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    Shikashi Nara :: Akatsuki's Shadow

    ~Shadow Sama~
    ~Shadow Sama~

    Posts : 27
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    Age : 31
    Location : Louisville, Kentucky

    Shikashi Nara :: Akatsuki's Shadow Empty Shikashi Nara :: Akatsuki's Shadow

    Post by ~Shadow Sama~ Tue Apr 28, 2009 12:47 am

    Name: Shikashi Nara

    Nicknames: Shadow Stealer

    Age: 29

    Gender: Male

    Village: Konoha (Current Akatsuki member)

    Land Of Birth: Konoha

    Ninja Rank:
    Akatsuki (A Rank missing ninja)

    Looks: Shikashi Nara :: Akatsuki's Shadow 113784062145e075e00b5c3

    Fighting Styles: Tactical (Think Nara)

    Personality: Shikashi is a very calm, relaxed person, despite his more vicious rank. Upon metting him, you would think he is just another shinobi, quite a normal guy at first glance. Shikashi is one of the only missing ninja to be able to step foot in a village without causing disruption, this is because he knows how to keep a cool head and a good cover. As most Nara's Shikashi is known to be extreamly lazy, not bothering to lift a finger unless absoutley needed. This can make others, especially other akatsuki members, very angry. He takes nothing serious, thinking more about the clouds then at a task at hand.

    When fighting Shikashi is a very tactical person, thinking three or four moves ahead before his first move even plays out. He thinks of it like a simple game of Chess, and of course the smarter person will always come out on top. Being a Nara, Shikashi commonly works with shadows when fighting. He also takes advantage of his enviorment, maksing sure the fight takes place where he wants, not where he is at a disadvantage. He is one of the most skilled Nara you will ever find, and he knows it, but he doesn't let that stop him from showing absoutly no skill out of battle.

    Unlike just about all other missing ninja, Shikashi holds no grudges against his village or the people in it, he simply grew tired of the lifestyle. Though he is wanted for leaving Konoha, he has not ever had any plans what so ever to 'exact revenge on the unsuspecting village', simply because he finds it way to cleshay. The only real reason he went into the akatsuki was because being a simple missing ninja was not his style.

    Weapons: (Anything simple like kunai, scrolls, puppets, etc..)

    Basic Kunai (x10)
    Shurikan (x10)
    Senbon (x20)
    Large Umbrella (x1)

    (That is only for if you have any special kind of weapons)

    Special Characteristics: Control over shadows (NARA)

    Main: Wind
    Sub: Water

    Skills/Specialties (Puppeteer , Weaponary , Ninjutsu , Genjutsu , Kinjutsu , Fuuinjutsu , Taijutsu , Doujutsu , Summoning)
    Main- Ninjutsu
    Sub- Genjutsu
    Sub- Summoning

    Last edited by ~Stolen Shadow~ on Tue Apr 28, 2009 12:51 am; edited 1 time in total
    ~Shadow Sama~
    ~Shadow Sama~

    Posts : 27
    Join date : 2009-04-27
    Age : 31
    Location : Louisville, Kentucky

    Shikashi Nara :: Akatsuki's Shadow Empty Re: Shikashi Nara :: Akatsuki's Shadow

    Post by ~Shadow Sama~ Tue Apr 28, 2009 12:47 am

    History/Background Story:


    Shikashi never really had high expectations, you know besides the kind every parent has for their child. His parents just wanted him to grow up as normal as possible, get a good job, settle down with a nice girl, and have children of his own. That was it. Allowing their only son to become a shinobi was something they had never planned on doing, they both knew the danger despite not being shinobi themselves they knew good and well the risk you put yourself in. How did they know this you may ask? Well both of Shikashi's parents had a sibling die while on a mission, of course this is not first had experience but experience none the less. They would be dammed if they were going to put their son in harms way, but I guess things don't quite work out like you plan sometimes right?

    Shikashi had quite a normal life growing up, and by normal I mean normal. His father held a good job while his mother stayed home with him for his childhood years, Shikashi never really grew up with stories or anything of the shinobi lifestyle, he was just taught things any normal toddler would be taught. He learned to walk around the age of three, pretty standard for most children. His parents were pretty protective, they had protected him since birth. As an only child, he grew up with his mother more then anything else, it was when she told him a story of her brother dying for Kiri the seed of wanting to be a shinobi was planted into his brain. Sure, it was unintentional, but it intrigued a young Shikashi. The thought that of being anything like the uncle he would never get to meet just gave him chills, good chills though.

