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    Meraxa Enryu (Done)

    Konoha Genin
    Konoha Genin

    Posts : 20
    Join date : 2010-01-03
    Age : 29

    Meraxa Enryu (Done) Empty Meraxa Enryu (Done)

    Post by Meraxa Sun Jan 03, 2010 1:49 pm

    General Information
    Name: Meraxa Enryu

    Nickname/Alias: N/A

    Age: 14

    Gender: Male

    Looks: Meraxa stands just over five feet tall, a bit above most of his classmates. His hair is a fiery red, and spikes out in all directions like some kind of shonen manga protaganist. The only thing keeping it in check is his headband, and even that is almost completely covered up. Its why a lot of people assume him to simply be a ninja fanboy unless he pulls his hair back. His eyes however are a more usual brown, which along with his smile go a long way to show his innocence.

    Now onto some actual clothing. Having only just started out as a ninja, Meraxa does not fully understand the importance of such things as 'subtlety' or 'stealth', and instead goes out wearing a black jacket with the kanji for 'dragon' emblazoned on the back - in a red just as fiery as his hair. Underneath that jacket is a brown T-shirt, thankfully as mild as his eyes. For trousers, he wears green combats, with all the extra pockets a person could possibly need to shove things in. He has a weapons pouch on the right hand side of these trousers, reflecting the fact that he is - obviously - right handed.

    He is generally covered in bandaids, and sometimes even has a full bandage on some location of his body. They're a reminder to both himself and everyone around him of how hard he tries, even at the risk of failure, or even worse, injury. One thing he generally keeps tucked under his shirt is a pendant, given to him by his father, at its core a piece of amber. He never takes it off, never.

    Personality: Hyperactive and cocky, to say the least. Silence is something you will rarely find with this boy, who scream to the heavens and just how great he's gonna be some day. No matter how grim it gets, no matter what the odds are, he'll still go through with whatever he has to. Though that determination will all but vanish around his mother, who he fears as if she were the devil itself. He still cares for her deeply though, and despite how he constantly moans that things were better when dad was around, anyone who dares to cross the line about her will find their trip home to be very unpleasant.

    Similarly, he cares for his comrades and friends as if they were part of his family, no matter how much he complains about them. Heck, if someone else treats someone whose meant to be their ally or friend badly, Meraxa will almost immediately ask 'What the hell is wrong with you?' Subsequently, he will do everything within his power to make sure that the person he asked that question to learns the meaning of friendship, even if he has to beat that into them. Socially speaking, he is rather blunt, but does like to genuinely help people. Hence why even if he has no understanding of a situation, he will get involved.

    Personality Trait's: Determined
    Helping others

    Catch Phrase: Who the hell do you think I am?!

    Clan Information

    Clan Name: N/A

    Kekkei Genkai: N/A

    Clan Symbol: N/A

    Clan History: N/A

    Rank Information:
    Rank: Genin
    Village: Konoha

    Skill Information

    Skill Specialty:
    Main: Ninjutsu
    Sub: N/A

    Elemental Affinity:
    Primary: Fire
    Supplementary: N/A (For now)
    Third: N/A

    Special Characteristics: Due to all that determination of his, Meraxa will continue to fight, no matter how damaged his body is, the only way to completely stop him is to either tie him down, knock him out, or just stop his body from working.


    Name: The pendant from Meraxa's father
    Appearance: Meraxa Enryu (Done) Spangled_amber_pendant
    Rank: C
    Special Abilities: A seal placed on it means that if Meraxa is knocked unconcious, a genjutsu will activate, making him appear invisible to all onlookers, unless said onlooker is skilled in genjutsu and releases the effect.
    Origin: The actual pendant dates back hundreds of years into the family's past, with it being passed from one to another throughout the years. In Meraxa's case it was just before the mission in which his father disappeared disappeared, that the man gave this gem to the boy, saying that it would 'Protect him, even if [he] couldn't.'

