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    Rusuban Nara


    Posts : 30
    Join date : 2009-12-29
    Location : The vast, unending deserts of Suna...

    Rusuban Nara Empty Rusuban Nara

    Post by Rusuban Tue Dec 29, 2009 2:43 pm

    General Information
    Name: Rusuban Calicus Nara

    Nickname/Alias: The Warmonger

    Age: 26

    Gender: Male

    Affiliation: Chaotic-Nuetral

    Looks: (Pic wont work)
    Rusuban has a tall, strong, muscular build, thus he wears large clothes. Perhaps a little too large, as his cloths are somewhat baggy, and he wears them loose. But perhaps this is because it is hit under the thick Suna cloak. He wears, under his cloak, a loose, sleeveless, tan muscle shirt. And around his head he has a rope like headband.

    The lower half of his body consists of loose, baggy, black, sweatpants. He wears them loose as well, like his shirt, because of the thick Suna cloak. His arms are rapped with white gauze, which can double as something used to tie up wounds if needed, as he has learned before, you should always come prepared, and can also be used in Taijutsu.

    Personality: Rusuban is a cranky, complainer, angry, impatient, cruel man. He believes he is superior to everyone in every way. It is unsure how he developed these beliefs, but most account it for the fact that his parents were too focused on teaching him, that when he became too strong for their control, they realized they never taught him humility.

    His anger soon fueled his bloodlust and urge to kill. Soon enough what began as no humility developed into a burning passion and need for fighting and killing. Now his thoughts are concerned with nothing but ways to reap havoc and take in new blood and death, which he can claim for himself. He truly is a monster of what his parents ambitions wanted him to be. Even though, he is very loyal to the Kazekage.

    Personality Trait's: Mainly Centered Around Killing the enemies of his Kage, or doing any other orders he may give

    Catch Phrase: "I want to see you die..."

    Clan Information

    Clan Name: Nara

    Kekkei Genkai: Shadow Manipulation

    Clan Symbol: No real set symbol

    Clan History: This clan from Konoha Village is known for its ability to manipulate their shadow. Utilizing this ability the clan member can attach their shadow to the shadow of another individual, and then take control of the user. Resulting in the affected person replicating or "shadowing" the exact movements in mirror form of the clan member. The clan is also known for their supply of deer and medical remedies. (Added onto and the description from Leafninja)

    Rank Information:

    Rank: A Rank Nin, Kazekage's Assistant

    Village: Sunagakure

    Skill Information

    Skill Specialty: Taijutsu, Nara Kekkei Genkai, Puppetry
    Main: Taijutsu
    Sub: Nara Jutsu, Puppetry

    Elemental Affinity:
    Primary: Shadow
    Supplementary: Fire
    Third: (If Clan allows; usually a combination of your first two elements.)

    Special Characteristics: Seventy-Six small scars going down his left arm, one for each person he has killed, Enhanced Periferal Vision


    Name: Weapons Gauntlet
    Abilities: This guantle has ten Kunai Knives stored in the silver edging around it, and is capabl of firing them out or just popping one out for use when a button int he gauntlet is used. The inner section of the gauntlet houses 5 Shuriken, and functions the same way. The is a small openable compartment in the side of the giant glove, allowing storage of items, wich holds ten exploding tags and two flashboms and three smoke bombs. A second, smaller compartmant on the right holds ten soldier pills. The fingers of this guantlent have sharpened steel fingernails, that can act as piercing tools, but the nails can be retracted by a switch inside the gauntlet. The guantlet covers the whole right hand and part of the wrist. This gauntlet acts as a pas by for chakra, allowing one to manipulate chakra freely with the gauntlet on.
    Description: -
    Picture: (Since the only pictures I can get are of the brothers together, just imagine one of the demon brother's gauntlets.)