    For the next few years Shikashi's life was pretty much the same, he had made friends with some older cousins when he was around five. One of those cousins by the name of Sora just happened to have finished his terms at the ninja academy and was the rank of genin. Shikashi had asked his friend a lot of questions about being a shinobi, most of which could not be answered since Sora had just become genin only months prior. Sora had described what the academy was like to Shikashi, and of course this just made him want to go even more. Since his knowledge of the shinobi world was lacking at that point, he had asked Sora to explain anything he could with as much detail as possible.

    His cousin became closer to him, they were pretty much best friends (At least with Shikashi's young mind they were.) Sora had showed his young cousin a few jutsus that he had learned while in the academy, Shikashi tried to match his cousin but could not. Around the age of seven he asked his mother if he could enroll in the Konoha Ninja Academy, he had some backup from Sora as well. It took some convincing, but after a while of debating she finally gave in and allowed her son to become a shinobi. Sora had promised to help Shikashi in any way possible, and that offer was going to be taken up sooner or later. It was a few months before the new semester for the academy started up, Shikashi's father signed him up for it as soon as possible, not for his own happiness but just for the happiness of his son.



    The academy was like a brand new start for Shikashi. He had many kids around him the same age as him, so that allowed him to make a lot more friends then he ever could before. But besides the people, Shikashi loved learning new things about the village and the way of this shinobi altogether.

    Shikashi really paid attention in class, not because he was forced, but because he actually wanted to hear what the instructor was saying. He really enjoyed hearing about the history of the leaf village, mainly the history of the Kages. He had seen the pictures of all the Hokages, but then again who hasn't? But he had never really known the true story behind any of them, now he was getting the chance to learn. Though he paid attention, he always played the slacker card. He made it look as if he was sleeping every day, though he was not,

    He did really well in the academic part of the academy, mainly because he loved to hear about anything and everything. Having no prior knowledge of pretty much any subject, he made sure to take in as much information as he possibly could. He had made some really good friends, his best friend without a doubt would be a young boy by the name of Shoda. They shared a lot of the same interests, and they had a good chance to go through the academy together. Shoda slowly became a greater friend then Shikashi could ever imagine. Shoda shared the same interest in the shinobi world as Shikashi, and it ticked him off to see people who could care less where they were. Shikashi was pretty much the same, but Shoda was a true hot head, where Roxas could keep his cool.

    Shikashi was extremely good in academics, but that was only one part of the academy. At some point you were going to have to learn how to be a ninja. Once again he had paid very close attention when a teacher was showing a jutsu, thoughts of Sora showing him jutsus years ago would always come to his mind. The first real jutsu Shikashi had learned was The Clone Technique, which he used on a daily basis from then on. He had a talent for ninjutsu, though he was not strong with anything else that was being taught. He was rough around the edges to say the least, always ending up losing in any straight taijutsu fight. Over time he had progressed with taijutsu, with the help of Shoda who was best with taijutsu. He quickly picked up the basic academy jutsus, he had also won a few practice spars with other students.

    After a few years of hard training, and harder studying, the day Shikashi had been looking forward to had finally come. It was the day those who were deemed well enough were moved up to the next level. All the instructors looked at graders the students had made on basic shinobi knowledge, and then the progresses with jutsus learned were also taken into consideration. After a long wait, the names of those who had made genin were announced. The wait was really hard on Shikashi, but it didn't seem to faze his friend Shoda. After a long wait his name was finally called, all his hard work had paid off and he was moving up to the next level. When he received his forehead protector, he fashioned it around his arm like a band. He got this from his cousin Sora, who wore his the same way.

    Shikashi was finally on his way, his name would be in the books for students to read years from now, he would never let that dream die.


    As a genin, Roxas, along with Shoda and a young girl were placed into a team with a jounin sensei. They went on small D rank missions, with the exception of a couple C rank missions. Shikashi let his lazy nature show even more as a genin, always slacking off during missions causing his sensei to yell at him. One of the highlights would have to be when the Kazekage came to Konoha for a visit, Shikashi was busy sleeping the day away under a large oak tree. His sensei was angry to say the least.

    The big moment in every genin's life is of course the chuunin exams. Though for Shikashi they were very uneventful. It was a basic test of survival, each team had to find their way through a simple forest and to a giant tower in the center. Shikashi preferred to sleep during this test in question, allowing Shoda to wake him whenever they decided to travel on.

