause a massive amount of fire damage, but also a high-ranking ninja can shoot this technique with so much force that it creates a crater at the point of contact. This size of this massive sphere of fire depends on the amount of chakra used in this technique.

    Katon: Hosenka no Jutsu [Fire Release: Phoenix Flower Technique]
    Rank: C
    Range: Close Range (0-5m)
    Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu
    Elemental Affinity: Katon :: Fire
    Clan: -
    Description: After performing several hand-signs and collecting Katon chakra into their lungs, the user will shoot out multiple balls of condensed flames at the target, usually through either funneling their fist in front of their mouth, or simply holding their fingers before their mouth as a means of guiding the attack properly. These fireballs fly out in a flower formation, which is the reasoning behind this technique’s name. These fireballs have a wider range of damage then single-shot fire techniques, a range that can be widened depending on how the user molds their chakra while it is still within their body. However, it is also possible to hide within the fireballs multiple shuriken, creating an unexpected secondary attack of heated shuriken or kunai.

    ame: Katon: Heisen no Jutsu [Fire Release: War Flame Technique]
    Rank: A
    Range: Close-Far Range (0-50m)
    Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu
    Elemental Affinity: Katon :: Fire
    Clan: -
    Description: This is a devastatingly large fire attack that uses a great amount of chakra. After pooling Katon chakra into their lungs, and forming a series of hand-signs, the user will draw in a large breath before releasing this attack through their mouth, funned through a triangular outline of their index fingers and thumbs. Immediately in front of the user a ring of flames will circle out vertically in all directions making a decorative look to this move. However, the violent part of the attack is straight forward, showing a huge blast of flames out in a straight path ranging anywhere in size from a diameter of one inch to the size of a “Great Breakthrough”. This intensely hot flame will shoot out obliterating almost anything in its path, literally burning its way through any solid object as it travels, hot enough to melt most metals, let along flesh and bone. Even of the opponent is able to dodge, it is likely that they will receive severe burns from just feeling the heat of this attack. The downside to this move is that it takes a lot longer to collect the needed chakra to perform this technique with. The smaller this technique is in diameter, the more piercing it becomes, and at the smallest size this technique can pierce through the opponent completely, potentially killing the target.

    Katon: Rekka no Jutsu [Fire Release: Raging Fire Technique]
    Rank: A
    Range: Close-Far Range (0-50m)
    Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu
    Elemental Affinity: Katon :: Fire
    Clan: -
    Description: After performing several hand-signs, the user will create a rapidly expanding flame at the user’s feet or hands that spreads out across the ground, burning away at anything caught within its range. Much of the same way as other techniques, the user is able to control the path and attack range of this technique, sending the full force of the attack out in a single small path, or even a full circular attack range around them. This intensely hot flame rapidly spreads, potentially becoming a self sustained fire upon a burnable surface such as the trees of a forest, capable of spreading out as a true forest fire after being unleashed. This is an extremely powerful fire technique that can cover a wide area of in ash and fire, creating a dangerous field on which to fight, along with a dangerous attack as it spread out. Reversely, since this technique has the potential to create a massive forest fire, this technique can be reversed, spreading chakra into an existing fire to reduce and diminish it safely.

    Katon: Makaihi no Jutsu [Fire Release: Hellfire Technique]
    Rank: A
    Range: Close-Far Range (0-20m)
    Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu
    Elemental Affinity: Katon :: Fire
    Clan: -
    Description: After performing several hand-signs and channeling Katon chakra into their palms, the user will create within their clenches hand, with open palms, burning fires that are then sent forwards with bursts of chakra from the user’s arms. The initial fires are not fully forgone after sending these fire bursts, meaning that this technique is meant more for creating rapid successions of fireballs that follow along different paths, shooting straight out from where the user’s palm had been direct for, usually aided in trajectory and power through throwing punch like motions. These fireballs appear slightly larger then the user’s hands, but can be made larger with the increase of chakra, though this decreases the time this technique is in effect for. The true chakra cost of this technique is not fully realized until the initial flames are extinguished, which is usually after around five minutes, so canceling the technique earlier then this conserves chakra. However, the true effectiveness of this technique is that these intensely hot fireballs shoot out per the user’s motion, allowing this one attack to be directed at multiple targets over time, or at multiple angles as the user responds to the changing field of battle. This technique can damage the user’s hands over an extended use.

    Gouryuuka no Jutsu - Great Dragon Fire Technique
    Rank: B
    Range: Close (0m ~ 5m), Mid (5m ~ 10m), Far (10m+)
    Type: Attack, Supplementary

    Katon • Gouryuuka no Jutsu is a Ninjutsu technique utilizing the Fire Element. After forming the needed hand seals, the ninja will expel dragon head fireballs at their opponent. These powerful fireballs can punch through concrete.

    Last edited by Sai Hyuuga on Wed Apr 29, 2009 6:13 pm; edited 1 time in total
    Renjiro Senju
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    Sai Hyuuga [Konohagakure ANBU] Empty Re: Sai Hyuuga [Konohagakure ANBU]

    Post by Renjiro Senju Wed Apr 29, 2009 5:13 pm

    approved RS
    Sai Hyuuga
    Sai Hyuuga

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    Sai Hyuuga [Konohagakure ANBU] Empty Re: Sai Hyuuga [Konohagakure ANBU]

    Post by Sai Hyuuga Wed Apr 29, 2009 6:15 pm

    Name: Juuho Soryuuken [Gentle Step: Twin Dragon Fist]
    Rank: B
    Range: Close Range (0-5m)
    Jutsu Type: Taijutsu
    Elemental Affinity: -
    Clan: Hyuuga
    Description: This is a powerful technique that is similar in nature to the Juuho Soshiken [Gentle Step: Twin Lion Fist]. However, the change in name results from the form Sai's chakra takes when utilizing this technique. Whereas the original molded chakra into the form of spectral lion heads around the user’s palms, this technique molds it in the form of twin dragonheads. These heads are massive, being roughly the size of the user’s full torso. The heads look vicious as the user’s approaches for this technique, looking as through their fangs are prepared to clinch down upon the opponent with massive force. However, these heads are not fully physical, still being translucent in form. Instead, this technique is an extension of the Hakkeshō Kaiten [Eight Trigrams: Heavenly Rotation], though one that is aimed at offense, rather then defense. For this technique, the user will charge towards their opponent with amazing speed, even as the chakra manifestations of dragonheads appear around their chambered arms. Once in range of the opponent, the user will use their momentum and chakra force to push the opponent back, spinning in their steps so that the chakra around their palms begins to surround them in their charge. Not only does this technique allow for the avoidance of attack, but also the striking of the opponent, who will not only be pushed back, but will also have their chakra network thrown into discord. It becomes difficult for most to mold chakra when under a direct assault of this technique, but no lasting damage is done to the chakra network. However, because this technique is not as complete a protection as normal rotation, it possesses less of a protective nature. While it can still protect the user during the duration of this attack, it can only defend will against C-ranked attacks, only lessening the effects of B-ranked attacks. Thusly, this technique is more offensive then defensive.

