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    The First Kage Summit - [Open]


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    The First Kage Summit - [Open] Empty The First Kage Summit - [Open]

    Post by Roxas Wed Jan 06, 2010 5:12 am

    The room was near silent, the only sound being the movement of villagers outside his round four-panel window. Everything seemed motionless at first, not even a bug crept through the small box-like room, until the slightest of movement showed at least a single sign of life. The fairly young Kazekage, known only as Roxas Sentou, or "The Speed Demon of the Sand", awoke by his own hand, as he usually did. He tended to wake himself up at the perfect time, because as he looked at his soundless clock he realized what time it was, his complete consciousness now thudding into mind like an electric jolt.

    Yes, time for the kage summit; a dull meeting of the kages of the five great hidden villages. He pulled his legs over the side of the bed and sat up to prop his head on his arms. As his hands met his face, he relaxed his neck and thought about life, death, and how the two met in battle so many times in the ninja world. Death would often fight off life and claim it's victim, but sometimes when life cared about a certain individual, it would fight even harder to save it from death, but even so - death had it's own feelings as well about who it wished to claim.

    It was a fairly good analogy, Roxas thought it was anyway. It fit well, and he knew that the day that Tatsu, his father, had died, there must've been a tremendous clash between the two forces of life and death. Both wanting to save or claim a common victim. Roxas was sure that death was reluctant to take those who were quickly massacring the members of the Sentou clan, due to large multitude of lives that they were dedicating to death, but even something as dark and sinister as death lived by a set of rules that it must follow, and one day, the murderers would face their end; whether it be natural or by the hand of Roxas, they would meet their end. The rustling of villagers outside began to grow much louder as the sound thickened into a crowd-like hustle of shouts and noises, it was around the time that people would be awakening for their chores, missions, or jobs.

    He would be required to attend the summit, not that he wouldn't have attended it without being required, but he had inquired the idea of everyone being punctual and he would not be the one to displace his own ideals. He wasn't tired though, he never was despite the fact that he attained only an hour of sleep at a time, his reasoning for this unknown to most, but he sleeps very little because he needed very little rest, it was simply a natural attribute of the kazekage. The near devastating lack of sleep seemed to not bother his actions one bit, which made him curious as to why.

    He retained his hands to their placements within the pockets of his pajama pants before moving to his wide two-door closet, each door the shape of half an arch-way, both fitting perfectly into their spot, meeting with a metallic lock in the center. Roxas took it upon himself to unlock the closet with a simple twist of a knob, a click echoing throughout the room, as he pulled the two panels of wood aside with fluency, to reveal an encampment of clothes of his own choosing; some of the clothes looked extremely expensive, but others looked like mere villager attire, which really did not look all that bad, they were nice enough to wear when eating out, at least.

    Different kinds were there: suits, heavy training gear, light training gear, armor, robes, all kinds of clothing for many different occasions, of course he only needed one set of clothing for such an occasion, maybe nothing too fancy, but at least formal enough to maintain respect amongst his fellow kages. The patient shinobi slowly pulled out a long, silk, sandy brown robe along with his under-garments, some casual clothes, and kazekage hat, which he never wore on his head but simply slung onto his back, the string giving the hat a form of support to hang loosely and freely behind Roxas, flowing fluid-like behind him, whenever he moved.

    It was a very nice and certainly professional attire, there was no doubt in the mind of the kazekage that the robe did not signify his allegiance among the multiple different colored robes that would probably be in the room that the summit was planned to be held in, a place in his very own Sunagakure no Sato, because he was, in fact, the one who had called for the vital summit for foreign relations. Roxas closed his closet once more before laying the silk robe on the top comforter of his bed, the two fabrics rubbing together slightly, as they produced a minor form of triboelectric effect, the static crackling weakly, surely not audible to Roxas. He then proceeded to remove his current clothing that were of casual sleeping attire, a stripped silk brown pajama shirt with six consecutive buttons down the center, and pants similar to his pajama shirt.

    His clothing consisted of the large, thick silky brown robe that covered his entire body, excluding his head and part of his neck, the top part anyway. The robe was completely brown with a slightly darker tint to it, similar to that of sand. When he was completely set he moved to the kitchen to get a bowl of cereal to eat, careful not to spill a single drop on his new robe. After finishing his breakfast he placed the bowl and spoon in the sink, noting to wash the dishes when he returned from this important event. He sighed, looking out his window into the sandy area beyond the paned glass window. His eyes wandered back to his hand which had began to shake, clenching to the counter as if for dear life.