    Name: Chikimatsu's Collection of 10
    Appearance: Rusuban Nara Ten_Puppet_Collection_of_Chikamatsu
    Rank: S
    Special Abilities: The puppets are apparently very powerful, as Chiyo claimed that she had destroyed a castle with them, and that afterwards she had sworn to never use them again. They were capable of countering Sasori's Red Secret Technique: Performance of a Hundred Puppets, due in great part to their ability to work together. Donned in white coats, each of the puppets have different sets of skills and weapons. The puppets and their skills are listed below, numbered for ease of reference.

    This puppet somewhat resembled an "oni" (demon). Although it possessed no weapons, its striking power was immense. This puppet primarily used its large fists as a means to fend off attackers. It always kept closer to Chiyo in case it was needed as defense.
    This puppet was able to extend its arms to form a sort of cage, where it would then launch bombs from its mouth. Since the explosion was accurate and very small, it dealt a great amount of damage to enemies whilst not damaging the cage. This puppet was also proficient at taijutsu.
    This puppet had one eye, and was capable of releasing an orb from its mouth used for the Sealing Technique: Lion Closing Roar.
    This puppet had spiky hair, and held the mark of Buddha in its mouth which activated Three Buddhist Treasures Vacuum Destruction technique when used in conjunction with puppets #6 and #8. Three Buddhist Treasures Vacuum Destruction is a technique where puppets #4, #6, and #8 formed a pyramid with a small space at the center. Prior to activation, Chiyo and the three puppets would form a seal that would then open a powerful vacuum that would suck in anything in front of the technique. However, the vacuum was prone to overloading, thus leaving the three puppets vulnerable.
    A red puppet that works together with puppet #9. It is able to lift its face to reveal a spinning orb with four chakra blades. Since these blades are made of chakra and spin rapidly, even a scrape can prove deadly.
    This puppet held an "Acts" seal in its mouth, and worked with puppets #4 and #8 to activate Three Buddhist Treasures Vacuum Destruction technique.
    This puppet resembled a girl with red hair tied into buns. It wielded two large swords that were capable of cleaving through enemies with ease, although the sheer magnitude of the weapons reduced the puppet's dexterity. Puppet #7 was the main attacker, and could fend off even the strongest of enemies at an alarming rate.
    This puppet held the "Priest" seal, and worked in conjunction with puppets #4 and #6 to activate Three Buddhist Treasures Vacuum Destruction.
    A puppet with long black hair. It works in conjunction with puppet #5. Puppet #9 is able to extend its hand via a chain link before connecting with puppet #5 to hurl it around, thus being able to slice mid-ranged to close-ranged targets quickly and effectively. However, if #9 were to be destroyed, #5 would become vulnerable.
    A bald puppet with large holes in its skull. This puppet's hidden weapons are the long extending cords coiled in its skull that can pierce numerous enemies at a time. Since the range is very long, it can pierce distant targets without even getting close. Also, it is able to latch onto opponents with its cords and then crumble them slowly. Puppet #10 can also use its hands and legs to fight, but lacks physical power.
    Origin: Created by Puppet Master Chikimatsu, eventually it found it's way to elder Chiyo, of the sand. After her death saving the Kazekage it was passed to that Kazekage, who framed it in his office. During a brief trip to the sand, Rusuban lost a failed attempt to murder the Kazekage. He figured he could weaken Konoha by killing one of it's allies. To no avail. He did manage to snag this scroll, however. Though most were destroyed in their encounter with Sasori, Gaara had them rebuilt shortly after to honor Chiyo's memory.

    Name: Alpha-Beta-Gamma Puppet Trio (May be summoned otgether or individually)
    Appearace: (ALpha on top, Beta Left, Gamma Right) Rusuban Nara YU_DORset
    Rank: A (Summoning them is a D Rank Jutsu, 1 D Rank Jutsu per summoning, a C Rank Jutsu if you summon all three. They are mearly stored in small scrolls, no special jutsu is needed to summon them.)
    Special Abillities:
    Alpha: Dons a heavy metal sword, and a thick metal shield, nearly unbreakable. Rusuban's primary defense. Alpha has blades that can be extended from his arms, and can shoot bursts of senbon from his mouth, as a secret weapon.
    Beta: Flame Resistant, and made from steel, unlike most wooden puppets. Beta is nearly unbreakable. His fists are capable of smashing through stone, and with effort, other metals. He is slow but strong. all his body parts are detatchable and are capable of shooting out at high speeds in a similar fashion to a bowling ball. He also has built in arm blades.
    Gamma: Gamma manipulates himself with large wings, allowing him to fly and lift off the ground. Gamma can then shoot sendon from his mouth, and kuna from slots on his hands, to rain down puppetry hell from the skies. He also has arm blades.