    The next test was a simple tournament, in which Shikashi had to fight a mist ninja. With a quick shadow bind the match was over, Shikashi forcing his opponent to surrender. Needless to say Shikashi made it far, but lost in the quarter finals to none other then his friend Shoda, who went on to win the tournament after that.

    A month or so after the exams, Shikashi got word that he and the rest of his squad made chuunin. He was less the excited to hear the news, frankly he was growing tired of the whole 'ninja' thing. He received his vest, slowly moving up the ladder of the shinobi.



    As a chuunin, Shikashi had many responsibilities. He taught at the academy for s good amount of time, becoming the head genjutsus teacher over time. He found this to be exactly what he needed, an easy job where he could just kick back and watch other people do work. He took interest in one child, a young Nara, who reminded him of himself. He taught the young boy the shadow possession jutsu, or at least helped him perfect it.

    As time went on, Shikashi was getting bored of his day to day life. He had been suggested for advancement to jounin, by case he would be monitored on a mission and then decided weather or not he was worthy. Shikashi already knew he would advance, the Hokage had always said 'I see special things in your future' ever since he was a young boy.

    Shikashi was correct, after the mission he was congratulated and moved up to the next level jounin...



    Shikashi was advanced to jounin, and given a squad of his own to teach. He remembered the kid he taught at the academy, and to his luck he was given the young Nara. Upon meeting his squad, Shikashi immediately laid down to ground rules.

    'Never wake me when I am napping'

    And so it is written, so it shall be. Shikashi was an overall good sensei, he taught his students everything they needed to know to be a shinobi and move up to the next level, he even lead two of his three to pass the chuunin exams. He was thought to be one of the best jounin in the village at the time, but he really didn't care. The life of a ninja was growing tiresome to him, at times he wished he could just abandon all his responsibilities and just watch the clouds. Which is exactly what he did.

    He had the idea in his head to just get up and leave the village all together, never look back and just go. He didn't really know what he was going to do once he was gone, but Shikashi though he would just live in the moment for a while. He knew it wasn't a good idea, but he didn't have any better ones. So one day, he simply walked out of the village. No one ever stopped a jounin, they simply though he was off on a mission or something.


    Missing Ninja - Present

    As a missing ninja Shikashi didn't do much. He simply slept under the stars and moved day to day. He was more of a wanderer, not meaning anyone any real harm, but he was still classified as a missing ninja. This meant that leaf shinobi would be looking for him at some point in time, and of course he couldn't have himself being killed while he was simply napping under a tree. This is where his next rash decision came into play.

    He had heard of a secret organization being built from the ground up called 'The Akatsuki' in which many criminals went in search for the Bijuu. Shikashi knew this would probally be his only option at this point, so he went in search for them. He was finally pointed in the correct direction when a cloaked figure confronted him, pointing out that he had been in search for the group called 'The Akatsuki'. Shikashi asked what he had to do to become a member, and with that he was taken away into the night. Now a member of the feared organization known as....


    Roleplay Sample:(Taken from a roleplay with my character 'Roxas Ryokou')

    Roxas was in a silent state of mind, nothing much going on. His state of mind was broken when an unfamiliar voice went through his ear. Roxas looked up at the boy standing before him, he offered a small smile to the boy he guessed was a genin, though he looked slightly older then Roxas himself. The first thing he noticed about the boy was his purple hair, it was a little unusual, but then again he had seen a lot weirder. Roxas offered him a smile and a greeting.

    "Sure, it is quite hot out here isn't it." Roxas smile and scooted over slightly so the boy could have some extra room. Leave it to Roxas to be polite in the village hidden in the mist. The glare from the boy's forehead protector blinded Roxas for a brief moment, and in a response and grabbed his own and moved it slightly since it was hidden before hand.

    Roxas soon realized he hadn't properly introduced himself, which he was about to change. "I'm Ryokou Roxas, its a pleasure to meet you Hyaku." Roxas gave a friendly smile to a fellow genin, it was nice to get to meet someone for a change.