    Flashbacks returned to his mind of the gruesome slaughter of his clan, his eyes widening into a psychotic look of fear and child-like horror. He dropped to the ground, his knees buckling under the weigh and stress as he fell sideways. 'Kid, get up! You gotta get to the stupid summit!' an odd, second voice echoed throughout the walls of his mind. The kazekage laid still, his response blank with not a word to utter through mouth or mind. 'Kid? Kid?!' he shouted, now more fiercely. "Huh?" Roxas jolted with the sudden knowledge that he it had all passed, it was later...much later in life than his flashback had taken him.

    Roxas's mind whirled as it processed it all, he had always thought that the Sentou clan had never been at war when they were, at war with Konoha in a political battle, a battle that was supposed to be a coup de tat, but the ANBU ruined it all, not that Roxas had ever approved of the coup de tat. Remorse and sadness lingered around him, as if it were the very oxygen he was breathing in. Every second, he realized, was just as important as the one before it. Roxas once again let out a sigh, as he released his now whitening grip on the counter. He turned to face the western wall of the kitchen before standing up from the floor and walking out the side door that led into the alley way. It was a good exit because it led out into a clear path, where there were no villagers or anyone else in the way.

    He walked down the cement-paved area with a perfect execution of steps that showed his skill and swiftness with each strident step. Any on-lookers would never even think about coming too close at first glance, but he also had a hint of humbleness to his look, his face was only slightly stern but also kind and comforting. Soon, when he had reached the exit gates of the hidden sand village, Roxas disappeared in a swirling whirlwind of sand that masked his disappearance. He shunshined his way directly into the summit, making a flashy entrance as sand fell to the ground around a single empty sit which suddenly became occupied by the kazekage. "I am here." the 14 year old shinobi muttered with an emotionless tone, his appearance seemingly young and naive, yet his intelligence and physical attributes far surpassed that of an ordinary shinobi.

    He hadn't realized that he was late, and he probably would not, considering he was only slightly late, but apparently so were the other kages, as well as they representatives. It was a large room, nearly empty, excluding the long table in the center with three chairs set up, considering only two of the other primary kages had been invited, welcome to bring at most one representative to guard them. Roxas awaited the presence of his own guard, his apprentice Rusuban. He sighed, sitting back in his chair as he awaited their apparition.

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    Location : The vast, unending deserts of Suna...

    The First Kage Summit - [Open] Empty Re: The First Kage Summit - [Open]

    Post by Rusuban Wed Jan 06, 2010 6:20 am

    Clack...Clack...Clack... A weird combined sound of metal and wood clacked against the ground, as Rusuban's primary defensive puppet, Alpha, stood beside Roxas. His large shield rested in his hand as his eyes looked forward, lifeless. His sword remained by his side, and one could trace, if they were paying a large deal of attention, small blue chakra strings that extended out a small open window. Rusuban sat perched on a ledge a small ways from the building, his ultimate defensive puppet, controlled by the chakra strings that extended through an open window, stood at the kazekage's guard. Most, at first appeareance before they noticed the strings, of if they did not notice the strings, would wonder why there was a puppet like device standing by the kazekage, rather than a person. Beside Rusuban, away from the building, sat Beta, who was currently unatatched to strings, Gamma still unsummoned.

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    Age : 33

    The First Kage Summit - [Open] Empty Re: The First Kage Summit - [Open]

    Post by Medusa Fri Jan 08, 2010 8:54 am

    [Dear god Pendo, why don't you post a lot of words next time. That was sarcasm, PLEASE NO MORE! Lol]

    Medusa traveled to Sunagakure by broomstick, her casual way of getting to places. She had sent word to her assistant that it was her choice whether or not she accompany her. Medusa had already gathered her own paperwork and thoughts on what she had to discuss. It was not like her to be unprepared, so prepared she was. Medusa's only advantage on these people would be that they were meeting in a room, so the chances of them attacking her were still possible. She had not gotten to know any of the other Kage leaders, so it was like meeting up with old friends you don't remember. Medusa wore the Hokage's get-up, the hat and clothing included, yet beneath were her Snake Ritual clothes as per-usual. She never went anywhere without her true uniform, since nobody knew the meaning of it anyway so it was unimportant. Medusa sighed while she glided, seemingly never ending as multiple trees and people were passed below, without even acknowledging her existence. Medusa knew that she was coming close to the Kage Summit, for some reason it was not in the heart of Sunagakure. That was a good thing though, since it would mean Sunagakure would not be all around her.