    Jutsus: (Use the the following template)

    (All E Rank Academy Jutsu; Transformation, Replacement, Escape, and Disguise)
    Certain Nara Jutsu(None are past A Rank, Shadow Sewing, Shadow Neckkbind/Contriction, Shadow Mimicry)

    Name: Kage Bunshin
    Rank: B
    Element: None
    Requirement: None
    Description: The user creates solid clones of pure chakra. These clones retain all knowledge they gain and it is given tot he user when they disappear. These clones can be given large amounts of chakra, but it is normally split equally between the user and the number of clones. The clones are capable of using jutsu and disappear after a solid hit.

    Name: Soft Physique Modification
    Rank: C
    Element: None
    Requirement: None
    Desciption: The user can mold his chakra into his body parts to extend them at will, as if they had no bones. This is the jutsu Orochimaru uses to extend his neck.

    Name: Needle Jizo
    Rank: B
    Element: None
    Requirement: You need hair
    Desription: The user's head hair grows quickly and surrounds their body, before the hair hardens into needles that act as a shield.

    Name: Fire Dragon Flame Projectile
    Rank: B
    Element: Fire
    Requiremnt: None
    Desription: Katon • Karyuu Endan is a Ninjutsu technique utilizing the Fire Element. The ninja does a string of hand seals and the proceeds to blow a large jet of fire from their mouth.

    Katon jutsu such as this are seen as a rite of passage into adulthood for Uchiha clan members. Once the member can manipulate fire, they are finally recognized as no longer being a child
    Name: Dai Endon – Great Fireball
    Rank: B
    Element: Fire
    Requirements: Fire Chakra Affinity
    Description: Dai Endan is a Ninjutsu technique utilizing the Fire element. Rusuban will first gather the fire into his mouth and then spew a giant breath of fire constantly at his opponent.

    Name: Endan - Fireball
    Rank: C
    Element: Fire
    Requirements: Fire Chakra Affinity
    Description: Katon • Endan is a Ninjutsu technique utilizing the Fire Element. This jutsu allows Rusuban to emit a jet of fire from his mouth.

    Name: Gouryuuka no Jutsu - Great Dragon Fire Technique
    Rank: B
    Element: Fire
    Requirements: Fire Chakra Affinity
    Description: Katon • Gouryuuka no Jutsu is a Ninjutsu technique utilizing the Fire Element. After forming the needed hand seals, the ninja will expel dragon head fireballs at their opponent. These powerful fireballs can punch through concrete.

    Name: Puppetry Jutsu
    Rank: C
    Type: Ninjutsu
    Element: None
    Description: The user concintrates their chakra into thin strings that project from their fingers to another object, and allow them to manipulate that object, like a puppet.

    Name: Kai
    Rank: D - S
    Element: None
    Requirements: None
    Type: Ninjutsu
    Description: Releases Genjutsu equal to the user's rank (S Rank)

    Name: Tree Climbing + Water Walking
    Rank: E
    Element: None
    Requirements: Chakra Control
    Type: Ninjutsu
    Description: Can climb trees and flat surfaces like solid ground and can walk on water

    Name: Body Flicker
    Rank: D - S
    Element: None
    Requirements: None
    Type: None
    Description: Allows the user to seemingly dissapear in a high speed movement

    Name: Exploding Tag Release
    Rank: E
    Element: None
    Requirements: None
    Type: Ninjutsu
    Description: Allows one to manually detenate exploding tags

    Name: Alpha-Beta-Gamma Suicide Collection
    Rank: A
    Element: None
    Requirements: Alpha, Beta, Gamma puppets
    Type: Ninjutsu
    Description: Puppets Alpha, Beta, and Gamma, all link hands and form a circle. Out of their arms, all sprout thin, 2 inch long, armblades. The puppets then rotate at high speeds and flip over thier arms, turning the blades to the outside. Then, they move forward, and become a wheel of destruction, slicing through anything in their path.