    Name: Hakke Chakra Tate [Eight Trigrams: Chakra Shield]
    Rank: D-A
    Range: Close Range (0-5m)
    Jutsu Type: Taijutsu
    Elemental Affinity: -
    Clan: Hyuuga [Sai Exclusive]
    Description: By releasing chakra at the exact point of physical impact, the user is able to nullify physical damage to the area. This technique utilizes the Hyuuga's ability to release chakra form any part of their body. However, even more then that, it requires complete precision to the target area as a means of conserving chakra, for releasing chakra through the body in order to defend a localized area would be far too high of a chakra coast for the user to efficiently perform this technique. This technique not only requires the release of chakra, but it also requires the user to understand how much chakra is being used by the opponent in the attack they are countering, since an equal or greater amount of chakra must be released by the user in order to negate the physical damage of a attack by precise chakra repulsion. This technique can be used to not only counter physical attacks, but also negate the Hyuuga's own style of Gentle fist. Sai can use this technique at an A Rank Level, but he can downgrade the power of the technique to counter weaker jutsu with less exhaustion. Repeated use of this technique will drain the chakra from her body at a faster rate then simply offensive moves. At his current level, Sai can so precisely understand the amount of chakra within the incoming attack in order to not waste much, if any, chakra when using this technique to protect himself.

    Name: Jyuuken - yaibi [Bladed Gentle Fist]
    Rank: B
    Range: Close Range (0-5m)
    Jutsu Type: Taijutsu
    Elemental Affinity: -
    Clan: Hyuuga [Sai Exclusive]
    Description: This is an advanced form of the Juuken [Gentle Fist] style. By collecting chakra in their hands like when performing the original technique, the user will release a subtle amount of chakra with each of their strikes, this chakra being aimed more at damaging the interior of the opponent by targeting the Tenketsu [Chakra Points], which are heavily collected by the vital organs of the body. However, while normal Gentle First Style is not focused around causing physical damage, this technique is capable of doing so as the charka that is released is done so through the side of the palm, making it jagged and blade like. The term blade here is not a physical blade, so it cannot be used to hold off such a thing as a sword, however, the outline of the user's palm is coated in a visible glow of white chakra that can cut at the flesh of the opponent, as well as go into the opponent to shut down chakra points. It is possible to draw blood with this technique by using very slender cuts, or even pokes in the cases were the tips of the fingers are used for this technique. However, the true strength of this technique is that it can be used to cut the interior of a person without leaving a physical sign of damage. This technique not only targets the chakra points that it is slashed across, but it can be used to cause internal bleeding and damage the organs within the targets body. This technique most commonly is used in much of the same way as Chakra Scalpel and a steady hand can use this to perform medical operations with without actually puncturing the skin, but selectively cutting internally. However, unlike normal Chakra Scalpel, the Hyuuga's abilities with chakra allow it to be more effective, and less strenuous on chakra consumption.

    Name: Hakke Hazen Hougeki [Eight Trigrams: Crumbling Mountain Bombardment]
    Rank: B
    Range: Close Range (0-5m)
    Jutsu Type: Taijutsu
    Elemental Affinity: -
    Clan: Hyūga
    Description: This attack, which is performed with the open palm of the user, works by gathering a great amount of chakra within the palm before releasing it in a single strike to the opponent. This chakra is so intense that it appears as a bright white like when released, and it is so forceful that it completely shots through the opponent's body, while keeping with the Gentle First style of showing no physical injury. However, this technique does injure the internal organs of the opponent as it pushed them backwards about five meters. The effectiveness of this technique largely depends on where on the opponent is targeted. This technique will also shut down any Chakra Points that are directly hit by this beam. However, if it is a vital organ then it could potentially take the opponent out of the battle. This technique is named such because it possesses enough force to crush rock into pebbles.

    Name: Hakke Suraisuito [Eight Trigrams: Slicing Threads]
    Rank: A
    Range: Close Range (0-5m)
    Jutsu Type: Taijutsu
    Elemental Affinity: -
    Clan: Hyuuga [Sai Exclusive]
    Description: This is an advanced Hyuuga technique developed by Sai, inspired by the puppeteers which he met in Sunagakure on a mission he developed a technique using chakra string, though not actually using chakra strings like a puppeteer but instead uses the same style a whip creates, though at a highly reduced level, meaning that these thread like formation of chakra used in this technique are used offensively, and cannot attach to objects like puppeteer strings can. By collecting chakra within their fingertips, whether it is all of them or simply the selected one or ones, the user will create a bright white glow of physically visible chakra at the tips of their fingers. These formations of chakra will whip out and follow the sway of the user's hands, potentially creating 10 thread like white formations of chakra that extend out form the user's fingertips. The ends of these threads appear slightly thicker then the threads themselves, and are able to target the individual Tenketsu [Chakra Points] within the opponent's body. However, perhaps even deadlier then the tips are the threads themselves, which are so refine, yet powerful, that they can slice through nearly anything, creating a very precise cut. The threads can slash straight through any type of metal or even diamonds, even cutting through non-physical objects such as pure chakra from other attacks. These threads have a potential danger to the user, as they user cannot control the slicing nature of the, and thusly must be extremely careful in using them to ensure that they do not come in contact with the allies, or even their own body, meaning that only an experienced Byakugan user can wield them well. The requirement for this technique is only that the user's hand remains in motion at all times, for if they stop their movement this chakra will die down and diminish.

    Name: Hakke Tenrai no Shin [Eight Trigrams: Faith in the Divine]
    Rank: B-A
    Range: Close-Mid Range (0-10m)
    Jutsu Type: Taijutsu
    Elemental Affinity: -
    Clan: Hyuuga
    Description: This is a powerful technique that combines a high level of chakra control with physical motion. Depending on how much chakra is being used and how refined that chakra is the effects of this technique may vary. To perform this technique, the user will collect chakra into both of their palms to the point where a bright white glow of chakra appears in the center of their palms, roughly the full diameter of the palm. This glow is much like Hakke Hazen Hougeki [Eight Trigrams: Crumbling Mountain Bombardment]. However, instead of being directed in a palm strike outward, the chakra is manipulated through different physical force, namely the form of a clap. The user will compress their palms against each other in a high-powered clap, releasing in front of them a crescent shaped strike that shoots on the angle of the plain between the user’s palms at the moment of the clap. At B-rank, this crescent will be wider, and will carry with it a concussion style force enough to knock the opponent back. However, at an A-rank, the technique becomes deadly. It will be extremely thin, and have the same cutting nature of Hakke Suraisuito [Eight Trigrams: Slicing Threads], making for a devastating attack.