    Medusa noticed the meeting place beginning to come into view, she peeked out from the corner of her left eye to see the nearby Sunagakure village as well. It was a large place, and somehow it had gone from green trees and beautiful scenery, to bland sand and, more sand. Medusa didn't like sand, it got into the shoes and hair, eyes and toes, everywhere you could not want something like sand to be. She sped up on the broomstick, passing through the air like a hot needle through soft, melting butter. Medusa pulled her Hokage hat down at the front, to prevent her initial appearance from being given away as she approached from above. With one leap, she dropped from the broomstick and came to a sudden halt as her feet hit the ground. Checking the area over with her eyes as she landed, it appeared to be safe so Medusa continued on toward the door. It was already open, so it either meant someone was already there, or someone forgot to close the door behind them when leaving. There was no choice left for entering or leaving, Medusa stepped into the room and silently moved to the chair opposite of the one who had already arrived. Before sitting, she bowed her head to the other Kage, which due to his apparel, she had to assume was the Kazekage. "I am the Hokage, well, new Hokage, the old one has been gone for a short time." She finished her introduction, sitting down at the chair and pulling out a few papers before placing them neatly on the desk in front of her. "One left, I assume?"
    Ayame Nicole Kouhei
    Ayame Nicole Kouhei

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    The First Kage Summit - [Open] Empty Re: The First Kage Summit - [Open]

    Post by Ayame Nicole Kouhei Fri Jan 08, 2010 12:09 pm

    Ayame nicole Kouhei would hurry speeding across the dessert that lead from the leaf village to Suna village. She was hurrying for the first kage summit meeting, which she hope she could find easily as she looks for scents of chakra from Medusa. Whom she only got a sniff of off of one of her robes to be truthful. She would chuckle at that then pick up the speed as she ran across the dessert. As she ran with her wolf beside her, her thoughs were fill with a few questions like...

    What are the other ninjas like in Suna village I wonder, has squads been assigned there yet? Is the kazekage as nice as the hokage I am under as assistant? Does he have an assistant himself and will I get to meet him? and so many other things ran though her head. As she slows down to a walk seeing a building that is large and round with many windows at the top and faded shadows of humans maybe she wonder if that was the building that the kage summit meeting was being held in. She nodded as she catches her breathe before walking towards the sand looking building with the suna village seen near it as her wolf walks beside her.

    As she pauses in front of the building doorway she would look way up. It must be the room the kage's were holding it in she though as she resumes walking and walks up the long staircase of stair's. As she nears of the top of the building after 10 minutes or so of walking she would pause looking down. It would be a long way down if such a attack or fighting assumes in the building and she has to help her kage escape or either fight for her while she hurrys back to the border where she would be safe. She would gulp then and enter the room with her usual soft gentle stern smile on her face as she raises her right eye brow at the room.

    She saw two current people here, one of the hokage, Medusa and the other she assume would be the kazekage. It would seem they were waiting on one more person as she sighs a relief. Ayame didn't miss anything that means as she walks over nodding a greeting of politeness at the kazekage assuming he was the one who assume command for the kage summit to be held in the suna village. Though they weren't surround by all of suna, which Medusa she assume was glad of. Then she saw a ordinary person standing by the kazekage side and she wonders what that was as she never saw anything like it.

    She would shake her head as she assume's position beside Medusa only kneeling on one knee as she whisper's "Sorry I'm late Medusa." Then she would turn her attention on the round table as she fall's silent with the rest of them waiting on the last kage to arrived. She would order her wolf to sat down first beside her before she went silent though.

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    Age : 28

    The First Kage Summit - [Open] Empty Re: The First Kage Summit - [Open]

    Post by Initake Mon Jan 11, 2010 2:03 pm

    The late night was dull as ever, and he had barely dragged himself to bed. He was far too tired to even walk up the stairs. Initake was never this tired, he was always so energetic. He hadn't known why he was so tired today.

    He lay on his couch in his musty, old home at the northern border of Kirigakure. He lay in front of the fireplace on the cold night, trying to keep warm. He looked upon his dog, and then his wife, whom knew her husband had to leave tonight or else he ws going to be late for something, though she wasn't sure what, Initake never told her. So, she figured she would do him a favor. She knew he had to be awake. She went into the kitchen, and came into the roo with bucket of water. Initake looked to her.
    " What are you doing with that? " He said sleepily, followed by a long, stretched-out yawn. He was, seconds later covered and drenched in water. That certainly woke him up. He then jumped off of the couch, gave his wife a kiss, and he was off.