    A third genin would also make his way to them, the next one was dressed in all black. Roxas pondered it for a moment. He must be quite hot quite all that black on a day like this. He offered a smile to the boy who addressed himself as Gale. "Hello Gale, my names Roxas." He gave him another smile, glad to meet some genin in Kiri.
    ~Shadow Sama~
    ~Shadow Sama~

    Posts : 27
    Join date : 2009-04-27
    Age : 31
    Location : Louisville, Kentucky

    Shikashi Nara :: Akatsuki's Shadow Empty Re: Shikashi Nara :: Akatsuki's Shadow

    Post by ~Shadow Sama~ Tue Apr 28, 2009 12:48 am


    Clan Name- Nara

    Kekkei Genkai- -Shadow Control-
    This clan from Konoha Village is known for its ability to manipulate their shadow. Utilizing this ability the clan member can attach their shadow to the shadow of another individual, and then take control of the user. Resulting in the affected person replicating or "shadowing" the exact movements in mirror form of the clan member. Though it is not limited to just that, some members have modified the basic shadow manipulation jutsu and turned it offensive or defensive.

    Symbol- Shikashi Nara :: Akatsuki's Shadow Naraclan

    Clan History- The Nara Clan is known for their manipulation of shadows and tending of deer, which graze in a large area of Nara clan forest. They have kept a book with medicine preparations and effects for generations which imply they are skilled in the area of medicine. Among the medicine described in this book are the secret pills used by the Akimichi clan. The men from this family are very lazy, tend to be attracted to overbearing women, and are apparently geniuses.

    The Nara clan seems to have a special relationship with the Akimichi clan and Yamanaka clan. For at least two generations, members of these three families have formed an "Ino-Shika-Cho trio," named after the first part of the names of the members. The Nara members are the Shika in the trio. "Ino," "Shika" and "Cho" are the names of three cards needed for a highly prized trick of "Inoshikacho" in the Hanafuda.


    Name: Yin
    Rank: A
    Size: Extreamy large
    Personality: Yin is a very loving, caring bird. Her soul is gental, stated to be pure by Shikashi. Her voice is very sweet, often giving helpful advice to Shikashi in dier times. She is contrasted by Yang, Shikashi's second summoning.
    Gender: Female
    Duration: 20
    Jutsu: N/A

    Name: Yin
    Rank: A
    Size: Extreamy large
    Looks:Shikashi Nara :: Akatsuki's Shadow Snow_phoenix_by_cantonbags04
    Personality: Yin is a very loving, caring bird. Her soul is gental, stated to be pure by Shikashi. Her voice is very sweet, often giving helpful advice to Shikashi in dier times. She is contrasted by Yang, Shikashi's second summoning.
    Gender: Female
    Duration: 15
    Jutsu: N/A

    Name: Yang
    Rank: A
    Size: Extreamy large
    Looks: *Think Yin, only black*
    Personality: Yang is the exact opposite of his counter part Yin. He is a hateful being, insulting anyone who he pleases. He resembles a crow in many ways, not just looks but also in the way he speaks. His voice is like nails on a chalk board, screeching through anyones ears. Shikashi commonly tells Yang to 'Shut up" when he has both summons out.
    Gender: Male
    Duration: 15
    Jutsu: N/A

    (You must have the name & rank of summoning)



    Name: Magen: Narakumi no Jutsu (Demonic Illusion: Hell Viewing Technique)
    Rank: D
    This jutsu causes the target to see a horrifying vision. First, an imaginary circle of leaves will spin around and envelop the target, falling away shortly after. After a short period, the illusion will begin. This is to make the illusion more convincing, since the user will likely have moved before the illusion sets in.

    Name: Kasumi Jusha no Jutsu (Mist Servant Technique)
    Rank: D
    Description:This jutsu creates clones that phase in and out of the ground as if they were made of a blackish, oil-like liquid. When attacked, the clones regenerate themselves. The clones can be controlled to make it seem as if they're throwing kunai. The user can then time their attacks with those of the clones.

    Name: Magen: Kokoni Arazu no Jutsu (Demonic Illusion: False Surroundings Technique)
    Rank: C
    This jutsu changes the appearance of a nearby object or area.

    Name: Kori Shinchu no Jutsu (Sly Mind Affect Technique)
    Rank: C
    This jutsu causes the enemy to walk around in circles for hours by making it seem as if they're walking straight to their desired destination. The enemy eventually becomes exhausted after traveling the same path over and over.

    Name: Magen: Jigoku Koka no Jutsu (Demonic Illusion: Descending Hell Technique)
    Rank: B
    This jutsu causes creates the illusion of a tremendous ball of fire in the sky, which then crashes onto a designated area. Anyone in the area will instinctively flee.

