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4 posters

    Karasu Abumachi


    Posts : 31
    Join date : 2009-04-20

    Karasu Abumachi Empty Karasu Abumachi

    Post by Aries Mon Apr 20, 2009 5:44 pm

    Name: Karasu Abumachi
    Nickname/Alias: The Assassian
    Weight: 178lbs
    Height: 5\"11
    Age: 28
    Gender: Male

    Looks: Karasu looks like a typical 28-years old man. He is average heightl, pretty thin (though he may also be considered a bit athletic), and looks fairly healthy at all times. Despite that, he prefers to hide most of his body and a part of his face underneath a dark blue shinobi suit and a black shawl. His eyes are green and his hair is dyed white (one of his clans habits. His hair collor was originally brown). He pretty much always carries his blade along with him on his back. The rest of his shinobi tools are carried around in a pouch strapped onto his right leg. His forehead protector however is not worn on his forehead, but instead strapped onto a black belt around his waist.

    Personality: Karasu has been raised to serve his country and clan well. In fact, his sense for justice and his love for his superiours goes far beyond those of most other shinobi. He sees himself as some sort of bringer of justice and gladly hunts down those who oppose his and his villagers authority. In the proces however, he is blind to his villages and his own mistakes.

    One of Karasu\'s main weaknesses is that he thinks of himself to highly. Though he is indeed pretty strong and proves to be pretty clever at most times, he is not by far as strong as he thinks he is. This causes him to run into opponents he actually cannot beat, forcing him to, as he is to stubborn to retreat, go all out and give his best. Aside from all this, he\'s not a bad person to be with at all. He is kind to those that serve the same cause and gladly lends them a hand if they need one. His strange speech and high self-esteem however do not by far always get him the same, positive behavour in return.

    Clan Information
    Clan Name: Molecular Reconstruction
    [b]Kekei Genkai:Amagato
    [b]Clan Symbol: N/A
    [b]Clan History:My clan the bitter clan of the Aburame clan. Every since the begining of jutsu these clans have had a certain hatred for one another. Battle, battle, battle, fight, fight, fight thats all these two clans would ever do. It all started with the first Aburame and. Shikaku Aburame and Kinichi Aburame they were brothers and best friends. Although they were brothers they hardly agree on anything. One had a love for collecting rocks ands stones but the other had the love for collecting bugs. Well the father of the two found that bug were much more intresting and he demanded that Karasu should start collecting them too because he had plans for them. Seeing that that was his father he listened and started collecting big after bug. Unitl one day their father called upon the two boys and told them the plans he had for the bugs. After Karasu heard of this he was outraged and demaned that they should start their jutsu with rock solid defense. Through all of the arguing his father still didnt agree he chose the bugs instead. So the rituals started and the older brother Shikaku was the first to recieve the pat between them and the bugs. Since the pat was a success Karasu father tried to do the ritual upon Karasu but he rebeled. He despertall attempted to kill his brother but he was no match against his brother new jutsu. Therefore he ran away and swore to create his own jutsu of rock solid defences. He changed his name from Aburame to Urit and started the rivals between the two.

    Rank Information:
    [b]Rank: A-rank Akatsuki
    [b]Village: Village Hidden Underground
    [Skill Information:
    [b]Skill Specialty: Main,Weaponry Sub, Ninjutsu
    [b]Elemental Affinity: Main:Wind Sub:Earth

    [b]Special Characteristics:Kekei Genkai:Molecular Reconstruction- With this he can alter himself to any substance he touches. It's like if he was to touch any tress or plant he could mold his body into and become like one of these. This kkg is usually used for spying of any kind. This meaning he can transport from tree to tree or plant to plant at will. They also have the ability to see in dark areas.They can also move vital organs within there body at given will to avoid fatal wounds. Therefore when done the enemy only gives mear flesh wounds. They are human freaks of nature.
    The amagato has the uncanning ability to see long distances up to a 10 miles as if the person was ten feet away.It has the ability to see high speed movement to make it as if the movement was regular speed.It also has the ability to see through darkness,fog,illusions,mist,and even walls. A few more abilities is to see body heat and a person lifeforce. The user can extend out chakra in a black dust cloud and allow them to hide in it with out being seen. It allows user to also hide their own chakra presents.Can partically upcoming attacks. It also allows him to create illusionary chakra systems within objects.