    He ran west for about 5 minutes, and then quickly arrived at the beach. He then pulled the moon towards Earth using his Clan Ability, increasing the force of the tides. He made sure the tide went around all civlization, and traveled through the barren part of Mist Country, where the war had gone on, he did not want to hurt any sort of life.

    He was riding a tsunami, on the top of it, and he manipulated it to change direction every time that he got near human civilization or wildlife areas. He, for one, did not want to be noticed, for two, was a generally harmless kind of guy, and didn't want too hurt anything on his way to Sunagakure. He aw he was nearing the desert, because everything began to get more dry and warm, especially the desert, so he used a few lightning bolts onto the giant wave, and it burst into flames. He jumped off, and sprayed it a few times with a few different of his water jutsus.

    He ws nearing the village because he started to see towers occasionally popping up with Sunagakure patrolling shinobi. He knew he was within a mile of it. Just about 20 more minutes He thought, and he kept on walking.

    After about 20 more minutes, he arrived at the gates, where they obviously let him through. he was the sixth Mizukage, and they knew that.

    He walked through the gate, and he apparently entered into the side where the traders were. He saw many citizens, shinobi, and merchants from all over and of all different faces bartering. He asked for directions to the Administration building, and got the general direction. he could find the rest of the way himself. He waved to the man who gave him the directions and yelled " Thanks " , louder than normal because of all the commotion going on around him.

    He found the building, well, he knew it was it because of it's immense size. He entered, and sat down, waiting for his assistant to show up. His assistant was supposed to rendevoux with him here. He just had to wait here for now.

    Posts : 11
    Join date : 2010-01-08

    The First Kage Summit - [Open] Empty Re: The First Kage Summit - [Open]

    Post by Subeta Tue Jan 12, 2010 8:44 pm

    Your life has been diseased by the plague of mediocracy, and now your life has expired by the choices you made and by my own hand.

    The unique phrase wafted through the air, entering the ears of a victim of his own choices as he gurgled on the blood that flooded his throat, unable to speak, and slowly losing the ability to breath. Subeta sheathed his sword as he towered over this opponent whom had proven to be less then a challenge. Missions these days were just proving to be more annoying then anything else, hardly worth his time. Still its how he made his living. And so it went that he would come out on these arduous journeys, taking the lives of people who were otherwise not on his radar even. These days of peace had made everyone so weak, and here he was, one of the few he retained the spirit, retained the will to be a true warrior, a true shinobi.

    This particular worm had been selling the secrets of the Mist village, Subeta's home, to lesser countries, trying to insight an attack on the village, for reasons that were really unknown. It was suspected that it was the work of some underground criminal organization, but they had proved ill effective so far. To date, over half of their information had been naught but falsifications and lies. Of course lesser villages were smart enough to double check everything three times before challenging a greater shinobi country, one of the main villages through out many years, never loving its political stand point. Subeta had been charged with hunting him down and killing him. In all irony, it had actually not been a job thought up by his kage. Instead, it was the head of the river country who had asked it of them, being tired of the lies and deceit, and seeing it fitting that he be killed by the ones he was trying to ensue war upon. As it just so happened, River country just to happened to be along the way to the village of Sand. The Kage Summit had been recently been organized and Subeta and his Kage both were in dire need to attend to ensure the peace or make any moves they would have to, and have the right information to ensure those moves were the correct ones. They had set off at the same time, but with slghtly different paths.

    So it had taken him to here, towering over the sniveling fool. By far one of the weakest he had encountered so far. And this man was supposed to be chunin level according to the report. That dismayed him for two reasons. One, this orginization was not going to be a threat, or at least not a challenging one what so ever. Second of all, the standards with in villages must have gotten increasingly low for him to be labeled as a chunin in the report which was filed based on eye witness accounts etc. If the citizens thought that was the best a chunin could do, some serious restructuring was needed in all the villages for sure. Especially the lesser ones. They needed to be trained and had every much right to it as the greater countries did. He made a note to put it on his agenda. For now Subeta simply turned on his heel and began to walk calmly away from the dying man, not needing to see his last few moments, he would at least let him die alone with his thoughts and not an enemy who would prove a demeaning aura to the scene. Then again......he paused. One final jibe wouldnt hurt.