    Name: Shuriken (25)
    Appearance: Meraxa Enryu (Done) Naruto_star1_1_M
    Rank: E
    Special Abilities:
    A shuriken (手裏剣), like kunai, is one of the more basic weapons seen in
    Naruto. They are sharpened, four-pronged metal stars, useful for
    throwing. Although small, they can be used to distract, or, if accurate
    enough, can be deadly. They have an open circle in the center, used for
    grabbing with a finger, to avoid cutting oneself, or to put thread
    through. The circle is also a benefit in aerodynamics, as it ensures
    more accurate trajectories.

    In addition to the basic shuriken,
    larger, arm-length shuriken have been seen in the series. They are
    usually carried on the back. The Fūma Shuriken is of a similar size,
    but is more lethal and can be folded together for easier storage.
    Origin: N/A

    Name: Kunai (15)
    Appearance: Meraxa Enryu (Done) 31RaJUGlFzL._AA280_
    Rank: E
    Special Abilities:
    A Kunai (クナイ), like shuriken, is one of the more basic weapons seen in
    Naruto. It is a black dagger designed to be thrown, and is about the
    length of one's hand. Many ninja attack by attaching an exploding tag
    to the blade. The kunai is usually thrown so that it lodges in an
    object near the target, and then the explosion from the attached tag
    destroys said target. Kunai can also be kept on spring-loaded wires in
    the user's sleeve, as seen in Naruto's fight with Sai when they first
    met. They can also be used for close combat, like a normal knife.
    Empowered with "chakra flow", kunai thrown into targets can cut through
    solid wood and even solid stone targets.

    Different types of
    kunai have been seen in the series. Minato Namikaze used three-bladed
    kunai that had a special seal applied to them in order to perform his
    Flying Thunder God Technique. During their battle with Hidan, Izumo and
    Kotetsu used kunai the size of ordinary blades to attack him with.
    Kabuto, when threatening to kill a hospitalized Sasuke in Part I, held
    a kunai with a curved blade to Sasuke's neck. Also, during the Chūnin
    Exam, Team Oboro used double-bladed kunai whilst facing Team 7.
    Origin: N/A

    Name: Fuuma Shuriken (Giant Shuriken) (2)
    Appearance: Meraxa Enryu (Done) Fuumashuriken
    Rank: D
    Special Abilities:
    A large, four-bladed shuriken possessing pre-eminent sharpness and
    lethality. This type of shuriken is considered characteristic to the
    famous Fūma clan, after whom they were named and who possibly developed
    them. However, their use is not limited to this clan. Its four blades
    can be collapsed for easy storage, leading to its nickname Shadow
    Windmill (影風車, Kage Fūsha). In Sasuke's battle with Itachi he has shown
    the ability to rig the four blades to disconnect and have them fire as
    a surprise attack.
    Origin: N/A

    Name: Exploding Tag (10)
    Appearance: Meraxa Enryu (Done) 180px-Paperbomb
    Rank: D
    Special Abilities:
    Exploding tags are scraps of paper inscribed with a special formula,
    centring around the kanji for "explode" (爆, baku). Infused with chakra,
    they will explode after a set amount of time, or remotely. The tags can
    be attached to a surface or wrapped around a weapon to be thrown at an
    enemy. They are very versatile and one of the basic ninja tools.
    Origin: N/A

    Name: Flash Bomb (5)
    Appearance: Meraxa Enryu (Done) Anoldmetalspherethumb78 although it looks heavy, it is actually very small and light.
    Rank: D
    Special Abilities:
    Flash bombs are small round spheres that are attached to a kunai knife,
    similarly to an exploding tag. Once thrown, flash bombs explode on
    impact, creating blinding flashes, used as a diversion. Shikamaru Nara
    uses these against Tayuya; using them to create shadows so he can use
    his Shadow Imitation Technique on Tayuya's Doki.
    Origin: N/A


    Name: Fire Pass
    Rank: E
    Type: Ninjutsu
    Element: Fire
    Description:This jutsu allows the user to transfer their fire chakra into a weapon or any sort of object without any sort of consequence.

