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    Karamu Tomasu (Mist Genin)

    ANBU Root
    ANBU Root

    Posts : 16
    Join date : 2009-03-29
    Age : 31
    Location : Close to the skin but far from the eye

    Karamu Tomasu (Mist Genin) Empty Karamu Tomasu (Mist Genin)

    Post by Tailbone Mon Jan 04, 2010 2:50 pm

    General Information
    Name: Karamu Tomasu

    Nickname/Alias: N/A

    Age: 14

    Gender: Male

    Note: He does not wield a Sword.
    Karamu has long, dark brown hair that he keeps tied back to keep out of his eyes. He has bright blue eyes that look like clear water. He wears loose, black trousers and a loose, black shirt and he wears white cloth to act as a belt. Above this he wears an open t-shirt both brown and green. He wears a straw hat which he claims to have found somewhere and rarely takes it off. He wears white sandals and black socks underneath. He also wears armbands which go from his knuckles to his elbows. On his leg, he has a kunai pouch and he wears another pouch on his backside.

    Personality: Karamu is a strong individual, he lost his previous team through a mix of him having ill feeling towards them and simply the odds were too highly stacked. He has decided that he will become strong enough to protect everyone so that he does not need to see another comrade die or suffer before him. He is a kind-hearted individual, he is not quick to anger and can keep well composed but often enjoys to joke and have fun despite experiencing some tradegies.

    Karamu's beliefs are that life is too short to be consumed by hatred and sorrow. People need to become stronger to lead the world into a better time. People also need to learn to work together because teamwork makes people strong and it also lets people to discover who they are and overall make them better people. In battle, Karamu has taken to fighting from a mid to long range but he can fight at close range just not as well. He usually uses clouds to disappear and also to harm the enemy.

    Personality Trait's: N/A

    Catch Phrase: N/A

    Clan Information

    Clan Name: Tomasu

    Kekkei Genkai: Kumoton: through simultaneous usage of the water, fire and wind elements, the clan member can generate and manipulate clouds. The downside is that the clan member cannot use any of the three elements seperately, only cloud no matter their rank.

    Clan Symbol: N/A

    Clan History: The tomasu clan was origionally from the Hidden cloud vilage when a ninja thought that the village name would be helped further by ninja who could wield the clouds. The ninja started his work in trying to use cloud jutsu but failed for a long time, he eventually met a woman and they got married and his dream became her dream, they worked together long and hard to make it work and they realised that they could use cloud jutsu but thye had to be together to use it. The two later had 3 children who when they came of age were tested to see which element they had, the papers fell in half and one half burnt while the other half fell apart form being wet. The parents were suprised to see their children have 3 elements but when the children were taught how to use the element jutsu, they found out they could not use any but it gave the parents an idea. They taught the children what they learnt and to their happiness they children had the cloud element.

    The children then became parents themselves and their children could use the cloud element as well. The clan then moved to the mist village after trouble with another gang in the cloud village chased them away. They settled into the mist nicely and got on well with others, the children of the clan often were successful ninja and got far in their ninja careers. These days, the Tomasu clan still exists and is not a large clan but not a small clan either. Less ninja are coming fromt he clan however because less clan members are having children.

    Rank Information:
    Rank: Genin
    Village: Hidden mist village

    Skill Information

    Skill Specialty:
    Main: Ninjutsu

    Elemental Affinity:
    Primary: Cloud (A combination of the elements listed below)
    Supplementary: Water, Fire and Wind (These cannot be used by Karamu)

    Special Characteristics: Karamu has 3 elements but cannot use them seperately, he can only use them together for his cloud jutsu.
    Karamu can see through his clouds, whether they are taken from the sky or generated by himself because of his Kekkei Genkai.


    Karamu wields 20 kunai, 15 ft of wire, 4 smoke bombs and 20 shuriken. (These are basic items/weapons so I would not believe that they need the template, everyone knows what they are.)


    Basic Ninjutsu:

    Kumoton Ninjutsu:

    Background Information
    Pre-Academy Arc: Karamu was born 14 years ago in the hidden Mist village to 2 parents who died on missions before he was 2, before he got to know them. He was left in the hands of a man who was a Chuunin rank ninja and an uncle of Karamu's called Sumaru and was particularly skilled in Kumoton jutsu and and aimed to teach Karamu all he knew so that Karamu could perhaps become more skilled at a quicker pace or at least be able to do well in the harsh world he had been born into. By the age of 5, Karamu could could use the clone jutsu but not much else, this made Sumaru happy that he was picking things up, he figured that in a few years that Karmau would be able to attend the academy. By the age of 7, Karamu had learnt the basic jutsu and had found that his element was cloud but he could not do anything with it yet but it was understandable as most people learnt how to use their element at genin rank. Sumaru, proud of his nephew, sent him to the academy telling him that this would make him more powerful. Karamu looked forward to it but was a little nervous, he had little experience with other people.