    Just so your aware, that was only a C rank jutsu which administered the killing blow.

    Now it was up the man to how his thoughts went before he died, but Subeta had placed one final test before him. It was a final chance at redemption before death. If he could keep his mentality in a correct place even with this taxing knowledge, he would have died a better man then he had lived his life to be. If not, if the thought was alloed to control him, then he was damned either way, but no one would ever know. Subeta would not ever find out, but he did it anyway, because it was his nature to put other men to the test in every aspect possible. It was neccesary, for society, as was proven here and previous events, had gotten way to lax. They needed someone like him to keep them in check.

    So the journey began off to sunagakurge. He would deliver his report to the rain on his way back through to the Mist when this summit was over. He had no time to waste. He would have to haul it double time to get there. There was only one thing to do. He had no choice. Making a few hand signs, he administered a jutsu which would help him get there sooner then later. Lightning Body Armor Jutsu. Instantly a blue electricity began to crackle to life around his body, not really covering or protecting him. This armor was another kind of aid. It was suplementary, not defensive. It was designed for speed. The electricity would course into his nerves, lighting them up faster, and quickening his reflexes and speed in general. With out anymore hesitation, he set off to the west, and to the very important meeting.

    He did not rest for the next half day, and before he knew it, a few short hours later, he had arrived just outside the gates of Suna. He had hardly even noticed the change in the scenery from lush and green, a nice cool ,wet feeling, to the lifeless, dead heat of the dessert. He didnt care, and it wasnt important, nothing, nothing, could interecept his path. If anything got in his way, he could easily tear through it as he was for now. Granted, it taxed his strength some, but it was needed. He never did anything unless it was needed. He showed his invite letter to the guard who greeted him with a nod and a motion to follow. Subeta was glad that conversation was not insighted. He began to concentrate on recovering from the journey and regaining his chakras. He wouldnt be able to get anywhere near back to full, but entering a room of kages and the right hands of said kages any weaker then need be was just a foolish mistake he would not make.

    It did not take them long to get there. Subeta tilted his head to the guard, dismissing him back to his post with a thankful smile on his face. It quickly returned to the unreadable grimace he usually wore as he turned back to the door and entered. It seemed he was the last one to arrive, but that couldnt be helped now could it. He had had important things to attend to, and had been ordered so by his Kage.

    I apologize for my lateness. I had to tie up a mission, but it seems we have not yet gotten started. Everyone seems to be here, so, now, what business do we have.

    Subeta was not sure if it was his place to set the meeting rolling like that, but he cared not. He planned to be every part of these proceedings as his own Kage was, more so if he saw it fit. He was not the typical assistant. He did not seem himself as lower then his Kage, not that he didnt respect the position or the man in it, but he also held a lot of his own pride, and would not demeanor himself untill proof was provided that he should. He doubted any of them would tell him off anyway. He had been kind enough about it, and not very aggressive. If they did, they would see that his tongue was every bit as sharp as the sword he carried at his side.

    2150 CP
    60 - Unnamed C rank Jutsu
    170 - Lightning Armor ( B Rank Jutsu)
    1920 CP

    Last edited by Subeta on Thu Jan 14, 2010 11:12 am; edited 2 times in total

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    The First Kage Summit - [Open] Empty Re: The First Kage Summit - [Open]

    Post by Roxas Wed Jan 13, 2010 5:09 am

    ((I'll post after school. And assistants aren't supposed to talk during meetings, so you bet Roxas is gonna tell chu off. o.o))

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    The First Kage Summit - [Open] Empty Re: The First Kage Summit - [Open]

    Post by Roxas Wed Jan 13, 2010 3:56 pm

    Roxas sat in deep comfort upon his padded chair; it was a fair sized piece of minor furniture of a metal material, gleaming in the entering sunlight around it's bordering edges. Besides this metal, the padding consists of a cushion-like padding that covered the entire back and sitting area, providing great comfort for whomever chose to sit upon it. His highly trusted assisted, a skilled Jounin that went by the name of 'Rusuban', sat perched skillfully outside the window of the meeting room, his chakra strings extended into the room controlling his defensive puppet, Alpha. The young Kazekage was well aquanted with the puppet, having fought side by side with it in a large multitude of battles; such battles only strenghthening the friendship that bonded the proud Kage to his prodigy assistant.