    Name: Lesser Fire Wall
    Rank: D
    Type: Ninjutsu
    Element: Fire
    Description: The user, after three hand signs forms a small wall, just barely enough to shield himself. About 6 feet tall 2 feet wide, and 3 inches thick. Any jutsu of water element, D Rank and above may destroy it, and any wind B Ranked and above may destroy it. Any other elemental ninjutsu must be C Ranked to destroy it, unless there is a chain, which changes the story.

    Name: Fire Border
    Rank: C
    Type: Ninjutsu
    Element: Fire
    Description: The user performs three hand signs and then makes a line of fire about 20 yards long, and about 5 yards high. And maybe about 6 or 7 inches thick. it would take multiple ninjutsu to take this down, but the base is the weak spot, as is for many fires. This provides good hiding spots if used correctly, and also a great tactical area to use as well.

    Name: Fire Sphere
    Rank: C
    Type: Ninjutsu
    Element: Fire
    Description: The user performs a few hand signs, and flicks their fingers, and a bubble of fire chakra, about 3 feet in diameter, appears, made of fire chakra. The user, while in here, is able to restore chakra, and if in here long enough, untouched, is able to get rid of any sort of life-threatening effect. Like a blindness, poison, stun, chakra stun/halt.

    Name: Barrier of Fire
    Rank: C
    Type: Ninjutsu
    Element: Fire
    Description: The user becomes surrounded by a somewhat large ball of fire, that moves with him. If touched by an enemy personally, they will most likely get that type of burn that just does not go away. If a weapon touches it, it will instantly become untouchingly hot, and they will be forced to drop it. Hence, the only way to destroy it is by ninjutsu.

    Name: Gokyaku no jutsu - Great Fireball Technique
    Rank: C
    Type: Ninjutsu
    Element: Fire
    Description: After performing the necessary hand seals, a ninja inhales air via their mouth and, gather up chakra in their chest, then spews a large fireball from their mouth after blowing through a ring made by the thumb and index finger of the user, incinerating everything in range.

    Background Information
    'The Beginning' Arc

    The Enryu family was one that had a history of legendary ninja, despite having no direct relation to the clans. It is said that this incredible heritage stems from one of the first few Hokage, though there is little to back up such a claim. However in recent years, their significance in the creation of great ninja has dwindled to being nothing but a mute point. Thus, the last heir to the family - Aizen Enryu - wished to give birth to a child, and then to train that child to become truly great. What he got, upon his wife's pregnancy and subsequent giving of birth, was Meraxa. The boy grew up being taught the ninja way, his father encouraging every step of it. Both parents in time became rather well known, even learning that their names had found their way into the bingo books of other villages. By such a point, Meraxa - at age 5 no less - was already calling up clones and transforming into the family dog from time to time. Aizen obviously, was proud, very proud of his son, and would often boast of the child's abilities. In fact, he got so cocky about those abilities, that he decided to take the boy with one day on a mission.

    Big mistake.

    When they had returned, Meraxa was in need of emergency treatment from exposure to poison needles, with the mission itself being a horrible failure. Aizen was not only disgraced, but now his wife hated him for putting her son in such danger, and as a result not only retired from active duty, but divorced her husband as well. Meraxa only saw his father one last time after that, with that being just before the man departed on an S-Rank mission, appearing in Meraxa's bedroom window to give him a family heirloom. It was to - in the father's own words - "Protect you, even if I couldn't." And with that, Aizen left on that mission.
    He never came back, and was classified as MIA.

    The Path of a Shinobi Arc

    Meraxa went through years of being called the 'Son of a Failure', and despite his mother's opposition (which was often violent, thus scarring him), trained day and night to become a great ninja, as his father had wished. Eventually, he went to the ninja academy, and turned out to be one of their top students (if not slightly off in his definition of a 'ninja') due to his sheer performance and skill for a genin. He was all set for a passing grade, though just to be on the safe side, he spent some time learning a certain technique, one that would be sure to impress the teachers.
    All thirty of him taking every seat in the class certainly did that. It was a bit of a rushed effort, but learning the Kage Bunshin jutsu from text books lying around his father's old room seemed to have done the trick alright. He got the headband, put it on, and then stormed out of the building like there was no tomorrow.
    This, is where either a fantistic begins, or ends before it even takes off.