    Academy Student Arc: Karamu arrived at the academy at the age of 7 and graduated at the age of 9. During this time, he impressed the teachers with his natural talent and was admired by some of the other kids, he himself admired one other, an Uchiha called Dosu. He watched Dosu, he was born with the natural Uchiha genius and was the most talented kid in the academy, only Karamu rivaled Dosu. At the final exams, Karamu was approached by Dosu and invited to a fight with him, Karamu accepted and the two went out to the training field. The two were being watched by the other students and the teachers, they then fought, both were equally matched in terms of skill and fought each other for a good amount of time, then the fight began to include basic ninjutsu and Dosu won there, he pulled out a clone jutsu which caught Karamu off guard and Karamu was then kicked in the head and knocked out immediately. He awoke to find he had impressed the Teachers but they would need to see his ninjutsu to pass him to genin, he then showed them the 3 academy jutsus, he did them after a few attempts, and was passed and promoted to genin.

    Genin Arc: Now at the age of 9, Karamu was assigned to a squad and one of the people in his team was Dosu Uchiha. Karamu had developed a grudge against Dosu for being Uchiha and showing him up. On their first genin meeting, they had to be seperated by the Jounin leader, Hokuto Daichi, and the third member of the group, Ayame Aburame. Karamu never had much of a problem with Ayame because he was in love with her, unfortunately, so was Dosu. They then did many missions and on them Karamu and Dosu were competing for Ayame's attention, she chose Dosu and they got together, they were both 11 and Karamu was 10 at time. Karamu became a very ingoing and agressive person after that, he was more impatient and viscious during missions and would try to avoid the other 2 members at all times. His sensei then came in and explained that he would get over it and move on, he decided he would but not how everyone would expect, he believed his new found Kumoton element would help him face Dosu's recently gained Sharingan, he planned to kill Dosu. The next day, the team were told they had been entered into the chuunin exams over in the Hidden leaf village.

    In the first test, Karamu got through the test barely, he managed to get just pass half marks, Dosu used his Sharingan to copy anothers work and get a good score and Ayame used her bugs to get her answers. They passed into the second test, a survival excercise in the forest of death and Karamu knew this was his chance to kill Dosu. In the forest, they were attacked by 2 groups of ninja and the 3 worked together to survive, both Karamu and Dosu realised that they worked really well together, Karamu's ninjutsu and Dosu's ninjutsu made a really good combination and with Ayame's skills, they felt unstoppable but this was proven wrong not too much later.
    They had obtained the scroll they needed and were headed towards the tower to finish the test when they were attacked by rock ninja. Dosu stayed back and used fire attacks and Ayame stayed back and used bug attacks while Karamu ran in to engage in close combat. He was busy taking on 2 of them when a fireball hit him from behind, Dosu had been hit while shooting a fireball and it had accidentaly struck Karamu. Karamu fell over and was attacked worse by the 2 ninja but managed to get back up and keep fighting but was distracted by his anger at Dosu hitting him. This gave the enemy ninja a chance to throw down a smoke bomb and when the smoke dispersed, Ayame was dead and the scrolls were gone. Both Karamu and Dosu gave in and took the body back to the village, by doing so though, they forfeited the exams. Dosu later left the village, he could not stay in the village and was announced as a missing ninja. Karamu remained in the village, he hoped to become strong enough so that when he is assigned to a new team, he would not have to watch his team fall apart. He has trained in his Ninjutsu and has taken a new personality, he is kinder and not so harsh and bitter as he was only a year before. Karamu is awaiting a new genin team and this is the story of Karamu so far.

    RP Sample:
    Hokuto had been assigned to go and find the location of Zatheria Senju, a Sannin and a friend of Kumori, the new Mizukage. Hokuto had arrived by boat with another, Alicia Hyuuga, she had signed up to the mission as well and they were to work together to find Zatheria. He had came to the Sun village because it came about at roughly the same time Zatheria had gone missing and he believed the two to be linked. He hoped that the mission did not need to get violent, he would rather not fight a sannin.

    The island was a nice looking place and the weather was good, the sun was out but there were some dark clouds growing closer. He stepped off the boat and looked around, he was not sure where to start the search but he had an idea. He turned to Alicia and asked "Can you use your Byakugan to search the area and find Zatheria? If it would help, I could fly and hold you so we could see from above and cover the entire island quicker."
    He then awaited the Hyuuga Jounins response.

    Posts : 130
    Join date : 2010-01-04

    Karamu Tomasu (Mist Genin) Empty Re: Karamu Tomasu (Mist Genin)

    Post by Roxas Mon Jan 04, 2010 4:27 pm


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