    Name: Transformation Technique
    Rank: E
    Type: Ninjutsu
    Element: N/A
    Description: Henge no Jutsu is a ninjutsu technique which every ninja learns at the Ninja Academy. Henge allows the ninja to transform themselves into any person or object. This allows the ninja to move with stealth or to trick their opponents

    Name: Change of Body Stance Technique
    Rank: E
    Type: Ninjutsu
    Element: N/A
    Description: Kawarimi no Jutsu is a basic Ninjutsu technique. When in danger the ninja will quickly substitute themself with another nearby object. This can be a block of wood or even another person. This allows the ninja to quickly flee and hide while the original object takes the brunt of their opponents attack.

    Name: Act of Water Surface Walking
    Rank: E
    Element: N/A
    Description: A variation on the Kinobori no Waza (Tree Climbing), the art of water surface walking allows a ninja to walk on water as if it was a solid surface. Focusing an even amount of chakra out of the soles of their feet, they can balance themselves on the very surface of water

    Name: Act of Tree Climbing
    Rank: E
    Element: N/A
    Description: Kinobori no Waza, the art of tree climbing serves a dual purpose. Taking part in Kinobori Shugyou (Tree Climbing Training) helps a ninja learn how to focus their chakra. It also teaches the ninja how to run up trees and walk on vertical walls. The training helps the ninja learn how to focus just the right amount of chakra to a particular part of their body. The amount needed to climb is small but it must be precise. The feet are regarded as the hardest location to master chakra focusing. So by gaining the art of this skill, the ninja will have any jutsu available (theoretically) because they will be able to focus their chakra as need

    Kanashibari no Jutsu - Temporary Body Paralysis Technique
    Rank: D
    Element: N/A
    Description:Kanashibari no Jutsu is an advanced Ninjutsu technique used to temporarily bind an individual or animal. With the person frozen in place, the ninja can either take the opportunity to attack or to retreat. This gives the user 1 free post.

    Name: Body Flicker Technique
    Rank: D
    Element: N/A
    Description: Shunshin no Jutsu is a basic Ninjutsu technique. The ninja will appear and disappear in an instant, allowing them to retreat or attack suddenly. To facilitate the movement the ninja will often use nearby elements such as mist, sand or leaves to mask their appearance or disappearance.

    Name:Reverse Blade Technique
    Description:This jutsu is simple, yet effective for a beginner. The user leaps at his/her opponent with the sword pointed at the enemy. With the intention of slashing the target. The sword fly past your foe. You immediately flip the sword around so it slashes your foe in the back, attempting you hit your opponent twice.

    Name: Martyrs Reckoning
    Rank: D
    Skill: Chakra Manipulation + Poison
    Element: Poison
    Description: Charging a weapon with chakra, it becomes covered in a bacterial and acidic poison which will eat away at flesh. This lasts for 3 posts.

    Muon Satsujin no Jutsu (Silent Homicide Technique)
    Rank: C
    Element: Kinjutsu
    Description:Muon Satsujin Jutsu, the ability to commit a silent homicide, is a technique to dispatch your foe with no warning. Your quick speed and skills will instantly kill them before they can provide a defense

    Name: Karasu (Gust of wind Technique)
    Rank: D
    Type: Ninjutsu
    Element: Wind
    Description: The user concerntrates a sphere of wind into the palm of his hand. The user then raises up his hand over his head and feeds the sphere of wind chakra letting it expand. The wind is used to blow away poisons, smoke, ect in the air. This attack is harmless to people

    Name:Wind Daggers
    Rank: C
    Element: Wind
    Description: Daggers of condensed razor sharp wind launch at target, due to them being wind, they are nearly unblockable, and invisible to the naked eye. The amount varies on the chakra used, and each dagger has the capabilities of penetrating solid wood, and possibly rock.

    Name: Cyclone Slash
    Rank: C
    Type: Kinjutsu/Ninjutsu
    Element: Wind
    Description:Using wind Karasu concentrate air to force upon back in attempt to attack. By doing so Karasu speed increases 50%. This attack takes good chakra concetration. Its one of many jutsu Karasu taught himself.