    Background Information
    Pre Academy and Academy Years

    Nara, Rusuban, was born to the Nara clan approximately 26 years ago. He was born the heir to a dyeing clan. The Nara clan, as few knew, was dyeing out. Less and Less of the, became ninja, and so, their shadow manipulation was passing into legend. Rusuban’s parents, Sho and Ki, were among the few ninjas left in the Clan. Any ninjas in the clan, witch was less than 15% of the clan itself, were called the Warmongering faction, by the rest of the clan. It seemed the Konoha clan had passed into peaceful days. His parents did not care. They were proud Nara ninjas, and wanted the clan to retrace its roots. So instead of teaching him the arts of humility, or other childhood things, their ambitions consumed them, and all they taught the little Nara child, to his dismay, was the art of Shadow Manipulation, and a few other Ninjutsu. To his further dismay this was at a young age, before he even joined the academy he was already learning advanced Nara jutsu. For this purpose he began to become more powerful then other students. He learned jutsu faster in the academy for he already knew the seals and chakra control. He passed the academy in a matter of months.
    Genin Years
    At the age of 9, little Rusuban had mastered all the Academy could teach him, and all the Shadow Manipulation Jutsu his parents could teach him. Though, his parents did not teach him anything else. By this point, he was rude, obnoxious and cranky. He never said please of thank you, and never said Yes mam, or Yes sir. He was never to taught to be polite; he was barely taught to read or write. He was given a team with a sensei who he thought could teach him humility, as he knew Rusuban had great potential as a ninja. Unfortunately, it was too late, Rusuban had grown to accustomed to his cruel ways. Despite all his sensei’s efforts, and all the missions from E to C they went on, and all the time he spent lecturing them on their travels with his team, he would not learn humility. He was becoming a monster of his parents’ ruthless ambitions.
    Chuunin Exam
    By now, despite all their efforts, he had become truly a monster. The only laws Rusuban followed were ones that interested him. He only just kept himself in line so he could participate in the upcoming exams. By now, he had learned great amounts of speed training and taijutsu training from his sensei, as well as a few fire type jutsu he could learn to implement with his shadow manipulation. Many of these jutsu were C or B ranked. His parents’ early teaching really gave him the edge. He soon easily crushed all his enemies in the Chuunin exams, even going as far as to nearly killing any who faced him in any test. More than once this called for intervention by the supervisors of the exams. Regardless, do to his enormous amount of skill, and with a large amount of uncertainty on the Hokage’s part, he was passed the Chuunin Exams.
    Chuunin Years

    Now a Chuunin, and now completely a monster, Rusuban had a large bloodlust and urge to kill. Deemed by his family as the ‘Warmonger’ he took on any assassination and killing missions he could get, and taking great joy in them. Within a matter of months he had taken on many C and B rank missions, even a few A ranks, without fail. He was definitely a monster now, and it pained his old Sensei to watch it. His parents’ were just proud of their little fighter. Soon enough, the village deemed him too reckless and a monster, after he got into an argument with a Jounin in the village square. A fight broke out, in witch Rusuban nearly killed the Jounin. It took four Jounin alone to hold him down. After this, he became a criminal, and was expelled from his village. It was here, his parents realized they made him a monster. It was here he learned the Leaf's infamous Kage Bunshin.
    Suna Years to Present

    Rusuban did not care at all he was expelled from the public of the village. It gave him purpose to sneak out at night, and murder, to fuel his bloodlust, and to kill. Here is where his moment came. His bloodlust soon became unquenchable, and he blamed the Leaf Village. So, in a moment of anger, he attempted to murder the Hokage, he failed and fled the village. He made sure to have the Sharingan in his eyes with him when he did, to make sure he left a scar on the village forever. He eventually fled to Sunagakure, were he was welcomed as a powerful ninja, regardless ofhis past. For a number of years he served on the Suna ANBU, until eventually made the Personal Assistant to the Kazekage. After leaving Konohagakure, and joining Sunagakure, something in the deep of his heart was touched by their acceptance for him, and he became eternally loyal to them. It was here, he was given two sets of puppets. One, the Alpha-Beta-Gamma Combo, wich he bought from the buisness, Kankuro's Puppets, Chikiamatsu's Collection was a personal gift to him fromt he Kazekage, for his loyal service.