    His large black eyes scanned his surroundings, awaiting the arrival of his fellow Kages. For some unknown reason, a feeling of great contempt had settled itself a home within the deep bowels of his heart, contempt that was channeled toward the current Kage of the hidden leaf village. Any curious or sane person would ask the Kazekage of what reason he had to resent such an honorable and notorious man. His reasoning was incredibly valid and understandable, to those like himself that is, for he disliked Konohagakure period. If anyone knew of his clan's dark history and how it linked to that of Konoha, they might have been able to understand his frustration and anger, which seemed to engulf and control his life like a puppeteer, with Roxas the mindless puppet.

    It soon became clear that the Hokage would be the first to arrive at the requested summit, for he clearly recognized her appearance as she entered the room. Roxas saw no reason for the well-known leader to introduce herself, but she probably assumed that he had not bothered to research the names and ages of the other attendies of the summit - excluding the assistants. He did not like to hate the Hokage, but it just felt natural to him. It was such a natural hatred that stopped Roxas from even showing recognition to the presence of Medusa, besides a dry nod, which inadvertantly showed the disgust that he very well felt. He hated his emotions being read, but such an act of giving away his feelings went unhelped.

    Soon enough, the Mizukage made his entrance; this being after quite a bit of time, the other two having waited a great deal of time for his appearance. "Initake of the Mist...Medusa of the leaf..." he spoke in a quiet, emotionless, monotone voice that would easily penetrate the very mind of anyone listening. His tone was demanding, imposing, and showed that he would settle for nothing less than the success and prosperity of Sunagakure. "Now that you have both arrived, I ass-" the Kazekage was abruptly cut off in mid-sentence as Jounin, about mid-height, walked into the meeting room. Roxas expected for the apparent assistant to take his place and remain quiet, but certainly not - the Kazekage expected nothing less of a 'Mist Shinobi...', the words leaking with disgust as he thought to himself.

    "I apologize for my lateness. I had to tie up a mission, but it seems we have not yet gotten started. Everyone seems to be here, so, now, what business do we have."

    Roxas glared at the new arrival with fury, the man speaking both without permission and acting as if he would be an actual part of the summit was slightly humorous as well as disrespectful to the rank that was Kage. "It would be found most useful and intelligent of the Mizukage to keep his...assistant punctual and quiet." Roxas spoke once again, his words maintaining the same composure they had recently held; quiet, gentle, and a little over a medium whisper. "Any other outbursts of such will be seen as direct disrespect and dealt with as so." the words radiated with meaning, and surely no one in the room would doubt that he would back up such a claim. 'Anyone in this room...should know that the disrespect of a Kage in Sunagakure is a major crime...' the younger shinobi thought, his mind thinking of each and every punishment possible.

    Posts : 30
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    Location : The vast, unending deserts of Suna...

    The First Kage Summit - [Open] Empty Re: The First Kage Summit - [Open]

    Post by Rusuban Wed Jan 13, 2010 8:45 pm

    A suttle metal arm reached downwards towards a sword of witch it gripped the hilt. Alpha tilted its head gently to turn and lookm from Roxas to look at the other kages and their assistants, their steps making clanks against the ground as Rusuban exhaled, tilting his fingers to make his puppet perform its motions. The shield on his back was thus exposed to Roxas, a tactic Rusuban and Roxas had preformed before. As Alpha turns to a ready position on others, it allows Roxas to grab his shield and use it for protection should Alpha be busy. A quick reaction defense that could work in affect with Alpha's defensive emtal body for more protection. It also works in the way the kage would not need to use any chakra or stamina. Should Roxas needs sudden defense he could grab and use the shield as Alpha would leap into action.

    - 30 CP for 2 Turns of Puppetry Jutsu
    - 160 CP for the Summoning of Two A Rank Puppets
    - 190 CP Total
    1650 - 190 = 1460

    1460/1650 Chakra Points

    Posts : 26
    Join date : 2010-01-03
    Age : 33

    The First Kage Summit - [Open] Empty Re: The First Kage Summit - [Open]