    Name: Chakra Blade
    Rank: B
    Type: Ninjutsu
    Element: N/A
    Description: Karasu has the ability to create a blade of pure chakra. The blade can be as hard as steel, and as sharp as a dagger. The chakra of the member will begin to flow out from the desired point of the body, (arms, palms, etc), and begin to take shape into a blade. The amount of chakra used, depends on thesize of the blade, and can be cast away by a higher-level technique.

    Jutsu:Gekitai no jutsu
    Name: Repulsion Technique
    Rank: B
    Element: N/A
    Description: The user summons their chakra and forms the chakra into a ball. The ball of chakra can not be seen but looks almost like a heat wave where the form is invisible but wavy in a concentrated area. Once the ball is concentrated, the clan has the ability the disperse the wave with such for that it causes an explosive 360 degree wave. Based on the skill level of the clan member, the greater the destructive level of the repulse. Karasu is so strong, it has the ability to break a large boulder (roughly a ton) into thousands of pieces when he focuses on the power. Thus revealing the power level of this technique at his level. Senging out a wave 360degrees Range Genin-10m Chunin-15m Jonin-20m Anbu-20m Kage-30m Akatsuki-30m

    Kuzu Ryu Seni
    Element: N/A
    Description:This move strikes all nine vital points of the body simultaneously, and it is almost impossible to defend or dodge.

    Meisai Gakure no Jutsu - Camouflage Concealment Technique
    Rank: A
    Element: None
    Meisai Gakure no Jutsu is an advanced Ninjutsu technique used by Karasu. After forming the needed handseals, the ninja can grant themself near invisibility. So far only the Sharingan eye and its revelation abilities has been shown to pierce the veil and see the hidden ninja. It is unknown if the Byakugan can penetrate the jutsu and see the user\'s chakra circulatory system.

    History/RP Sample:b] The bright light of the day spread out across the fields. The sun floated majestically in the air, warming the Earth with its immense power. He began walking across the field, one hand on his staff , and the other one in his pocket, until he was a good distance from his opponent. He knew his opponent thought he could easily in, but Karasu didn\'t care about that, because he knew that he would emerge the victor. The boy smirked as he watched his opponent assume a weird fighting stance.

    Karasu took his hand out of his pocket and slowly pulled his sword from the holster, gripping the staff tight enough to strangle a person to death. He loosened up his grip as he realized his hands were beginning to bleed. He began taking deep breaths to relieve himself from all his excitement. The young boy lifted his sunglasses, and slowly folded them up and placed them in his pocket, and was readied himself to fight. There was tension in the air as the two opponents glared at each other for several moments, waiting to see who would step up and make the first move. Karasu took a advanced towards the challenger, trying to figure out why he had not moved yet. Was he planning something or just waiting for Karasu to strike so he could learn how he fights? At any rate,this fight had to begin.

    Karasu began to gather chakra to prepare for a Silent Homicide attack. He was halfway through the hand seals before he was attacked by his enemy from behind. That was it! He was never really looking at the real enemy. It was a clone all along, and the real opponent was slowly sneaking up behind him, waiting to strike. Karasu chuckled to himself as he said \" You may be a challenge after all.\"

    History/Background Story:Karasu arrived at the academy on schedule and soon worked hard to become the top of the class. During this time that his mother took him out for chakra control training. It was here that he learned how to control chakra to certain parts of his body, more specifically his hands and feet. He forced himself to learn how in order to overtake Abumachi in the be the best. His mother taught him that to waste even a small amount of chakra would cause him to become weaker. It was also during this time, he learned of his aptitude for Wind jutsu.

    Once, Karasu graduated from the academy, he became very skilled in chakra control Jutsu and mastered many of his justus, many of which he taught himself. After graduation he spent many days pushing himself to the limit of his chakra. He wanted to be able to do diffucult jutsus for his age. Because of this intense training of his, he had a big reserve of chakra. Then during Weapon Training, Karasu was a skilled kunai and shuriken master because of his years of training in the Academy. Karasu was a prodigy to his family, but his father was not pleased yet. His control over his Kekkei Genkai had barely improved for his father’s approval. Karasu would spend hours focusing and trying to master his Kekkei Genkai but couldn’t hold it any longer. He could already hold it longer than most members of his clan. Because of his long hours of training with his father, Karasu is one of the faster Genin of his generation.

    chuunin arc- As a chuunin he was given a group of academy students to teach. this was not his cup of tea but it would have to do. He made sure that they knew everything they needed for ninja hood and even gave them some on field battle hints. but his teaching spot soon was ended when he was asked to join a team of jounin. they made fun and played around with him alot but the team worked well and acomplished many missions. Two of his had begun to split apart seeing as he became a guardian asstiant for the kage. they still hung out but no longer had feelings for each other. Karasu was beging to become so adepth in his training that many of the jounin were afraid to fight him. as a chuunin he completed more missions than many of the jounin. the hokage saw this and promoted him to jounin as an act of respect.