    RP Sample:
    Noah watched as his opponent grew increasingly angry at what seemed to him to be perfectly normal. He watched as his opponent charged again, seemingly to punch him in the gut, however the man soon disappeared altogether, only for Noah to realise that his opponent was in fact behind him, and said opponent attacked with another kick, this time to the back of Noah's head. The giant of a man hopped a bit from initial momentum, but soon enough came to a stop.
    "I see, that one was a bit stronger than the first one. But all the same, you really call something of that strength a kick? Pathetic really... Hmm, I guess I really don't know your name, but thats a problem, what am I meant to put on the marker..."
    He had another piece of foresight, though this time it was multiple visions at once. Lets see, West City Mets win the series, useless; random planet gets blow up by an asteroid - didn't concern him; grabbing the stranger's tail; facing down some bra- Wait, what was that about a tail?

    Now why would he do that? In fact, he hadn't even noticed a tail before, though that was probably because he hadn't been looking for it.
    He looked at his opponent for a moment, and then saw a slither of movement.
    "I see, so you do have a tail. Weird..."
    Okay, so his opponent had one, but this still didn't explain its significance, or practicality in combat. He was a genius sure, but even that made no sense to him. Whatever, he would plan ahead.
    "I must ask, are you capable of this?" Noah asked, firing an energy blast towards the general direction of the mountain. It may have seemed insignificant, but that would prove useful later.
    "Or, are you only good at those damned kicks of yours?" Noah yelled as he threw the contents of his bucket into his opponent's eyes, hopefully blinding him as Noah went to his side, where he would then throw his elbow into the opponent's side.

    (Being new to the site, I used something from another)

    Last edited by Meraxa on Mon Jan 04, 2010 1:24 pm; edited 2 times in total

    Posts : 104
    Join date : 2009-03-29

    Meraxa Enryu (Done) Empty Re: Meraxa Enryu (Done)

    Post by Admin Sun Jan 03, 2010 9:26 pm

    Name: The pendant from Meraxa's father (AKA The Demon's Fire)
    Appearance: Meraxa Enryu (Done) Spangled_amber_pendant
    Rank: A
    Special Abilities:
    A seal placed on it means that if Meraxa is knocked unconcious, a wall
    of fire will protect him from him. Secretly, it also collects the
    excess chakra that Bijuu constantly emit, and stores it, allowing the
    bearer to use it in their own techniques if they are aware of this
    trait, or just that desperately in need of more power.
    The actual pendant dates back hundreds of years into the family's past,
    and is said to be connected to the Bijuu somehow, though noone in the
    current generation of the family knows how exactly. What is
    known, is that just before the mission in which he disappeared,
    Meraxa's father gave this gem to the boy, saying that it would 'Protect
    him, even if [he] couldn't.' In truth, the father had meant this in a
    far more literal sense than Meraxa would have ever realised.

    Denied, it's above your rank limit. You may only have E-C ranks and 1 B rank jutsu and/or items

    lol, you copide all of my stuff from my application, but oh well. xD
    Konoha Genin
    Konoha Genin

    Posts : 20
    Join date : 2010-01-03
    Age : 29

    Meraxa Enryu (Done) Empty Re: Meraxa Enryu (Done)

    Post by Meraxa Mon Jan 04, 2010 9:04 am

    Okay good to know

    Posts : 50
    Join date : 2009-12-30
    Age : 28

    Meraxa Enryu (Done) Empty Re: Meraxa Enryu (Done)

    Post by Initake Mon Jan 04, 2010 1:00 pm

    The app is fine, I just suggest a few more C Ranked jutsu... you are a genin, and they have a majority of C Ranked jutsu, after all.

    Posts : 50
    Join date : 2009-12-30
    Age : 28

    Meraxa Enryu (Done) Empty Re: Meraxa Enryu (Done)

    Post by Initake Mon Jan 04, 2010 1:28 pm

    I see you liked my jutsu... THANKS!

    and approved Smile

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