    Name: Hakke Bachitenshi [Eight Trigrams: Fallen Angel]
    Rank: A
    Range: Close Range (0-5m)
    Jutsu Type: Taijutsu
    Elemental Affinity: -
    Clan: Hyuuga
    Description: This is a devastating technique that utilizes the Hyuuga ability to kill with a single, gentle blow. This technique, like many Hyuuga style moves, involves releasing chakra into the opponent through the use of the middle and pointer fingers. However, instead of releasing just enough chakra to shutdown a Tenketsu at the point of impact, the user will instantly release enough chakra into the opponent to overload the system surrounding major organs, thus causing the organs to shut down. With this move, only a single strike is needed in order for an organ such as the heart to be made inactive, thus killing the opponent. Furthermore, since the chakra is so expediently delivered, the organs are damaged even as they shut down, meaning that even resuscitation cannot ensure life, as the organ would need further healing then just having been reactivated. Any organ can be targeted with this destructive technique, the jutsu is more about precision then power.

    Name: Hakke Shinten Kuusho [Eight Trigrams: Four Heavens Empty Palm]
    Rank: A
    Range: Close-Far Range (0-13m)
    Jutsu Type: Taijutsu
    Elemental Affinity: -
    Clan: Hyuuga
    Description: This technique is an advanced form of Hakke Kuusho [Eight Trigrams: Empty Palm] and uses a great amount of chakra to perform. The chakra in this technique is so potent that it not only physically pushes back the opponent, but it also damages the chakra circulatory system of the opponent at the same time, and even if a direct his is not landed, there is a high chance that the opponent's chakra network will be disrupted from just being grazed by this technique. This technique unleashes powerful blasts of invisible chakra, much like normal Empty Palm, but does so on a larger, climbing scale. There are four strikes in all for this technique, and the true chakra cost of this move is not reached until all for strikes are landed. However, so long as the first powerful blast is delivered, the rest will follow suit, as the concussive force behind even the smallest of the attacks is enough to drive an opponent back against a wall, effectively eliminating their foundation while causing havoc on their internal aspects related to the chakra network. As each of the blasts are launched they grow larger in scale, the first being around 3 meters in diameter, the second being around 5 meters in diameter, the third being 7 meters in diameter, and the last blast being around 9 meters in diameter. The first blast will push the opponent back, slamming them into whatever is behind them; though will not cause much damage against rock. The second and third blasts follow quickly after the first, being released one after the other, the second with the palm the first was delivered with, and the third being with the palm not yet used. The second blast will begin to crumble rock, pushing the opponent into anything that they hit up against, and will be strong enough to level trees, ripping them from their roots. The third blast is even more powerful, having built up longer in the arm not yet used, so that the opponent will be pushed even farther back and damaged even more, both externally and internally. Finally, the forth blast is large enough to crumble rock and steel, and will shoot the opponent through the rubble they collided against, causing a massive amount of damage, while effectively laying the opponent's body in enough chakra to shut down most, if not all, of their chakra system. The user will be very tired after this attack, but the opponent will most likely be dead.
    Sai Hyuuga
    Sai Hyuuga

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    Sai Hyuuga [Konohagakure ANBU] Empty Re: Sai Hyuuga [Konohagakure ANBU]

    Post by Sai Hyuuga Wed Apr 29, 2009 6:15 pm

    Name: Hakkesho Tenraikansho [Eight Trigrams: Divine Intervention]
    Rank: A-S
    Range: Close-Long Range (0-25m)
    Jutsu Type: Taijutsu
    Elemental Affinity: -
    Clan: Hyuuga [Sai Exclusive]
    Description: This is a devastatingly powerful move that is developed for the purpose of defense, and not offense. Essentially, the move takes its mechanics from Hakkesho Kaiten [Eight Trigrams: Heavenly Rotation]. The Hyuuga are able to release chakra form all over their body, and whenever the Byakugan is employed there is always a low-level of chakra completely surrounding them in order to give them their near 360-degree form of sight. The chakra is laced throughout the environment, allowing them to feel and see everything around them. Rotation works through the rapid spinning of one’s body along with the release of even more chakra so to create a spherical protection around the user of chakra that is able to repel attacks with this momentum. This technique is largely the ultimate form of rotation, being able to establish this form of protection in something more of a dome then a spear, and being able to do so without a complete consumption of the pace between the spinning user and the outer surface of the rotational protection. Thusly, the user is able to encompass other objects within their protection. This technique can only be performed by a skilled Hyuuga and one with practically perfect chakra control, as they are manipulating their chakra in a far larger environment, and concentrating it so that it does not consume everything in its path. Thusly, the user will be able to form the same great level of protection around not only themselves, but their allies, affording them a high degree of protection. The user will still have to spin with the flow of chakra out of their body, but this technique does not usually create a crater beneath them, as the protection is usually developed in the from of a dome, or half-sphere, in order to protect without destroying. To establish the actual area of the rotation, as the inner side is left hollow to protect the user's allies, the body of the user acts as though a tesla coil. Strands of chakra will be emitted from their body, appearing as white lines of shooting out to establish the outer point of where the rotation will actually form, allowing for the region between the outer points and the body of the user to remain hollow. The downside to this though is that the chakra network of the user's allies are temporarily disrupted if they make contact with these connector lines, though not to the point where any damage is done to the networks. Sai is at such a level that he can use this technique to the fullest extent, S-ranked effectiveness. Doing so allows him to create a dome of protection wide 25 m in radius. There is a hidden degree of destructiveness with this technique, as the user can potentially comply with normal modes of rotation and fill the space between themselves and the outer points of the sphere with violently spinning chakra. Thusly, this style of massive rotation can be used to destroy a large area through the formation of a rapidly spinning barrage of chakra, even creating the same crater that forms under the user during normal rotation. However, making this technique offensively prone such as this limits the size so that it would not consume in 25m radius but in a 10m radius. Anyone caught within this style of offense is in danger of death, for not only will their body be victim to the barrage of spinning chakra capable of carving a crater out of rock, but this much violently spinning chakra can also shut down practically all of their Tenketsu within a mere moment. Making this move offensive also qualifies it as S-ranked, and thus would also incredibly drain Sai.

    Name: Hakke Sanbyaku Rokujuichi Shiki [Eight Trigrams 361 Palms of the Hand]
    Rank: S
    Range: Short to mid (0-15m)
    Jutsu Type: Taijutsu
    Elemental Affinity: -
    Clan: Hyuuga
    Description: Hakke Sanbyaku Rokujuichi Shiki is a Taijutsu technique unique to the Hyuuga bloodline and is the a variation of Hakke Rokujuuyonshou . This Jutsu is considered one of most devastating technique within the Hyuuga clan and as its lesser variants, once inside the Hyuuga's Trigrams and the technique commenced there is no escaping it. When using this technique, the speed of the user is comparable to that of the hidden lotus and Reverse Lotus, the Hyuuga literally coming to move too fast for normal eyes to see. It closes the Tenketsus faster than they could be re reopened even by those capable of doing so, with the final blow either rendering the target unconscious instantaneously or killing them depending on which outcome the Hyuuga chooses.

    This Jutsu allows the user to strike all 361 chakra points of the opponent, paralyzing them with each blow but the final blow is the one that makes this technique a lethal one or not. If the Hyuuga chooses not to deliver that last blow then the target falls unconscious, if the Hyuuga does choose to deliver that final blow then the target dies instantly upon the final hit.