    Jounin arc- As a jounin he was not contempt with life in the village. He Felt that he should go out and capture all ninja that need to be caught. He wanted more action a pulse than he got leading a mock team of genin. So he left and became a missing ninja.

    Last edited by Aries on Mon Apr 20, 2009 6:32 pm; edited 6 times in total

    Posts : 104
    Join date : 2009-03-29

    Karasu Abumachi Empty Re: Karasu Abumachi

    Post by Admin Mon Apr 20, 2009 5:48 pm

    Everything is good except your KKG.

    The amagato has the uncanning ability to see
    long distances up to a 10 miles as if the person was ten feet away.It
    has the ability to see high speed movement to make it as if the
    movement was regular speed.It also has the ability to see through
    darkness,fog,illusions,mist,and even walls. A few more abilities is to
    see body heat and a person lifeforce. The user can extend out chakra in
    a black dust cloud and allow them to hide in it with out being seen. It
    allows user to also hide their own chakra presents.Can partically
    upcoming attacks. It also allows him to create illusionary chakra
    systems within objects.

    It seems like a mix of the Byakugan and Sharingan.

    Posts : 31
    Join date : 2009-04-20

    Karasu Abumachi Empty Re: Karasu Abumachi

    Post by Aries Mon Apr 20, 2009 6:03 pm


    -Name: Full Chemical Protection
    Rank: D
    Skill: Chakra Manipulation + Poison
    Element: Poison
    Description: Charging his body with chakra, he becomes immune to all poison, paralysis, and acidic attacks. This lasts 10 posts.

    Name: Acid Demonstration
    Rank: D
    Skill: Poison
    Element: Poison
    Description: Throwing several bottles of poison equipped with exploding notes at the opponent, a sleepy gas will enter the air making the opponent tired physically and mentally, this lasts 3 posts and is an inhalant.

    Name: Underground Projection
    Rank: C
    Type: Ninjutsu
    Element: Earth
    Description: Using this jutsu, a person can hide underground until they're ready to attack an opponent. By utilizing earth-chakra, the person can stealthily emerge from the ground without disrupting the ground around him.

    Name:Abumachi's Earth Coffin
    Rank: A
    Type: Ninjutsu
    Element: Earth
    Description: This is a technique used by Karasu's. This is one of Karasu's Ninjutsu. Utilizing the Earth element Karasu will first make several handseals. After that, he will open up his hand revealing his palm. The ground will begin to rise up around the opponent or opponents. By tightening the grip of his hand, he can tighten the grip of the earth circling the opponent to make sure that they can't get away, and he will bind them in place. Karasu can completely close his first, resulting in the earth squeezing in and crushing his opponent to death. He also can make the size of the rising earth differ depending on the size of the opponent and he doesn't have to kill them, he can just make the grip that he has on them tight so that they are captured and rendered immbolized. Usually if that is the case, While the earth coffin holds them He can go over and knock them out while they can't move, The chakra of this jutsu isnt really consuming. Little to average amount of chakra is needed.

    Name:Earth Style Earth Bind
    Descripition:Thi jutsu requires my ninja to attach a thin layer of earth below his opponents feet. About an half inch think but it seems as if it wieght up to 20 pounds With two handsigns he controls the ground the opponent is standing on and force the earth upon the opponents feet bottoms. This jutsu is so silent it seems as if he didnt do anything. Therefore the opponent dont knoe he/she has been caught. With his great chakra control it allows him to keep these slabs on their feet for three post.It slow the opponent speed down 25%. Making it easier to attack the opponent.