    RP Sample:
    Luffy looked up, at the small rain drops falling from the sky. “Each one like a small tear…” Luffy looked out into the distance, a bloody horizon beginning to form. “Blood has been spilled this night…” Luffy sighed, and looked back at the sky above him. Luffy looked at the horizon as he raced forward, hot on the trail of one outlaw that need not return to the Dark Nation. Following Xao’s trail, Luffy encountered something he did not expect. A large gecko. Unusually large, very large to be correct. It was over five feet long, and two feet high. The gecko blinked with one eye, his tongue licking the other eye as he stared at Luffy. “Hello Luffy.”
    “What the hell!? First you’re a large gecko, now you talk!?” The gecko nodded. “Yes Luffy, I do talk.” Luffy raised an eyebrow. “Why do you talk? How do you know my name?” “I speak because all animals can speak; you only need to know how to understand them. I know your name because you are well known in this forest, mainly for hunting many a woodland creature.” Luffy laughed nervously and rubbed the back of his head. “Yeah… But that was a while ago, I don’t eat meat that much now. But tell me, how do I know how to speak to you, if I only need to understand you?”
    “Because Luffy, your mind is unusual, you seem to have a natural gift for speaking with animals. As if your mind was different than others.” “You mean as if my mind was warped?” “Precisely.” “It is plausible; Kaia broke my mind once, causing us to form an emotional connection. It could have happened.” The gecko nodded. “It sounds correct, but I do not know who this ‘Kaia’ is. Nor do I need to know. Anyways, you seem to be able to understand us, I was sent here to find out why you could. This seems to explain why.” “Wait, you mean there are more of you?”
    “Of course, many more. I have completed my task. Since you seem of no threat, would you like to come see our colony?” “Sure- Wait… I don’t even know your name…” “I am Kan, the gecko. Our chieftain is named Ban. He is my brother. Please, follow me to the colony.” Luffy nodded, and followed after Kan.
    Soon, after a few hours of wandering through the dense forest of the Dark Nation, the trees started to appear less often, and more marshland started to appear. They were entering the Land of the Gecko. Soon many burrows in the ground started to appear, and all sorts of different Geckos started to emerge, large, small, big, and tall, with all sorts of different color scales. Soon Kan led Luffy to a large burrow underneath a massive Oak Tree.
    Kan called out. “Ban, are you in there?” A grumpy voice sounded from the other side of the burrow. “Who else would it be? What do you want Kan?” “I have found the boy you requested sir, the one who seems to be able to speak our language.” Ban wallowed out of the den, grumbling to himself.
    Luffy looked at Ban, he was much larger than Kan, he was over four feet tall, and seven feet long. “Um… Ban sir? You wished to see me?”
    Ban nodded. “Yes. You have a rare gift, a rare gift indeed. You seem to be able to speak and communicate with animals, yet, you are only a novice with this gift. I wish to nurture it, and teach you Animal Bending.” Luffy looked up at Ban, excited, but puzzled. “Why would the Gecko Chieftain wish to teach me?”
    Ban growled. “If you must know, it is because the time of the Giant Gecko is ending. Long ago, Geckos used to be a large colony, but humans have reduced our numbers. Few colonies remain now days. I wish for the Geckos to continue. I wish to teach you to master Animal Bending, and then enhance you. You can become a Gecko Sage. Half man, half Gecko.” Luffy grinned. “It would be an honor to help you. But what exactly would happen if I was half gecko?”
    “You would grow a tail, and gain gecko ears. Your eyes will turn pitch black. You will see farther, and hear farther. As well increased speed and strength. You will also gain many gecko traits, such as being cold blooded, and you will learn to not mind marsh and mud and cold. I will teach you, but you must master Animal Bending.” Luffy grinned. “It’s a deal! When do we start?” Ban yawned and crawled back towards his den. “Tomorrow. Now, I am tired. Go sleep, you will need your strength for tomorrow. If you will become a Gecko Sage, you must learn to sleep like a gecko. Find a burrow. You will sleep there until your training is complete.”
    Luffy nodded and walked towards an empty burrow. He examined it, it was muddy and wet inside, thought, as it was made for a Giant Gecko, and it was easily larger than Luffy would need. Luffy laid on his stomach and slid in, feet first into the whole. I was cold and wet. Luffy laid his head on top of his arms, to keep his head out of the mud, and tried to ignore the water and mud and cold. Luffy sighed, and drifted off to a miserable sleep, though he had warm dreams, thinking of Lien, as well as the cozy inn he normally stayed at, and a relaxing shower to warm up. Though, Luffy had to tough it out.
    Mourning came after about 9 hours, and Luffy had forgotten all about Xao, Luffy was muddy and cold, but the warm sun soon changed that. Luffy walked over to Ban’s den and waited. “Ban? Are you there?”
    Ban’s gruff voice could be heard from behind Luffy. “I am here. Now, let us begin your training. You clearly know how to speak with animals, now you must learn how to make them heed your call. Kan and the others are not awake. Command them with Animal Bending, and make them wake up for breakfast.”