    Alternatively, this technique, like its lesser variants, the 64 or 128 palms techniques, can be used to hit a great number of targets with blinding speed, or used to counter an adversary that would otherwise prove too fast, No Hyuuga skilled in this technique has ever be outpaced or beaten by speed.

    Tenbatsu no Hazeru
    Rank: S rank
    Range: 100 Meters
    Type: Chakra control
    Elemental Affinity: -
    Clan: Hyuuga
    Description: This technique is Sai's one of the most destructive jutsu. Forming the Ram hand sign, Sai will begin focusing Chakra into his system. This process takes approximately 5 seconds, where the very air around him will seem to begin distorting. Finally, in a last act of willpower, Sai will release the collected Chakra in a single powerful burst of energy destroying everything in its path in a 100 meter radius. The very ground below him will be crushed and compressed by the force, creating a crater up to 30 feet deep. Everything within this 200 meter diameter will be reduced to little more than rubble and dust in the matter of a second, making the odds of escaping it extremely unlikely. Able to destroy a city block, this Jutsu utilized a full half of Sai’s full Chakra capacity, and greatly disrupts his Chakra network. For the first post after using this jutsu Sai will not be able to use his Chakra for any jutsu, the following post after, Sai will only be able to use up to A ranked jutsus. Meaning he has to be very careful how and when he uses this jutsu because he leaves himself open and vulnerable if his enemy survives.

    Chidori - Thousand Birds
    Rank: A
    Type: Lightning
    Range: Close
    Element: Raiton
    Description: Chidori (a.k.a. Raikiri) is a Ninjutsu technique developed by Hatake Kakashi utilizing the Lightning Element. Chidori allows Sai to cut through any foe. It was given the nickname Raikiri after it was said Kakashi used the technique to cut a lightning bolt in two. Chidori is used for assassination purposes. Activating the body to focus chakra to the hand, Sai’s hand becomes enveloped by an electrical force. This force is their chakra altered in nature to an electrical current. By altering the shape of the force, similar to an electrical discharge, they can decide the power and range of the attack. After concentrating all the chakra into the arm, Sai uses his quickness and the power of the thrust from the chakra to pierce any object with the extended forearm. Because their opponent can easily counter the attack, it requires a Sharingan or similar doujtsu user to make the technique worthwhile. The doujutsu will allow them to predict any moves their opponent decides to make and send their strike home into the target. Due to the high speed, the force emits a sound like a thousand birds chirping which gave the technique its name

    Chidori Nagashi - Thousand Birds Current
    Rank: A
    Type: Lightning
    Range: Medium
    Element: Raiton
    Description: Chidori Nagashi is a Ninjutsu technique developed by Uchiha Sasuke out of the original Chidori technique. Instead of merely focusing the electrical force to his body, Sai is able to extend it outside of his body and through objects which he is holding (ANBU sword). This allows him to create a protective zone around his person. This zone of electricity can shock and immobilize his foes, presumably by attacking their nervous system.

    Chidori Senbon - Thousand Birds Needles
    Rank: A
    Type: Lightning
    Range: Long
    Element: Raiton
    Description: Chidori Senbon is a Lightning Element technique developed by Uchiha Sasuke. Sai is able to shape the Lightning Element to form senbon. Though unstated, these needles probably takes on Chidori's characteristics, including it's ability to cut through most anything which stands in its path. A skilled Byakugan user can target tenketsus and strike them with this jutsu.

    Last edited by Sai Hyuuga on Sat May 02, 2009 3:35 pm; edited 1 time in total
    Sai Hyuuga
    Sai Hyuuga

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    Sai Hyuuga [Konohagakure ANBU] Empty Re: Sai Hyuuga [Konohagakure ANBU]

    Post by Sai Hyuuga Wed Apr 29, 2009 6:16 pm

    Kuchiyose no Jutsu - Spiritualism Technique
    Rank: C
    Range: -
    Type: Ninjutsu
    Elemental Affinity:-
    Clan: -
    Description: A powerful jutsu, Ninpo Kuchiyose allows a ninja to summon animals, objects and the dead to fight on their behalf. The ninja normally signs a blood contract with the animal species, which allows him to summon different size and skill levels of creature. In this case Sai has his Hawks to summon.

    Shin Hakke Iyoku - True Eight Trigrams Heavenly will
    Rank: C to B
    Range: 20 feet
    Type: Chakra Control
    Elemental Affinity: -
    Clan: Hyuuga
    Description: This is a basic application of a trained Hyuuga’s ability to release Chakra from any and all tenketsus in their body. With this technique a Hyuuga can release Chakra from anywhere in their body out over a 15 foot range from themselves. This can be done in a manner as simple as “Chakra needles”, fired singularly or in multiples, even in rapid fire succession, with enough force or energy to cause the same level or damage as launched Senbon, though these can also affect an opponent’s chakra flow in the area hit. Or, a more forceful manifestation of this jutsu would involve a moment of concentration and focusing of Chakra towards the desired Tenketus before releasing it in the desired direction an a mass similar to the Hakke Kusho, with near identical property and effect. This more powerful version usually requires a second or so to focus the needed chakra. Any amount of energy or force in between these examples can be produced.

    Lightning Redirection
    Rank: A
    Range: Medium (30 feet)
    Type: Ninjutsu
    Elemental Affinity: Lightning
    Clan: Hyuuga
    Description: Having achieved new levels of mastery over his natural Lightning element and with the aid of his advanced Hyuuga Chakra control, Sai has been able to develop a number of Lighting techniques that he could not otherwise. Sai is now able to receive and redirect lightning attacks launched at him back towards his attacker with its full force, or redirect it safely away. He can do this with any lightning attack and any advanced lightning attack of equal rank or lower. This Jutsu requires no hand signs from him, and can be done at will once one understands how. This Jutsu effectively makes it extremely dangerous to Attack Sai with Lightning.

    Raikou Gekido
    Rank: B rank
    Range:30 feet
    Type: Ninjutsu
    Elemental Affinity: Lightning
    Clan: -
    Description: This is a powerful Lightning Jutsu Developed by Sai Hyuuga. Being a simple release of Lightning energy it requires no Hand signs (though Sai will need to take a short moment, roughly a second long to charge her hands, during which electrical energies will be visible around her hands). Sai will raise either a single hand or both and, aiming in the general direction of her target(s), and will release a torrent of lightning arcs out towards all with a 30 foot range and within a zone covering a 45 to 90 degrees arc from hir hands depending on the number of hands he uses. The arcs themselves will seem to concentrate on the victims once they strike one, in some ways making it seem as if Sai is actually aiming and focusing the lighting their way, but this is not the case, the lightning simply will head towards which ever individuals are within their field on their own, making this a perfect for targeting multiple targets at the same time with little effort. This lightning is extremely powerful and dangerous, dealing a great deal of damage even if only momentarily struck, and usually lethal is lasting more than 5 seconds. At the very least, being struck, even if for only a split second will stun the victim momentarily, partially disrupting their motor functions and leaving them in great pain, making it more difficult to continue to fight.