    -Name: Resistant Soul
    Rank: D
    Skill: Chakra Manipulation + Ninjutsu
    Element: N/A
    Description: When this jutsu is activated, Karasu’s eyes glow a deep purple color. In this state he is generally more aware of the area around him, and can see further (100 Yards Extra with Detail) and sees things more detailed. In this state he cannot speak, and cannot be taken control of from Any Mind Jutsu’s, and only B ranked and Up Genjutsu will work on him. This lasts 3 posts and cannot be activated more than once in a fight.

    Stone Burial Collaptsing Jutsu:
    Rank: B
    Element: Earth
    Description: With a few hand signals the Abumaci can rise two stone walls from within the ground surrounding the opponent attempting to close on them.First the slabs come from benthe ground and surround the enemy. They close upon demand you know this by Karasu closing his hands.They can also use this as a defense to block oncoming attacks

    Name: Repulsion Shield (a.k.a. Repulsion Crush {Small Scale})
    Rank: C
    Type: N/A
    Element: N/A
    Description: By focusing his chakra, Karasu can create a ball of chakra around himself and then release the chakra forcing the repulse to deflect any mass coming towards the user.

    Name: Earth Armor
    Rank: C
    Type: Ninjutsu
    Element: Earth
    Description: bring rocks, dusts, or pebbles around them to fit his body and create a thin layered skin but mad it hard as stone therefore creating an armor. He can also hide inside the earth by molding the rock around them as a shell. Specifically made for weponary, taijutsu, and ninjutsu,.This is effective against most jutsu however its weak against lightning. Taijutsu has no effect. Weapons such as shiruken, kunai,and swords has no effect.

    Last edited by Aries on Mon Apr 20, 2009 6:35 pm; edited 2 times in total

    Posts : 31
    Join date : 2009-04-20

    Karasu Abumachi Empty Re: Karasu Abumachi

    Post by Aries Mon Apr 20, 2009 6:16 pm

    Name:Abumaci's Giant Boulder Shower
    Rank: A
    Type: Ninjutsu
    Element: Earth
    This is a technique used by Karasu, This is one of Karasu more powerful Ninjutsu's. Utilizing the Earth element Karasu will first make several handseals. After that he will slam his giant palm onto the ground. The earth will then rise up all within many boulders. Each boulder will be about 5 meters long in size and they will weigh anywhere from a half a ton to a ton. While in mid air Karasu can then control them to go anywhere that he sees fit. He can use them all at once and send them straight for his opponent at fast speeds in order to crush them or he can use them one by one to savor them. Ususally when faced with more than 1 opponent he will savor each one of them and send them one at a time. The boulders can only stay in mid air for about a minute which means Karasu would have to send them at his opponent quickly. After the minute is up they will loose the ability to float in mid air and will instantly drop to the ground no matter what is under them. Therefore even if Karasu is under one of them he might be hit with it too, although because of his strength stopping them wouldn't be something that would be too hard.

    Last edited by Aries on Mon Apr 20, 2009 6:28 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Posts : 104
    Join date : 2009-03-29

    Karasu Abumachi Empty Re: Karasu Abumachi

    Post by Admin Mon Apr 20, 2009 6:18 pm

    Good, approved. But teleporting through any type of plants may only be used three times in one topic. >.>

    Posts : 31
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    Karasu Abumachi Empty Re: Karasu Abumachi

    Post by Aries Mon Apr 20, 2009 6:35 pm

    Renjiro Senju
    Village Elder
    Village Elder

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    Karasu Abumachi Empty Re: Karasu Abumachi

    Post by Renjiro Senju Sun Apr 26, 2009 4:59 am

    Zatheria Senju
    Zatheria Senju

    Posts : 75
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    Age : 32

    Karasu Abumachi Empty Re: Karasu Abumachi

    Post by Zatheria Senju Sun Apr 26, 2009 8:34 pm

    These Justus have been Approved by me and are getting added

    Name: Dai Kamaitachi - Great Cutting Whirlwind
    Rank: B
    Type: Ninjutsu
    Element: Wind
    Description: Dai Kamaitachi is a Ninjutsu technique developed by ninja. Named after a mythical creature, Karasu uses his scythe to blow a concussive wind that is imbued with his chakra. This technique is a bigger version of the normal Kamaitachi no Jutsu, having the ability to cause a great amount of cutting damage to the nearby area.