    Post by Medusa Fri Jan 15, 2010 10:17 am

    Medusa sat patiently, as well as silently, while the Kazekage appeared to hold some form of disliking to her. It would have been impolite to ask why he didn't speak, since this summit was for nothing of the sort. She noticed her assistant turning up, it didn't take her long to trail. Medusa greeted her assistant with her right hand to the girl's left shoulder, a short smile preceding her movements. Before turning her attention back to the matter at hand, some form of mechanism stood beside the Kazekage. It obviously wasn't human, just seeing its heat signature told Medusa that. However another was nearby, hiding somewhere in a short distance away from the building. Medusa questioned why the Kazekage's assistant was hidden, did they not trust the other Kage, or was Medusa the untrusted one? She felt like a monster, being observed silently in a quiet room. It was awkward in such a situation, considering the person across from her was no ally, however not an enemy either. She had done no research on the other Kage's, it was her decision to find things out as they came for this meeting. She prepared to speak while the Mizukage had still not turned up. "I must tell you, I am not the previous Hokage, things will be done properly from now on and forever in Konohagakure. So whatever problem you seem to have with me, was none of my doing. Plus, do you think it is right that your assistant hide in a building with this offensive puppet observing us?" Medusa was not big on conversation, but chose her words carefully. She wished to question awkward things, in a non-aggressive manner.

    Observing the new arrivals, Medusa would greet them by introducing herself and offering her hand for a basic hand shake. If they turned down her hand shake, it was nothing too important, but some manners would be nice to see from the others. It was not often that Medusa left the village, to do anything. After her greetings, she would continue with waiting for everybody to settle in and begin discussion. "Ayame, hun, could you please pour some tea for yourself and me, if you want one of course." Medusa drew out a tea holding casket, small but effective in keeping the tea hot. It had sugar inserted to the bottom where a small hatch could be easily spotted and used, as well as spoons on the opposite side. Medusa handed the casket to Ayame for her to begin pouring into a pair of cups which soon arose from Medusa's robes and onto the table. While with her right hand, Medusa memorized some notes she had taken the previous day, waiting for them to begin.
    Ayame Nicole Kouhei
    Ayame Nicole Kouhei

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    The First Kage Summit - [Open] Empty Re: The First Kage Summit - [Open]

    Post by Ayame Nicole Kouhei Fri Jan 15, 2010 2:09 pm

    Ayame would observe how the kazekage suddenly made some moves and became a bit cautious but she would observe her Hokage suddenly greet everyone, offering her hand. She stood back for she knew from the pass few days that her kage did not like her guarding too much over her. She would nod suddenly as the hokage speaks up towards the kazekage and then spoke to her. She did what she was ask silently as she stand's up and took the tea casket as Ayame begins pouring some of the tea for her Hokage.

    Ayame would then put the appropriate servings in her hokage tea cup. As she stirs it in she would turn back to the hokage giving her back for a second the others may think but really she had a hidden mirror in her Gi robe that she could watch the others with when her back was turn. As she places it in front of her she would smile softly and hope everything was good in leaf village of Konoha. Then Ayame would turn back to the tea casket as she pour herself a cup of tea as she mix in a bit of sugar and took a spoon stirring it in. She would then whisk the tea casket away and sit beside her kage again as she holds her cup of tea.

    Ayame would thank her hokage in her mind for the tea then take a small sip from it as she close's her eyes then open's them. So refreshing and yummy, I like the tea my hokage make's. As she grins she would remain silent waiting on the meeting to begin. She would suddenly take a second look at the person standing beside the person clearly remembering back to what her hokage say about it and finds it strange that such a puppet this tall stood here. She never seen anything like it before and she wonder what it can do exactly.

    Then suddenly her mind twist to the fact of If this... puppet is here by Kazekage. Then who is controling it? Could it be someone of the kazekage's side, like one of its asssistants or appretice. She turn her face into such a weird twist that others may think that it would never be return to normal. Ayame was such confused on the way of the way this works that she would almost leave the eyes off the meeting into another world. Thought she pinch herself before she totally went away and almost yell out only capped her mouth over it. She did not want to received a stern look nor muttering from the kazekage like the mizukage and his assistant did.

    Instead she would yell [i]Owwww
    in her mind as she sits in the floor staring at the meeting focus back in. It still not started and she wonder when it would. She would have to get back to her students already, who most likely started the test with her shadow clone as she smirks and chuckles under her breathe. She wonder how exactly those students would do as she couldn't wait to received the information back from the shadow clone she left behind from before.

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    Age : 28

    The First Kage Summit - [Open] Empty Re: The First Kage Summit - [Open]

    Post by Initake Fri Jan 15, 2010 4:22 pm

    Initake looked to his assistant. "Say another word, and I will kick you out personally. Speak when spoken to." He looked again towards the Kazekage, with an apologetic look on his face.
    "Sorry, about that, Lord Kazekage, I assure you, it will not happen again." he looked around the under decorated room. He stared down at the table and waited for some conversation to start up. Initake then looks up, and sees a puppet staring back at him. He doesn't say anything, rather just ignores it.