    The longer Sai does this jutsu, the more it drains him, he can usually perform it for maximum of 10 seconds at a time and for a total of 30 seconds maximum per battle.

    Katon: Gokakyu no Jutsu [Fire Release: Great Fireball Technique]
    Rank: C
    Range: Close Range (0-5m)
    Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu
    Elemental Affinity: Katon :: Fire
    Clan: -
    Description: After performing the necessary hand-signs and collecting Katon chakra into their lungs, the user will shoot from their mouth an enormous sphere of fire, usually focused through their funneled fist in order to guide the technique better towards the target. This fireball appears as a giant sphere that shoots towards the target at a fast pace in a straight path. Not only does this technique cause a massive amount of fire damage, but also a high-ranking ninja can shoot this technique with so much force that it creates a crater at the point of contact. This size of this massive sphere of fire depends on the amount of chakra used in this technique.

    Katon: Hosenka no Jutsu [Fire Release: Phoenix Flower Technique]
    Rank: C
    Range: Close Range (0-5m)
    Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu
    Elemental Affinity: Katon :: Fire
    Clan: -
    Description: After performing several hand-signs and collecting Katon chakra into their lungs, the user will shoot out multiple balls of condensed flames at the target, usually through either funneling their fist in front of their mouth, or simply holding their fingers before their mouth as a means of guiding the attack properly. These fireballs fly out in a flower formation, which is the reasoning behind this technique’s name. These fireballs have a wider range of damage then single-shot fire techniques, a range that can be widened depending on how the user molds their chakra while it is still within their body. However, it is also possible to hide within the fireballs multiple shuriken, creating an unexpected secondary attack of heated shuriken or kunai.

    ame: Katon: Heisen no Jutsu [Fire Release: War Flame Technique]
    Rank: A
    Range: Close-Far Range (0-50m)
    Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu
    Elemental Affinity: Katon :: Fire
    Clan: -
    Description: This is a devastatingly large fire attack that uses a great amount of chakra. After pooling Katon chakra into their lungs, and forming a series of hand-signs, the user will draw in a large breath before releasing this attack through their mouth, funned through a triangular outline of their index fingers and thumbs. Immediately in front of the user a ring of flames will circle out vertically in all directions making a decorative look to this move. However, the violent part of the attack is straight forward, showing a huge blast of flames out in a straight path ranging anywhere in size from a diameter of one inch to the size of a “Great Breakthrough”. This intensely hot flame will shoot out obliterating almost anything in its path, literally burning its way through any solid object as it travels, hot enough to melt most metals, let along flesh and bone. Even of the opponent is able to dodge, it is likely that they will receive severe burns from just feeling the heat of this attack. The downside to this move is that it takes a lot longer to collect the needed chakra to perform this technique with. The smaller this technique is in diameter, the more piercing it becomes, and at the smallest size this technique can pierce through the opponent completely, potentially killing the target.

    Katon: Rekka no Jutsu [Fire Release: Raging Fire Technique]
    Rank: A
    Range: Close-Far Range (0-50m)
    Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu
    Elemental Affinity: Katon :: Fire
    Clan: -
    Description: After performing several hand-signs, the user will create a rapidly expanding flame at the user’s feet or hands that spreads out across the ground, burning away at anything caught within its range. Much of the same way as other techniques, the user is able to control the path and attack range of this technique, sending the full force of the attack out in a single small path, or even a full circular attack range around them. This intensely hot flame rapidly spreads, potentially becoming a self sustained fire upon a burnable surface such as the trees of a forest, capable of spreading out as a true forest fire after being unleashed. This is an extremely powerful fire technique that can cover a wide area of in ash and fire, creating a dangerous field on which to fight, along with a dangerous attack as it spread out. Reversely, since this technique has the potential to create a massive forest fire, this technique can be reversed, spreading chakra into an existing fire to reduce and diminish it safely.

    Katon: Makaihi no Jutsu [Fire Release: Hellfire Technique]
    Rank: A
    Range: Close-Far Range (0-20m)
    Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu
    Elemental Affinity: Katon :: Fire
    Clan: -
    Description: After performing several hand-signs and channeling Katon chakra into their palms, the user will create within their clenches hand, with open palms, burning fires that are then sent forwards with bursts of chakra from the user’s arms. The initial fires are not fully forgone after sending these fire bursts, meaning that this technique is meant more for creating rapid successions of fireballs that follow along different paths, shooting straight out from where the user’s palm had been direct for, usually aided in trajectory and power through throwing punch like motions. These fireballs appear slightly larger then the user’s hands, but can be made larger with the increase of chakra, though this decreases the time this technique is in effect for. The true chakra cost of this technique is not fully realized until the initial flames are extinguished, which is usually after around five minutes, so canceling the technique earlier then this conserves chakra. However, the true effectiveness of this technique is that these intensely hot fireballs shoot out per the user’s motion, allowing this one attack to be directed at multiple targets over time, or at multiple angles as the user responds to the changing field of battle. This technique can damage the user’s hands over an extended use.

    Gouryuuka no Jutsu - Great Dragon Fire Technique
    Rank: B
    Range: Close (0m ~ 5m), Mid (5m ~ 10m), Far (10m+)
    Type: Attack, Supplementary

    Katon • Gouryuuka no Jutsu is a Ninjutsu technique utilizing the Fire Element. After forming the needed hand seals, the ninja will expel dragon head fireballs at their opponent. These powerful fireballs can punch through concrete.
    Sai Hyuuga
    Sai Hyuuga

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    Sai Hyuuga [Konohagakure ANBU] Empty Re: Sai Hyuuga [Konohagakure ANBU]

    Post by Sai Hyuuga Wed Apr 29, 2009 6:16 pm

    The Great Mountain Hawks

    After investigating a corpse which he was ordered by his superiors in the forests of Fire country Sai discovered the Great Mountain Hawks of Raptor’s Peak, Helping them retrieve their stolen Summoning scroll and Quill he returned the items to them and was thus rewarded by being granted permission to sign their summoning contract. These hawks are Natural Fuuton users. Some of the elder Hawks are also known to use Raiton. Whatever Ninjutsu they may possess, even the smallest and youngest of hawks are renowned for their natural speed and agility as well as their keen eye sight and their razor sharp talons.

    The Great Mountain Hawks once roam the skies freely. It wasn’t uncommon sight to see one passing over head when near a mountain range. They dominated those regions, their rule unquestioned. In those ancient times, the Hawks were regarded as guardians and masters of the sky. Their great powers over wind and flight, their courage and nobility, their powerful and swift bodies and their acrobatic combat skills meant they were both revered and or feared and highly respected.

    Those old days are gone however. in the modern age the hawks are gone. retreated from those territories they once called their domain. They have withdrawn from the world. The reasons are many. their numbers grow smaller, as do the numbers of their prey, forcing them to gather together in a single place. Also Man takes more and more room, room which the Hawks willingly give to the young developing race. And perhaps quite simply their interest in the world has diminished, rather they seek new horizons and new truths to explore, things best done away from prying eyes.