    Name: Kamaitachi - Cutting Whirlwind
    Rank: C
    Type: Ninjutsu
    Element: Wind
    Description: Kamaitachi is a Ninjutsu technique developed by the Sand ninja. Named after a mythical creature, Karasu uses his sword to blow a concussive wind that is imbued with his chakra. When his opponent is caught in the wind, a tornado will raise them into the air and hold them with the chakra. The wind will then begin to cut the target with the sickling winds.

    Name: Kazekiri - Wind Cutter
    Rank: A
    Type: Ninjutsu
    Element: Wind
    Description: Fuuton • Kazekiri no Jutsu is a Ninjutsu technique utilizing the Wind Element. To utilize this technique, Hanzo will form the needed hand seal. A large slicing wind will then be created which can cut through his opponent. This can be used to immobilize large summons.

    Name:Kaze Ya no Jutsu (Wind Arrow Technique)
    Rank: D Rank
    Type: Ninjutsu
    Element: Wind
    Description: The user molds chakra and breathes in. He or she then blows out and an arrow made of wind is shot from the user’s mouth. The arrow cannot be blocked but it can be dodged. Since it is made out of wind the arrow is hard to see. One arrow shot at a time.

    Name: Fuuton Furyuu no Jutsu (Wind Dragon)
    Rank: C Rank
    Type: Ninjutsu
    Element: Wind
    Description: Creates a dragon formed from wind. The dragon looks like a large serpent, a traditional Chinese dragon that is twenty feet long. The dragon has a red mane and the rest of his body borders light blue. The color is not distinct because the wind manipulates it from its color to transparency. The dragon can shoot Kaze Kongou from its mouth.

    Name: Kaze Gyorai no Jutsu (Wind Torpedo)
    Rank: B Rank
    Type: Ninjutsu
    Element: Wind
    Description: The user gathers a large amount of wind into his lungs and expels it in a single blow. The wind forms a torpedo that is near invisible that launches towards the opponent. Upon contact it explodes with the force of two exploding tags.

    Name: Hikui Tenkuu Assaku no Jutsu (Low Air Pressure Technique)
    Rank: B Rank
    Type: Ninjutsu
    Element: Wind
    Description: This technique makes the air pressure in a room drop dramatically, causing anyone inside to fall asleep. It can only work in an enclosed area like a building or room.

    Name: Fuuton - Renkuudan (Drilling Air Projectile)
    Rank: A Rank
    Type: Ninjutsu
    Element: Wind
    Description: Renkuudan is a Ninjutsu technique utilizing the Wind Element. The user inhales a large amount of air into their chest and then expels it in one large explosive burst. To strengthen the attack, they will imbue chakra into the air and then release it in large, spherical projectile shots.

    Name: Fuuton Fuuryuudan no Jutsu
    Rank: A Rank
    Type: Ninjutsu
    Element: Wind
    Description: Powerful attack that creates a huge surge of wind in the shape of a dragon, which is sent towards the opponent. Large dragon, much like the Suiryuudan in size but made out of wind. If the victim is hit they will suffer great amounts of damage. It will seem as if he or she is stuck inside a tornado.

    Name: Fuuton - Fuusajin (Dust Wind)
    Rank: D Rank
    Type: Ninjutsu
    Element: Wind
    Description: This is a Ninjutsu that utilizes the wind element. Using his a fan or with the correct elemental affinity, the user can blow a strong current which will cover the surrounding area in dust. This dust will serve to loosen the footing for any opponent who walks nearby

    Name: Reppushou - Gale Wind Palm
    Rank: C
    Type: Ninjutsu
    Element: Wind
    Description: Fuuton • Reppushou is a Ninjutsu technique utilizing the Wind Element. After forming the needed hand seals, Karasu will send a strong gust of wind towards his target. When acting in conjunction with another thrown weapon, the wind can increase its power and deadliness.

    Name: Daitoppa - Great Breakthrough
    Rank: C
    Type: Ninjutsu
    Element: Wind
    Description: Fuuton • Daitoppa is a Ninjutsu technique which utilizes the Wind Element. After bringing his hand to his mouth, Karasu will blow a large blast of wind capable of leveling almost anything in its way. A variation of the technique involves a smaller blast of wind which gets ignited with flame.