    Name: Magen: Niju Kokoni Arazu no Jutsu (Demonic Illusion: Double False Surroundings Technique)
    Rank: B
    This jutsu places another illusion on top of a previous illusion created by the user. If and when the target dispels the first illusion, they will not realize that a second is in place.

    Name: Magen: Jubaku Satsu (Demonic Illusion: Tree Bind Death)
    Rank: B
    With this jutsu, the user can make themselves disappear, allowing them to approach their target unnoticed. Once completed, a tree and roots will grow at the target's feet and restrict their movements. Once the opponent believes that they are captured, the user can then appear above their opponent from the tree's trunk and kill the target. In the Kurama clan filler arc of the anime, this jutsu seems to be quite versatile, with a wide range of variations on the standard nature theme. In addition to the disappearing and tree-growing effects of the jutsu, the user can produce flowers, seedpods, vines and multiple trees.

    Name: Kokuangyo no Jutsu (Bringer-of-Darkness Technique)
    Rank: A
    This jutsu makes the target think that they are surrounded by total darkness, allowing the user to attack unseen. In the anime, the Second Hokage was the one to initiate this technique. In the manga, it was the First Hokage.

    Name: Shikumi no Jutsu (Death Forseeing Technique)
    Rank: A
    This jutsu is much like the Temporary Paralysis Technique, but paralyzes the foe by showing them a vision of their own gruesome death. In addition to the paralysis, the enemy is overwhelmed with fear, and will no doubt suffer severe mental stress.

    Name: Nehan Shoja no Jutsu (Temple of Nirvana Technique)
    Rank: A
    This jutsu causes everyone within a specific area to fall into a deep sleep. From the target's point of view, it seems as if feathers are falling from the sky, which serves as a distraction to allow the jutsu to take effect. The downside, however, is that it takes a fair amount of time to take effect, and any experienced ninja has more than enough time to dispel it.

    Name: Pleasing Visions
    Rank: A
    Using this jutsu, Shikashi can make an enemy believe he or she is an a happy place. For example, a field of flowers. While in the jutsus the person chakra begins to slowly drain away, they will also be obvlious to pain while in it. Meaning the longer they are in it, the better chance of death.
    ~Shadow Sama~
    ~Shadow Sama~

    Posts : 27
    Join date : 2009-04-27
    Age : 31
    Location : Louisville, Kentucky

    Shikashi Nara :: Akatsuki's Shadow Empty Re: Shikashi Nara :: Akatsuki's Shadow

    Post by ~Shadow Sama~ Tue Apr 28, 2009 12:49 am


    Name: Kawarimi no Jutsu (Body Replacement Technique)
    Rank: E
    This jutsu lets the user quickly switch places with another nearby object, such as a plant (normally a section of a log), an animal, or even another person within reach, leaving the opponent open to a counter-attack. Explosive tags can be attached to the replacement for an added surprise, which Sasuke has done twice in the anime. Fundamentally, all ninja know this technique.
    The anime has a number of other objects being used for this jutsu, such as a boulder, mud, a scarecrow, and even a large rolled-up carpet. These items are usually nowhere in sight, suggesting that they are merely gags meant to lighten up the situation and not an actual part of the jutsu. Additionally, the normal practice of switching places with a section of log is done in several places that have no such thing anywhere nearby.
    This technique is sometimes referred to as the Art of Projection ("Utsusemi no Jutsu") in other manga and anime series.

    Name: Kakuremino no Jutsu (Cloak of Invisibility Technique)
    Rank: E
    This jutsu allows a ninja to take a cloak or a piece of cloth and blend into an object, making them invisible. Konohamaru uses this technique constantly in the beginning of the Naruto series to try and fool Naruto Uzumaki, but uses poor disguises (square rocks with eyeholes, cloaks that are incorrectly patterned or the wrong way round, or simply not covering himself completely), thus betraying the illusion. In the anime, Naruto has been somewhat practical at using this jutsu a couple of times.

    Name: Bunshin no Jutsu (Clone Technique)
    Rank: E
    This technique creates intangible clones of the user. The clones are simply illusions and will dissipate when they come into contact with something. The illusions can be seen through by the Byakugan and the Sharingan. A person with normal eyes can also distinguish the clones from the original, since the clones will not disrupt the area around themselves with their movement (won't kick up dust, crush grass, etc.).