    Whatever the reasons, Zagorta, The oldest, wisest and most powerful of the Hawks, lead his people into isolation in hopes that they would find their new path in life in peace. They have broken free from the world but not entirely forgotten it. On extremely rare occasions, and if ones eye sight is very good and possess great luck, one might see a great hawk flying high above in the sky. A select few are even luckier, they are given the privilege of being able to summon them, calling upon the great Hawks and their magnificent power to their side and service.

    These Hawks often have two forms. Unlike Normal Hawks the Great Mountain Hawks grow to incredible size as they age. They can however transform into more normal sized forms, and usually unless in difficult battle, will remain in their smaller forms when away from Raptor’s peak. Younger Hawks such as Yiga however only have one form and size, that of a normal Hawk.

    Taka Jutsu

    Takasakebi no Shingai
    Rank: C
    Range: Long 30M
    Type: Genjutsu/Hawk Art
    Elemental Affinity: -
    Clan: Hawks of Raptor’s peak summoning contract
    Description: A jutsu taught to him by his Mountain Hawks - this being one of their preferred Genjutsus for hunting. Sai will focus for a moment taking in a deep breath which, finally, she will release in a powerful resonating screech. This scream sounds exactly as a Hawk would, and can be heard from far away, Within 30 meters however this scream also acts as a Genjutsu, causing a sudden and powerful momentary panic in those that hear it. The fear is so powerful as to freeze an opponent in terror, though a victim of equal rank to Akemi could resist the paralyzing effects of this Jutsu, the terror will still be there, overwhelming them with an urge to flee or beg for mercy, whatever happens the result is always debilitating. The effects do not last very long, only as long as Sai can keep screeching. Usually for no more than 5 to 10 seconds, after which the Genjutsu ceases. This Jutsu is meant as a distraction move, creating an opening for attack or retreat.

    Hyakutakarasu no Jutsu - One Hundred Scattered Hawks technique
    Rank: B
    Range: 100 meters
    Type: Hawk Art
    Elemental Affinity: -
    Clan: Hawks of Raptor’s peak summoning contract
    Description: Hyakutakarasu is a summoning Technique developed by Sai Hyuuga with the Aid of her Summoning Hawks. preforming the Summoning Jutsu Sai will call forth 100 Hawks to appear within an area so as to flood it with activity. These Hawks will fly where directed by Sai, usually around a target, causing confusion with their constantly and rapidly moving forms and endless screeches. Sai or an ally could move within the flock almost undetected. With the target distracted by the Hawks, Sai can strike more easily and undetected till the last moment. Also the mass of crows can obscure any retreating ninja. When no longer needed, the Hawks will simply puff away in smoke, which by itself can also prove quite effective to cover ones movements.

    Taka Bunshin no Jutsu
    Rank: B
    Range: -
    Type: Hawk Art
    Elemental Affinity: -
    Clan: Hawks of Raptor’s peak summoning contract
    Description: This is a Jutsu taught to Sai by her summoned Hawks. Akemi, after forming 6 hand seals will create a Clone of himself composed of Hawks, The Sai clone can disperse into multiple Hawks at any time which still maintain her consciousness until they disperse, allowing the clone to speak and react while in crow form. This Clone can attack with Taijutsu equal to Sai's skill though can not use Jyuuken. It can not use any of Sai's Ninjutsu other than his Hawk Arts up to B rank. It does not possess the Byakugan though can pretend to do so, even taking the appearance of it happening, though it does have the full sight of a Hawk meaning extremely detailed and to a far range in some ways mimicking certain Byakugan abilities. A single blow is enough to cause the clone to disperse into dozens of Hawks not to return. Sai particularly likes using this type of clone as a distraction or to cover his own movements.

    Taka Ishuu
    Rank: B rank
    Range: -
    Type: Hawk Art
    Elemental Affinity: -
    Clan: Hawks of Raptor’s peak summoning contract
    Description: Forming a single focusing hand sign Sai can make herself disperse into a multitude of hawks, Usually numbering 20 or so. Able to reform at any time, he is still able to speak while in this multi Hawk form, speaking from each and every one of them. There are no real offensive capabilities in this form, and her health and Chakra are split evenly among the Hawks, meaning that for each Hawk destroyed she suffers injury and Chakra loss once reformed, As long as a Single Hawk remains he can reform, but his health will reflect the loss. If all Hawks are killed or destroyed than Sai will die also. Also Sai is aware of what each Hawk sees, hears, smells, experienced etc, allowing her to perceive event from multiple points of view. Usually this hawk swam must remain within a certain distance from each other, within one mile.


    Taka katachidzukuru
    Rank: A rank
    Range: -
    Type: Hawk Art
    Elemental Affinity: -
    Clan: Hawks of Raptor's peak summoning contract
    Description: This is an advanced transformation technique learned by Sai from his Hawks. More than simply Henge no Jutsu, this is a full and complete transformation, it will not be dispelled after a simple hit, rather he truly takes on the form of a hawk, and will need to perform the Jutsu again to transform back into Human form. Even the Byakugan would be hard pressed to realize his true nature while in Hawk form, the only evidence of which would be her white on white eyes, signature of the Hyuuga.

    He was taught how to transform into a full fledged Hawk as a reward after accomplishing a task given to him by the leader of the Hawks of Raptors peak, retrieving a lost air loom.
    The Transformation itself is quick and instantaneous; a small puff of smoke and it’s done. It requires no hand seals to perform, rather relying on the large tattoo Seal placed on most of his back.

    In his Hawk Form Sai takes on the appearance of a Red Tailed Hawk, with grayish near white feathers with darker grey highlights throughout his body except for the darker (near black) wings where the light grey becomes the high light and her red tail. In his Hawk form he measures 22 inches in length with and weighs about 2 pounds, he possesses a 46 inch wingspan.

    He has a cruising speed of about 40mph (65 kph) and can, in short bursts of level flight, achieve speeds approaching 70mph (110kph). His diving speed is a little over 120mph.

    Sai has become quite skilled at Aerial maneuvers and Physical Combat using this form, however this is more of a means of travel and infiltration, perfect for spying especially since Sai’s Byakugan remains with him in this form.