    Name: Tatsu no Ooshigoto - Dragon's Big Job
    Rank: A
    Type: Ninjutsu
    Element: Wind
    Description: Fuuton • Tatsu no Ooshigoto is a Ninjutsu technique utilizing the Wind Element. Karasu will swing his scythe into the air, causing the sky to grow dark and stormy. These clouds will create a cutting tornado that will drop down on top of his target.

    Name: Sunabokori - Dust Cloud
    Rank: D
    Type: Ninjutsu
    Element: Wind
    Description: Fuuton • Sunabokori is a Ninjutsu technique utilizing the Wind Element. After generating Wind within his lungs, Hanzo will use the additional power of natural energy to emit a large cloud of blinding dust.
    Zatheria Senju
    Zatheria Senju

    Posts : 75
    Join date : 2009-03-29
    Age : 32

    Karasu Abumachi Empty Re: Karasu Abumachi

    Post by Zatheria Senju Sun Apr 26, 2009 9:06 pm

    THese justus have been approved by me and are getting added.

    Name: Surgical Sword
    Rank: B
    Description: Infusing his sword with Karasu's chakra, My sword is able to extend the blade 2ft while glowing with green energy. Now even if the blade misses, if the target is 2ft or closer they will still be cut. This also increases the sharpness of the sword by 30%

    Sword's Jutsu:
    Name: Regenerative Body
    Rank: A
    Description: Absorbing some of Karasu's chakra, Karasu sword is able to heal his wounds, the more damage he has the more chakra he has to absorb from Karasu.

    Name: Heavens Decent
    Rank: A
    Description: Putting its hand together my sword is able to create a small barrier around Karasu that is almost unbreakable. The barrier which shines with blue light will soon fade after a couple of post though and works on all attacks

    Posts : 104
    Join date : 2009-03-29

    Karasu Abumachi Empty Re: Karasu Abumachi

    Post by Admin Mon Apr 27, 2009 2:44 pm

    Name: Tsuchi Bunshin no Jutsu - Earth Clone Technique
    Rank: C
    Type: Ninjutsu
    Element: Earth
    Tsuchi Bunshin no Jutsu is a Ninjutsu technique utilizing the earth to
    create a Bunshin clone. Unlike a normal Bunshin, the Tsuchi Bunshin has
    the ability to interact more with the environment due to it having
    physical substance. This allows the clone to carry out limited attacks
    on its target. Due to the Bunshin clone being created from the earth it
    can take more abuse then that of a normal Bunshin clone. These clones
    can be also created by the earth that is underground, allowing for the
    user to possibly use the clones to sneak up and surprise their opponent.

    Name: Tetsu Tsuchi no jutsu - Iron Stone Technique
    Rank: D
    Type: Ninjutsu
    Element: Earth
    Tetsu Tsuchi no jutsu is a ninjutsu technique that allows the user to
    make the earth as strong and dense as iron. This technique often
    combined with Tsuchi Bunshin no Jutsu - Earth Clone Technique to make
    the Earth Bunshins stronger and more dense and durable.

    Name: Doryuu Katsu - Earth Style Split
    Rank: B
    Type: Ninjutsu
    Element: Earth
    Doton • Doryuu Katsu is a Ninjutsu technique utilizing the Earth
    Element. The ninja will do the necessary hand seals, then place their
    hand to the ground. This will cause the earth to rise up and split
    apart. Once the ninja removes their hand from the ground, the earth
    parting will end.

    Name: Doryuu Taiga - Earth Flow River
    Rank: C
    Type: Ninjutsu
    Element: Earth
    Doton • Doryuu Taiga is a Ninjutsu technique utilizing the Earth
    Element. The ninja will do the necessary hand seals and transform the
    ground upon which the enemy stands into a river of mud. If a larger
    amount of chakra is used with a larger surface then the amount of mud
    created is increased.

    Name: Tsuchi Suitai no jutsu - Earth Weakening Technique
    Rank: D
    Type: Ninjutsu
    Element: Earth
    Tsuchi Suitai no jutsu is a ninjutsu technique that allows the user to
    weaken the earth around them with the use of their chakra. This can
    cause earth to collapse in on itself and create holes, cave-ins, ect.
    The larger the area of earth that is effected by this the more chakra
    is needed.