    Name: Jibaku Fuda: Kassei (Exploding Tag: Activate)
    Rank: E
    Utilizing chakra, the user is able to activate the explosion mechanism of a distant bomb tag. The exploding tags that the Third Hokage used were different than the usual bomb tags, being yellow in color instead of white with a red border.

    Name: Nawanuke no Jutsu (Rope Escape Technique)
    Rank: E
    A basic jutsu taught at the Konoha Ninja Academy, this jutsu allows a ninja to free themselves if they have been tied up.

    Name: Henge no Jutsu (Transformation Technique)
    Rank: E
    This jutsu allows the user to assume the appearance of another person, animal, or object. This is one of the basic jutsu taught at the Konoha Ninja Academy. Fundamentally, all ninja know this jutsu.

    Name: Shunshin no Jutsu (Body Flicker Technique)

    Rank: D
    This jutsu is a high-speed movement technique, allowing a ninja to move short distances at an almost untraceable speed. To an observer, it appears as if the user has teleported. A puff of smoke is occasionally used to disguise the user's movements. It is accomplished by using chakra to temporarily boost the user's reflexes. The amount of chakra required depends on the overall distance between the user and their intended destination. Shisui Uchiha, one of the most talented Uchiha, was feared as "Shisui of the Body Flicker" ("Shunshin no Shisui"), likely referring to this technique.
    The Body Flicker technique has various variations among the different hidden villages, all of which involve some extra element aside from the movement itself. The extra element is usually some sort of substance used to distract the opponent, such as leaves or sand. Gaara, for instance, uses the "Sand Body Flicker" (Suna-Shunshin), which uses sand to cover his movements. Other varieties include the "Mist Body Flicker" (Kiri-Shunshin), "Water Body Flicker" (Mizu-Shunshin), and "Leaf Body Flicker" (Konoha-Shunshin).

    Name: Oboro Bunshin no Jutsu (Haze Clone Technique)
    Rank: D
    This jutsu is similar to the Clone Technique, but produces clones that don't disappear when struck, making it much harder to effectively locate the user.

    Name: Kanashibari no Jutsu (Temporary Paralysis Technique)
    Rank: D
    This jutsu paralyzes an opponent, leaving them open for attack. This is considered a signature jutsu of all ANBU members. Tsunade used this technique in the anime against the Legendary Stupid Brothers, Fujin and Raijin.

    Name: Shin-dashin no Jutsu (New Approaching Technique)
    Rank: D
    This jutsu envelops a target in a puff of smoke and drags them to the user's location. When Ino used it on Naruto Uzumaki, she only dragged him a few feet.

    Name: Utsusemi no Jutsu (Projection Technique)
    Rank: C
    Using this jutsu, the user can project their voice from various points in a specific area in a manner similar to ventriloquism. The user does not need to speak to transmit the sound, so tracking them by sound is impossible. Those in the area where the voice is being projected at will hear a resonating echo, as well as a more ominous undertone.
    Projection Technique is only known as a jutsu in the Naruto anime. It was first used in the Naruto manga by Zabuza Momochi and Orochimaru with no name. In addition, this technique has never been given an entry name in the databooks, which more than likely means it is more of a skill than a jutsu, much like walking up walls or walking on water using chakra.

    Name: Joro Senbon (Sprinkling Needles)
    Type: Offensive
    Range: Mid 5-10m
    Rank: C
    After tossing a needle-filled umbrella into the air, this jutsu can be used to fire a barrage of hundreds of needles from sockets in the umbrella. The needles come at the enemy at Mach speed and can surround them from all directions. Chakra is utilized to control and increase the accuracy of every needle, making them impossible to dodge or evade. In the manga, it's said that the needles are capable of piercing through five millimeters of steel, yet they are not powerful enough to get past Gaara's Shield of Sand.

    NARA SPIN: When using this jutsu, if a target is lucky enough to stay alive, any needel that struck their shadow will hold them in place for 5 seconds each. Meaning 12 needels hit your shadow, you are frozen for one minute.

    Name: Shikon no Jutsu (Dead Soul Technique)
    Type: Supplementary
    Range: Short to Mid 0-10m
    Rank: B
    Using this jutsu, a person can temporarily reanimate a corpse, creating the illusion of a living person. This is achieved by causing the heart to beat once more, allowing the user to control the corpse. The reanimated corpse can serve as either a short-time ally or an effective decoy.