    Name: Yiga
    Rank: D
    Physical Description: Yiga is a young hawk of barely a 30 years of age. She has a wing span of over 4 feet. best suited for message deliveries, reconnaissance and spy missions. With Brown Feather along the back and wings, and light beige feathers along her belly she has red tinted tail feathers and beautiful full coat. (Yiga is the size of a real hawk, and possess all the strength, speed, abilities and limits of a real hawk)
    Physical info:
    Weight: 3 3/4 Pounds
    Length: 22 inches
    Wing Span: 52 inches (4 feet)
    Up to 40 Km/Hour. Diving speed of 120 Km/hour
    Type of Summon: Blood Donation
    Species: Hawk
    Elemental Affinity: Wind
    Jutsu List:

    Name: Cast of Hawks
    Rank: C
    Physical Description: Each of these Hawks can be considered to be relatively the same as Yiga, being of the same size, speed, strength, etc. Yiga herself leads this group and is summoned as part of it. Each Hawk can be considered to have a wing span of over 4 feet. Weighing around around 3 pounds and measuring 22 inches in length. They tend to have Brown Feather along the back and wings, and light beige feathers along her belly she has red tinted tail feathers and beautiful full coat. (These are the size of real hawks, and possess all the strength, speed, abilities and limits of a real hawk)
    Physical info:
    Weight: 3 3/4 Pounds
    Length: 22 inches
    Wing Span: 52 inches
    Up to 40 Km/Hour. Diving speed of 120 Km/hour
    Type of Summon: Blood Donation
    Species: Hawk
    Elemental Affinity: Wind
    Jutsu List:
    Sai Hyuuga
    Sai Hyuuga

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    Sai Hyuuga [Konohagakure ANBU] Empty Re: Sai Hyuuga [Konohagakure ANBU]

    Post by Sai Hyuuga Wed Apr 29, 2009 6:17 pm

    Name: Zotsu
    Rank: C
    Physical Description: Zotsu is a relatively Young Hawk, nearly 120 years old. Having darker Wings and Back feather’s than Yiga, Hers are a very dark Grey, Her belly, Legs and Tail feathers however are the same Beigish and red. Her eyes are a Dark Black and her beak extra Sharp. Being able to shift between the size of a Normal Hawk similar to Yiga and between a larger form easily three times her size, Zotsu is adorned with an ornate Metalic blue helm, Her Talons are razor sharp, able to rend stone or steel.

    [/i]Physical info: [/i]
    Smaller Form (Comparable to a Red Tailed Hawk)
    Weight: 4 Pounds
    Length: 24 inches
    Wing Span: 56 Inches
    speed: Up to 40 Km/Hour. Diving speed of 120 Km/hour

    Larger Form
    Length: 5 feet 6 inches
    Wing Span: 148 Inches (12�4�)
    Speed: Up to 65 Km/Hour. Diving speed of 190 Km/hour

    Type of Summon: Blood Donation
    Species: Hawk
    Elemental Affinity: Wind
    Jutsu List:

    Name: Hargot
    Rank: B
    Physical Description: Hargot is comparable in size to a Large Horse with a wing span of nearly 27 feet. His name is given to him not because of treason towards his own people, but rather because of the way he hunts and the way he battles. Large enough to be mounted, Akemi can use Hargot for transportation, but he is not the most likely to accept to act as ride for any one. Hargot, is quiet, withdrawn and rather mysterious. His wings and back are nearly pure black, while his eyes are of the purest blue.

    Physical info:

    Smaller Form (Comparable to a Red Tailed Hawk)
    Weight: 4 Pounds
    Length: 24 inches
    Wing Span: 56 Inches
    speed: Up to 40 Km/Hour. Diving speed of 120 Km/hour

    Large Form
    Length: 11 feet 1 inches
    Wingspan: 24 feet 6 inches
    Speed: Up to 85 Km/Hour. Diving speed of 320 Km/hour

    [/]Type of Summon:[/i] Blood Donation
    Species: Hawk
    Elemental Affinity: Fire
    Jutsu List:


    [/i]Name:[/i] Zandra
    [/i]Rank:[/i] B
    [/i]Physical Description:[/i]
    Zandra the Silver wing, A powerful Hawk Warrior, She has a wind span of nearly 24 feet in her large form. Her feathers are nearly entirely grey from head to tail, she also has a silver streak along her back. Zandra is adorned with a number of gems that distinguish her, most attached to her head feathers or shoulders. She could be best described as a daredevil and always seems to be in a good mood. Large enough to be mounted, Akemi can use Zandra for transportation.
    [/i]Physical info:[/i]

    Small Form (Comparable to a Ferruginous Hawk)
    Weight: 4 1/4 Pounds
    Length: 25 inches
    Wing Span: 58 Inches
    Speed: Up to 40 Km/Hour. Diving speed of 120 Km/hour

    Large Form
    Length: 12 feet 1 inches
    Wingspan: 27 feet 2 inche
    Speed: Up to 90 Km/Hour. Diving speed of 310 Km/hour

    Type of Summon: Blood Donation
    Species: Hawk
    Story: Just over 300 tears old, Zandra is one of the more experienced and most powerful Hawks among the Raptor's peak clan, Her Fuuton abilities are fearsome, whether from her wings or Scream. She is also able to spit out balls of fire. Her most unique ability and the ability from which she earned her name, is that using charka, she can turn her skin and feathers into a sort of silvery alloy substance, able to withstand nearly any direct physical or energy attack. Though while in this form her speed is greatly reduced as is her agility. She becomes immune to fire and lightning attacks, immune to bashing damage and her skin is near impenetrable.

    Elemental Affinity: Wind, Fire
    Jutsu List:


    Name: General Sofran The Bold
    Rank: A
    Physical Description: Soffran is a massive hawk, second only to his king in size and power. His wing span is nearly 40 feet wide. Completely silvery white from head to tail, He is truly unique among his clan and It doesn't matter whether he's in his large form or small one, he stands out even among the giant Hawks of Raptor's peak. With piercing deep blue eyes and exuding power and wisdom, he is truly an amazing sight to behold. Wise and extremely intelligent. He�s a diplomat and a teacher. If some one is willing to listen, then he will be more then happy to teach them. Perhaps his greatest skill is his tactical expertise, his strategic know how and imaginative planning.

    Physical info

    Small Form (Comparable to a Ferruginous Hawk)
    Weight: 4 1/4 Pounds
    Length: 25 inches
    Wing Span: 58 Inches

    Speed: Up to 40 Km/Hour. Diving speed of 120 Km/hour

    Large Form
    Length: 17 feet 11 inches
    Wingspan: 39 feet 7 inches
    Flight speed: Up to 150 Km/Hour. Diving speed of 470 Km/hour

    Type of Summon: Blood Donation
    Species: Hawk
    Story: He is the most powerful, fearsome, experience, and skilled hawk after the king. A tactical and military genius, He is a skilled leader and planner. His talon, have been know to tear fortress walls apart. ripping true steel and stole as it butter. His powerful winds have been witnessed calling forth a wind so powerful as to rip apart a castle tower, they can even creates winds to defend him, blocking or redirecting attacks away from him. His defining scream releasing powerful whirlwinds able to tear whole trees to little more then splinters. Able to use Raiton Sofran can release powerful bolts of lighting from his beak and even his eyes. he is able to charge his talons with electrical charge for extra damage. His thick hide is extremely resistant and durable, leaving few able to cut into it.