    Luffy inhaled deeply, and spoke in the same strange tongue he seemed to be speaking in for the past day. “Wake up! Kan, Geckos! Wake up!” Ban shook his head when no Gecko’s emerged. “Do not call them, command them!” Luffy inhaled deeply, putting much emphasis in his voice. “Kan! Geckos! I summon you, come forth!” At his call, Kan, and the other Geckos in the colony came forward, as if in a trance. “Very good, now something more difficult. Command them all to skip breakfast. Geckos love to eat, and it will show if you can keep them under command. Luffy nodded. “Geckos! No Breakfast for you!” The Geckos, again, if by chance, never had breakfast, and only skipped it, with rumbling stomachs.
    “What’s next Ban?” “You must learn to become a gecko yourself. You must learn to eat like a gecko.” What do Giant Geckos eat?” “Why flies of course. Now, to eat like an animal, and not a man, you must imagine you are one with the animal. Here” Ban returned after a moment’s disappearance and tossed his a large Giant Fly. “Eat boy.”
    Luffy’s eyes widened, but he could not deny Ban, he was his sensei after all. Luffy imagined he was a gecko, a Gecko Sage. Luffy reluctantly took a bite, it tasted better than he expected. Kind of like… fish. “It tastes like fish.” Ban nodded. “Now eat up boy.” Luffy soon ate the whole fly. “That was actually pretty good.” “I’m glad you like it. Now, you just ate a baby Giant Fly, I don’t think the parents are too happy about that.” A loud buzzing could be heard. “Turn them away using Animal Bending.” Luffy nodded as he cleared his mind with Mind Bending, and then used to his Animal Bending on the flies. They stopped, struggling for a moment, as if against Luffy’s will. Then, Luffy took control of them, and the flies left the area.
    Luffy sighed in relief. “Very good young Sage. Your training is progressing nicely. Soon you will be ready for the transformation. Now, go get some rest. A harder test awaits tomorrow.” Luffy sighed and returned to the muddy burrow. Though, it unusually felt more homey and comfortable then last night.
    Luffy awoke, feeling warm and safe in the burrow. With a yawn, Luffy walked out of the barrow, he approached Ban. Ban looked at Luffy. “Go get some breakfast, then report here when you are finished.” Luffy nodded, using his Animal Bending to lure a fly towards him. Luffy then quickly killed the fly, which he then started to eat. After a quick breakfast, the weather was significantly colder. Luffy walked towards Ban. “Do you feel the change in temperature Luffy?” Luffy nodded. “You still feel warm don’t you?” Luffy nodded again. “Good. You are becoming cold blooded. Now for your next task.”
    Luffy looked up at Ban. “What is the next step?” “You must learn how to command animals to fight in battle. Some animals may wish to fight less than others. For example, the Giant Flies only fight when threatened. As you know, they nest in the trees above our burrows. Command one of them to come and fight me.”
    Luffy concentrated on the fly, and it came spiraling down, to hover in front of Ban. Luffy concentrated harder, and told the fly what to do. The fly then lunged at Ban. With a flick of his mighty tail, Ban cut the fly in half. Ban motioned to one half. “Eat up. This is lunch.”
    After a quick lunch, Luffy and Ban spent the rest of the day simply reviewing what Luffy had learned so far, until the stars where out overhead and it was time for sleep. Luffy was exhausted, and he found much comfort, in the muddy burrow.
    Luffy awoke hours later, even though he did not want to, Luffy trudged out of the burrow, feeling more animal and gecko like than he had ever thought he would. Ban turned to look at Luffy. “It is time for your transformation Luffy. It is time for you to become the Gecko Sage.” Luffy looked at Ban. “What do I do?” Ban called Kan forward. “Kan will perform the transformation. He is our Gecko Sage.” Kan nodded. “This will hurt Young Master.” Kan took the tip of his tail and placed it at the crown of Luffy’s head. The transformation had begun.
    Luffy fell to the ground in pain, screaming as he felt his ears shake violently, and seem to grow. It was like they were sticking straight from his skull! Soon the pain passed to his shoulders, after another wave of intense pain, Luffy could see his shoulders were covered in scales. Finally, he felt an immense pain in his back, like something was sticking out of it. Soon, a large, spiky green tail fell from Luffy’s hips. Then, all the pain had faded. The transformation was complete. Luffy now had green, pointed ears, a spiky, green tail, scaled, green shoulders, and pure black eyes. Luffy could see much farther, and could here much more. Luffy kicked at the ground, which left a small crater, and he didn’t even use Muscle Bending. Luffy also felt much lighter, and soon he realized he was much faster. Luffy looked at Kan and Ban. “Thank you both, Kan, and Ban.” Ban bowed his head. “Go now, Young Sage, and ensure the age of the Gecko survives.” Luffy nodded, before racing off the Dark Nation, much faster, and with his Muscle Bending speed activated, he was one of the fastest beings on the planet. Luffy laughed, this felt amazing! He was the only human, Gecko Sage. He only had one question. What would Lien think of all of this?”