    Name: Kage Bunshin no Jutsu (Shadow Clone Technique)
    Type: Supplementary
    Range: Short 0-5m
    Rank: A
    Similar to the Clone Technique, this jutsu creates clones of the user. Unlike the Clone Technique, these clones are actual copies, not illusions. The user's chakra is evenly distributed among every clone, giving each clone an equal fraction of the user's overall power. The clones are capable of performing jutsu on their own and can even bleed, but will usually disperse after one or two solid blows. Unlike other clones, they can't be detected by the Byakugan because the clones have the exact same amount of chakra and aren't made from any other substance, making them indistinguishable from the actual person. Sasuke Uchiha claims that the Sharingan can tell the difference during his battle with Naruto at the Valley of the End.

    Name: Jigyaku no Jutsu (Time Reversal Technique)
    Type: Supplementary
    Range: Short 0-5m
    Rank: A
    This technique puts the target in a state of reverse hypnosis, allowing them to remember details that they otherwise would not. The target will comply with interrogation, but seems to retain his or her personality while under hypnosis. For example, when the ANBU used this technique to bring back Naruto's memories about his conversations with Gennou, Naruto was more specific about the ramen he shared with the old man rather than their conversations, which the ANBU were asking about.

    Name: Jutsu Sho (Technique Neutralize)
    Type: Supplementary
    Range: Short to Mid 0-10m
    Rank: A
    This jutsu cancels or impedes the occurring of the opponent's technique. It uses the same amount of chakra as the jutsu it intends to cancel.


    Name: Zankuha (Decapitating Air Wave)
    Rank: D
    Using chakra to control air waves, Shikashi can create a blast of air strong enough to break stone.

    Name: Futon: Daitoppa (Wind Release: Great Breakthrough)
    Rank: C
    This jutsu sends out a powerful explosion of wind from the user's location, easily leveling anything in its path. A variation of this technique involves a smaller blast of wind that gets ignited with flame, making it stronger and more damaging to the target.

    Name: Zankukyokuha (Extreme Decapitating Air Waves)
    Rank: C
    A more powerful version of the Decapitating Air Wave, the user creates a massive gust of cutting wind capable of totaling the surrounding area, wiping out anything in its path.

    Name: Kaze no Yaiba (Blade of Wind)
    Rank: A
    This jutsu creates a blade of wind. This blade is impossible to block because of its intangible nature. Unlike the Cutting Whirlwind Technique, this jutsu requires no tool. Baki uses it to kill Hayate Gekko.

    Last edited by ~Stolen Shadow~ on Tue Apr 28, 2009 12:51 am; edited 1 time in total
    ~Shadow Sama~
    ~Shadow Sama~

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    Join date : 2009-04-27
    Age : 31
    Location : Louisville, Kentucky

    Shikashi Nara :: Akatsuki's Shadow Empty Re: Shikashi Nara :: Akatsuki's Shadow

    Post by ~Shadow Sama~ Tue Apr 28, 2009 12:50 am


    Name: Kirigakure no Jutsu (Hiding Mist Technique)
    Rank: D
    This jutsu envelops the surrounding area in a dense mist, reducing visibility within the affected area. The density can be controlled by the user, allowing them to create a mist so thick that even they can't see through it.

    Name: Suiton: Teppodama (Water Release: Gunshot)
    Rank: C
    Shikashi fires a ball of compressed water from his mouth.

    Name: Suiton: Mizuame Nabara (Water Release: Syrup Capture Field)
    Rank: C
    Using this jutsu, the user can spit a stream of extremely sticky syrup that covers the ground and holds opponents in place. Any ninja capable of walking on water can avoid being stuck in the syrup, but need to do so before being caught.

    Name: Mizu Bunshin no Jutsu (Water Clone Technique)
    Rank: C
    This jutsu creates one or more identical copies of the user out of water. Like the Shadow Clone Technique, these clones are capable of attacking and using jutsu, but they are easier to defeat because they are only one-tenth of the user's power. Additionally, they can only be controlled within a certain distance of the user.

    Name: Suiro no Jutsu (Water Prison Technique)
    Rank: C
    This jutsu is used to trap a victim inside a virtually inescapable sphere of water. The only downside to this technique is that the user must keep at least one arm inside the sphere at all times in order for the victim to remain imprisoned. Clones can be used in place of the actual person, provided that the clone is the one that performed the technique. This jutsu can't be performed without a sufficiently large body of water to supply the water for it. Neji Hyuga has been able to use his ability to release chakra from all of his pressure points to disrupt the flow of chakra inside the prison and break free. Despite the fact that the prison is made up entirely out of water, and the target is unable to move while within it, the target is still able to breathe.