    Name: Tsuchi Rou no jutsu - Earth Prison Technique
    Rank: C
    Type: Ninjutsu
    Element: Earth
    Tsuchi Rou no jutsu is a ninjutsu technique that utilizes the Earth
    Element. With the correct series of handsigns the user can make earth
    rise up and clutch onto an opponent keeping them immobilized. This
    technique can be combined with Tetsu Tsuchi no jutsu - Iron Stone
    Technique to make the prison almost impossible to break out of.

    Name: Doryuu Heki - Earth Style Wall
    Rank: B
    Type: Ninjutsu
    Element: Earth
    Doryuu Heki is a defensive Ninjutsu technique utilizing the Earth
    Element. Karasu needed handsigns and then place his hands on the ground
    which will make a large wall of earth come fourth from the ground. This
    wall can help protect against attacks as well as be used to block off
    retreating or incoming shinobi.

    Name: Retsudo Tenshou - Revolving Split Earth Palm
    Rank: C
    Type: Ninjutsu
    Element: Earth
    Retsudo Tenshou is a Ninjutsu technique utilizing the Earth Element.
    This technique allows the ninja to control nearby stone and rock. When
    the ninja forms the needed handseals and slams their palm to the
    ground, surrounding rock will begin to churn and twist up crushing all
    those trapped within it.

    Name: Ishi Bochi no jutsu - Earth Graveyard Technique
    Rank: A
    Type: Ninjutsu
    Element: Earth
    Ishi Bochi no jutsu is a Ninjutsu technique that utilizes the Earth
    element. Karasu will make the needed handsigns and then strick the
    ground with his fist or palm into the ground, causing a minor
    shockwave. Then as his fingers take root in the earth large stone
    spikes will rise from the ground at a rapid motion. The spikes will
    travel for a total of 30 meters in all directions from the point of
    impact and will impale anyone who is caught in the mists of the spikes.

    Name: Tsuchi Hada no jutsu - Earth Skin Technique
    Rank: D
    Type: Ninjutsu
    Element: Earth
    Tsuchi Hada no jutsu is a ninjutsu technique that utilizes the Earth
    element. By making the needed Snake handsign, Seth can make the earth
    encompass his boby and turn it into another layer of skin. This
    technique can be used to create a hard stable like armor that covers
    all of Seth's body. This can also be used to strengthen Karasu's blows
    while in combat.

    Name: Tsuchi Niwakaame - Earth Rain Shower
    Rank: C
    Type: Ninjutsu
    Element: Earth
    Tsuchi Niwakaame is a ninjutsu technique that utilizes the Earth
    element. After performing the correct handsigns, Karasu can make any
    amount of earth that is falling from the sky turn into needle like
    pieces of earth and fly down at his opponent(s).

    Name: Ishi Chuuseki no jutsu - Stone Pillar Technique
    Rank: D
    Type: Ninjutsu
    Element: Earth
    Ishi Chuuseki no jutsu is a ninjutsu technique that utilizes the Earth
    element. Once the correct handsigns are performed Karasu will slam his
    fist into the ground, making large pillar(s) of earth rise from the
    ground. The pillar can rise anywhere within the area that consists of

    Name:Ichi Motte Sono Kaze [ One With the Wind ]
    Rank: A
    Type: Ninjutsu
    This jutsu allows the user to blend in with the wind. This won't make
    in entirely invisible, but just a bit blurry. The user will also be
    able to move at a faster rate than normal.

    Name: Wind Blend
    jutsu allows the user to creat a massive amount of wind to push
    opponent off balence. After their off balence it seems as if Karasu
    disappears into thin air but he doesn't. He moves in suck a high speed
    that he can be seen by the naked eye. He assassinate his target killing
    them where they stand

    Posts : 104
    Join date : 2009-03-29

    Karasu Abumachi Empty Re: Karasu Abumachi

    Post by Admin Tue Apr 28, 2009 4:51 am

    Name: Sound Barrier Jutsu
    Rank: A
    Type: Fuuinjutsu
    is a barrier jutsu that is formed to completely nullify all sound
    within it. Meaning that sound cannot be omitted within the dome of
    wind. It requires a very qualified shinobi to pull the technique off.
    It engulfs all the surroundings with continous wind. If anyone tries to
    get out of this they will severly be damage from being cut by the wind.
    This requires great chakra control and it will last 5 post.

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