    He looks to the Kages, and then back at the puppet, and shivers. He got the creeps just by looking at the thing. "Well, I suupose I should get the discussion started, seeing how I kept you waiting for such a while." He then paused for a few seconds, gathering all of his thoughts.
    "Well, I am a straight shooter. I believe we were brought here to do business. I am going to present an offer. An alliance, for the three major villages of this world. Accept or Decline, it is your decision. I hope to have peace with you both for as long as possible." He chuckles to himself as a single bead of sweat drips down the side of his head.

    He looks towards them, and then back at the puppet. Why the hell do i keep looking at that goddamned thing? he saw them beginning to think about this. His assistant had shown but one expression: pissed. He could not stay in one place for such a time like this. He sands up, and paces back and forth, waiting for them to present counter-offers. He then thinks of something else.
    "Just one condition, your villages, as well as mine, take place in the same Exams. Jonin, Chuunin, whatever it may be, anything and everything to keep the peace."

    Posts : 26
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    Age : 33

    The First Kage Summit - [Open] Empty Re: The First Kage Summit - [Open]

    Post by Medusa Thu Jan 21, 2010 1:05 pm

    [19:03:35] @ Blood : Senkou
    [19:03:42] @ Blood : Its your turn on Shinobi Wars, Kage Summit
    [19:03:43] @ Blood : ;D
    [19:04:45] @ Senkou : lmfao
    [19:04:46] Blood is Disconnected on Thu Jan 21, 2010 7:04 pm
    [19:04:48] Blood has joined the chat on Thu Jan 21, 2010 7:04 pm
    [19:04:49] @ Senkou : im done with that site


    Senkou won't be returning, you'll need to finish the rping for him Initake.

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    Age : 28

    The First Kage Summit - [Open] Empty Re: The First Kage Summit - [Open]

    Post by Initake Thu Jan 21, 2010 1:52 pm

    Ok, Roxas said we don't need the assistants to post anyway, so don't bother.

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    Location : The vast, unending deserts of Suna...

    The First Kage Summit - [Open] Empty Re: The First Kage Summit - [Open]

    Post by Rusuban Thu Jan 21, 2010 10:04 pm

    (This means Turn Skip, Roxas's Post.)

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    The First Kage Summit - [Open] Empty Re: The First Kage Summit - [Open]

    Post by Roxas Fri Jan 22, 2010 12:29 pm

    ((I'll let Medusa post before me. I'm sick, so I don't wanna post just yet, it won't be my best...))

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    The First Kage Summit - [Open] Empty Re: The First Kage Summit - [Open]

    Post by Medusa Fri Jan 22, 2010 2:29 pm

    ~ Dude, like I would have anything to work with if you and Rusuban don't post, then it would just be Initake and me, with nuffin. xD I'll just wait for you Roxas. ;D

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    Location : The vast, unending deserts of Suna...

    The First Kage Summit - [Open] Empty Re: The First Kage Summit - [Open]

    Post by Rusuban Fri Jan 22, 2010 6:15 pm

    (O.o Want me to just post?)

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    The First Kage Summit - [Open] Empty Re: The First Kage Summit - [Open]

    Post by Medusa Sat Jan 23, 2010 8:47 am

    ~ Nahhh I'd prefer to keep the order so lets just wait for Roxas. :3

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    The First Kage Summit - [Open] Empty Re: The First Kage Summit - [Open]

    Post by Roxas Sat Jan 23, 2010 1:20 pm

    ((Please just post. o.o))
    Ayame Nicole Kouhei
    Ayame Nicole Kouhei

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    The First Kage Summit - [Open] Empty Re: The First Kage Summit - [Open]

    Post by Ayame Nicole Kouhei Mon Jan 25, 2010 8:42 pm

    ooc: Since I'm not needed I'm going to make a exit post and go wander around suna village till the meeting is over with.

    ic: Ayame could clearly see that she wasn't needed at the meeting currently. She decided she wanted to go out and explore Suna village so she would quickly finish her tea. She would then place it on her table as she bow politely before leaving the building. She would hurry down the stairs towards the bottom of the ground as she glances towards the right where the suna village was close by. She would grin funny as she walk off towards there not looking back at the meeting place.

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