    Name: Suiton: Suiryudan no Jutsu (Water Release: Water Dragon Blast Technique)
    Rank: B
    Using this jutsu, the user creates a huge current of water in the form of a serpentine dragon and directs it towards a target. The water used to create the dragon must be present to perform the technique. This technique requires 54 hand seals to perform, more than five times that of almost every other jutsu in the series.

    Name: Suiton: Suikodan no Jutsu (Water Release:Water Shark Missile Technique)
    Rank: B
    This jutsu utilizes water to attack the enemy with a powerful water burst in the form of a shark.

    Name: Suiton: Suishoha (Water Release: Water Shockwave)
    Description: B
    Using this jutsu, the user can spit out a large body of water and control it to attack their opponent.

    Name: Suiton: Daibakufu no Jutsu (Water Release: Great Waterfall Technique)
    Rank: A
    This jutsu is used to fire a massive spiraling blast of water at an opponent. This technique was going to be employed by Zabuza against Kakashi, but Kakashi used his Sharingan to copy it and use it against Zabuza before he could complete it himself. A water source is not required to perform this jutsu.

    Name: Suiton: Suigadan (Water Release: Water Fang Bullet)
    Rank: A
    This jutsu creates a circle of crushing water spikes around the opponent.

    Name: Suiton: Goshokuzame (Water Release: Five Eating Sharks)
    Rank: A
    This jutsu is used when an opponent is knocked into water. From the water, five sharks are created and used to attack the opponent.

    SHADOW (Nara clan jutsus)

    Name: Kagemane no Jutsu (Shadow Imitation Technique)
    Rank: -
    The signature move of the Nara family, this jutsu allows the user to control their own shadow and merge it with their opponent's shadow, combining them. This links the movements of the user with the target; the target is subsequently forced to make any movement the user makes. It is an extremely versatile technique, as the user can contract and change the shape of their shadow, potentially grabbing multiple targets at once. The degree to which the user's shadow can be stretched is limited by its total surface area. Using the shadows of other objects, the user can extend their shadow beyond its normal range.
    The amount of time for which an opponent can be held is limited by the user's chakra, since the user must constantly maintain the jutsu. The jutsu is also more difficult to maintain at greater ranges or for multiple opponents, since the user's shadow must be stretched constantly. At closer ranges, it requires considerably less effort on the user's part. Additionally, the target can force their way free with enough effort, though the amount of effort required to do so is considerable.
    The Shadow Imitation Technique used to be called the Shadow Bind Technique, suggesting that the imitation aspect was devised later on and that the original technique could only hold targets in place. Shikaku uses the former name of the technique when performing it.

    Name: Kage Kubi Shibari no Jutsu (Shadow Neck Bind Technique)
    Rank: -
    After capturing an opponent with the Shadow Imitation Technique, the user can then further extend their shadow up to the target's throat in the shape of a hand, which chokes them to death.

    Name: Kage Nui (Shadow Sewing)
    Rank: -
    The user of this jutsu can extend their shadow and create multiple tangible tendrils for various purposes. Such purposes can include using them as stabbing weapons, rope for binding an opponent, or extra appendages for throwing weapons.
    It can also be used simultaneously with Shadow Imitation Technique, so it is possible to split the shadow and use both jutsus at the same time.

    Name: Kageyose no Jutsu (Shadow Summoning Technique)
    Rank: -
    After capturing a target with the Shadow Imitation Technique, the user summons shadowy tendrils from their opponent's body, controlling them in the same manner as Shadow Sewing, but from the opponent's body instead of the user's.
    "Yose" is also a term used for the endgame move in go and shogi.

    Name: Shadow Senbon Hold
    Rank: -
    By channeling small amounts of chakra into senbon needles Shikashi can hold an opponent in place for five seconds per senbon. Used to quick kill an enemy.

    (I screwed up the coding, so it looks off in a few places. Please excuse my mistake)

    Posts : 104
    Join date : 2009-03-29

    Shikashi Nara :: Akatsuki's Shadow Empty Re: Shikashi Nara :: Akatsuki's Shadow

    Post by Admin Tue Apr 28, 2009 4:55 am

    Looks great. ^.^

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