    [20 Jutsu, 3 Weapons, 2 Puppets/Puppet Group Summonings, A Rank, One S Rank Weapon/Puppet]

    Last edited by Rusuban on Sun Jan 10, 2010 1:20 pm; edited 2 times in total

    Posts : 30
    Join date : 2009-12-29
    Location : The vast, unending deserts of Suna...

    Rusuban Nara Empty Re: Rusuban Nara

    Post by Rusuban Mon Jan 04, 2010 10:26 am

    Edited Slightly
    Given a few jutsu, and I took a few away
    Edited a few grammar/other mistakes

    Posts : 50
    Join date : 2009-12-30
    Age : 28

    Rusuban Nara Empty Re: Rusuban Nara

    Post by Initake Mon Jan 04, 2010 12:57 pm

    Everything is fine, just try to beef up the clan history and personality, kind of a low count for an S Rank.

    Posts : 30
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    Location : The vast, unending deserts of Suna...

    Rusuban Nara Empty Re: Rusuban Nara

    Post by Rusuban Tue Jan 05, 2010 5:11 am

    A Rank, not an S Rank O.o

    Posts : 130
    Join date : 2010-01-04

    Rusuban Nara Empty Re: Rusuban Nara

    Post by Roxas Tue Jan 05, 2010 2:22 pm


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    Location : The vast, unending deserts of Suna...

    Rusuban Nara Empty Re: Rusuban Nara

    Post by Rusuban Tue Jan 05, 2010 9:34 pm


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