    Elemental Affinity: Wind, Lightning
    Jutsu List:
    Sai Hyuuga
    Sai Hyuuga

    Posts : 46
    Join date : 2009-04-24

    Sai Hyuuga [Konohagakure ANBU] Empty Sai Hyuuga [A, S-rank]

    Post by Sai Hyuuga Sat May 02, 2009 11:43 am

    Tenbatsu no Hazeru
    Rank: S rank
    Range: 100 Meters
    Type: Chakra control
    Elemental Affinity: -
    Clan: Hyuuga
    Description: This technique is Sai's one of the most destructive jutsu. Forming the Ram hand sign, Sai will begin focusing Chakra into his system. This process takes approximately 5 seconds, where the very air around him will seem to begin distorting. Finally, in a last act of willpower, Sai will release the collected Chakra in a single powerful burst of energy destroying everything in its path in a 100 meter radius. The very ground below him will be crushed and compressed by the force, creating a crater up to 30 feet deep. Everything within this 200 meter diameter will be reduced to little more than rubble and dust in the matter of a second, making the odds of escaping it extremely unlikely. Able to destroy a city block, this Jutsu utilized a full half of Sai’s full Chakra capacity, and greatly disrupts his Chakra network. For the first post after using this jutsu Sai will not be able to use his Chakra for any jutsu, the following post after, Sai will only be able to use up to A ranked jutsus. Meaning he has to be very careful how and when he uses this jutsu because he leaves himself open and vulnerable if his enemy survives.

    Chidori - Thousand Birds
    Rank: A
    Type: Lightning
    Range: Close
    Element: Raiton
    Description: Chidori (a.k.a. Raikiri) is a Ninjutsu technique developed by Hatake Kakashi utilizing the Lightning Element. Chidori allows Sai to cut through any foe. It was given the nickname Raikiri after it was said Kakashi used the technique to cut a lightning bolt in two. Chidori is used for assassination purposes. Activating the body to focus chakra to the hand, Sai’s hand becomes enveloped by an electrical force. This force is their chakra altered in nature to an electrical current. By altering the shape of the force, similar to an electrical discharge, they can decide the power and range of the attack. After concentrating all the chakra into the arm, Sai uses his quickness and the power of the thrust from the chakra to pierce any object with the extended forearm. Because their opponent can easily counter the attack, it requires a Sharingan or similar doujtsu user to make the technique worthwhile. The doujutsu will allow them to predict any moves their opponent decides to make and send their strike home into the target. Due to the high speed, the force emits a sound like a thousand birds chirping which gave the technique its name

    Chidori Nagashi - Thousand Birds Current
    Rank: A
    Type: Lightning
    Range: Medium
    Element: Raiton
    Description: Chidori Nagashi is a Ninjutsu technique developed by Uchiha Sasuke out of the original Chidori technique. Instead of merely focusing the electrical force to his body, Sai is able to extend it outside of his body and through objects which he is holding (ANBU sword). This allows him to create a protective zone around his person. This zone of electricity can shock and immobilize his foes, presumably by attacking their nervous system.

    Chidori Senbon - Thousand Birds Needles
    Rank: A
    Type: Lightning
    Range: Long
    Element: Raiton
    Description: Chidori Senbon is a Lightning Element technique developed by Uchiha Sasuke. Sai is able to shape the Lightning Element to form senbon. Though unstated, these needles probably takes on Chidori's characteristics, including it's ability to cut through most anything which stands in its path. A skilled Byakugan user can target tenketsus and strike them with this jutsu.

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    Age : 32
    Location : somewhere in Texas

    Sai Hyuuga [Konohagakure ANBU] Empty Re: Sai Hyuuga [Konohagakure ANBU]

    Post by L Sat May 02, 2009 3:33 pm

    Approved by L ^^
    Sai Hyuuga
    Sai Hyuuga

    Posts : 46
    Join date : 2009-04-24

    Sai Hyuuga [Konohagakure ANBU] Empty Re: Sai Hyuuga [Konohagakure ANBU]

    Post by Sai Hyuuga Mon May 11, 2009 9:51 am

    Name: King Zargo
    Rank: S
    Physical Description: Zargo is a massive hawk, he is the leader of the Great Mountain Hawks of Raptor Peak. His wing span is nearly 60 feet wide. He is completely covered in black feathers and has piercing bright yellow eyes. He inflicts terror and awe into his opponents just by looking at them. His talons emit a golden aura which is said to possess healing abilities.

    Physical info:

    Small Form (Comparable to a Ferruginous Hawk)
    Weight: 6 1/4 Pounds
    Length: 30 inches
    Wing Span: 70 inches
    Flight Speed: Up to 45 Km/Hour. Diving speed of 120 Km/hour

    Large Form
    Length: 25 feet 11 inches
    Wing span: 50 feet 7 inches
    Flight speed: Up to 150 Km/Hour. Diving speed of 470 Km/hour

    Type of Summon: Blood Donation
    Species: Hawk
    Story: He is the most powerful and wisest of all the hawks. Unlike other hawks his specialty isn’t in destructive techniques but in Genjutsu. He hates destruction and pain, King Zargo resolves conflicts with his powerful Genjutsu techniques which are known to be one of the most powerful in the world. Although he does not like destruction he still possesses wind element and the basic Hawk Jutsu. His piercing stare is powerful enough to inflict shock and fear into his opponents even without the help of genjutsu. One of his notable jutsu is the Healing Talons of Gold. He emits a golden aura from them, healing everything it touches.

    Elemental Affinity: Wind

    Jutsu List:

    Sai Hyuuga
    Sai Hyuuga

    Posts : 46
    Join date : 2009-04-24

    Sai Hyuuga [Konohagakure ANBU] Empty Re: Sai Hyuuga [Konohagakure ANBU]

    Post by Sai Hyuuga Mon May 11, 2009 10:52 am

    Strength C (115 – 4 = 111 points left) [Taijutsu specialty 1/2]
    Speed S (111 – 30 = 81 points left) [S rank shinobi 1/4]
    Endurance C (81 – 6 = 75points left)
    Intelligence: 5 (75 – 16 = 59 points left)
    Ninjutsu: S (59 – 29 = 30 points left) [S rank shinobi 1/4, Ninjutsu specialty 1/4]
    Genjutsu: C (30 – 8 = 22 points left) [ 1/4 Intelligence level at least level 4]
    Kenjutsu: E (22 - 2 = 20 points left) [ 1/ 4 Intelligence level at least level 4]
    Summoning: S (20 – 20 = 0 points left) [Intelligence level at least level 4, Summoning specialty, S rank Shinobi]

    Last edited by Sai Hyuuga on Mon May 11, 2009 2:46 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Posts : 104
    Join date : 2009-03-29

    Sai Hyuuga [Konohagakure ANBU] Empty Re: Sai Hyuuga [Konohagakure ANBU]

    Post by Admin Mon May 11, 2009 2:20 pm

    Strength B (115 – 7 = 108 points left) [Taijutsu specialty 1/2]
    Speed S (108 – 30 = 78 points left) [S rank shinobi 1/4]
    Endurance C (78 – 6 = 72 points left)
    Intelligence: 5 (72 – 16 = 56 points left)
    Ninjutsu: S (56 – 29 = 27 points left) [S rank shinobi 1/4, Ninjutsu specialty 1/4]
    Genjutsu: C (27 – 8 = 19 points left) [Intelligence level at least level 4]

    Summoning: S (19 – 18 = 1 point left) [Intelligence level at least level 4] Summoning specialty, S rank Shinobi]
    This would be 20 points, Intelligence does not effect Summoning

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