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    The Onoda Clan :: Masters of the Body


    Posts : 8
    Join date : 2010-01-03

    The Onoda Clan :: Masters of the Body Empty The Onoda Clan :: Masters of the Body

    Post by Bliss Sun Jan 03, 2010 9:59 am

    The Onoda :: Masters of the Body

    Clan History

    ----"With it, you are everything. Without it, you are nothing."
    Legend and History

    The morning, like most, was frigid. Practically unbearably so. Words spoken turned to ice, veins ran cold, and hearts grew black. All could tell: something was upon them. A demon? A ghost? A god? None knew nor could they tell. The light was gone, stolen from the land. Unjust, it was, and fairness and justice needed to be restored, returned. The people, the Onoda, called upon their most mighty warrior to save them. He had faced the flames of eternal death and still lived to see the day. The name of this great warrior? Sadly, lost to the ages. Word of mouth can only hold so much until the details begin to blur and fade.

    Still, name or no name, this warrior was great, perhaps the best. The Onoda, placing all of their hopes upon this man, sent him to find the light and bring it back. "Your body is your greatest weapon," they said, departing their wisdom as a final farewell. "However, it is also your greatest weakness. With it, you are everything. Without it, you are nothing." The warrior nodded, took these words to heart, and then ran off towards the horizon. While on his trek, a great voice descended over the land and it laughed, as if to say that all was futile and all was lost.

    The warrior, eventually, made it to the edge of Tokoyami, Everlasting Darkness. As soon as he stepped across the border, between his land and theirs, he was attack. For days he fought. Steel against claw, human against demon, light against darkness! He traveled the wastelands, searching for the light, as the scattered souls of Hell continually bashed against his shield and sword. Soon, as body after body laid wasted, the great warrior made it to Kuroraka Hara, the Blackest Plains. Here, truly, was Hell's domain.

    A pale red light, eerie and unnatural, peered over the horizon. The warrior looked, concerned, as lightning cracked the sky. They, the demons, could no longer tolerate the warriors presence. They reached up their hands, towards the heavens, with their eyes burning bright with fury and blood lust. The warrior ran into Kuroraka Hara, avoiding and slicing the demons' fists, and was suddenly confronted by a colossus, black force. The warrior fought the colossus, dealing and taking blows equally.

    Eventually, however, all was silent.

    The colossus fell to its knees and drew its claws through the earth, creating great ravines in its wake. The colossus screamed, roared before he fell, shaking the entirety of Kuroraka Hara with a great earthquake. The warrior, a number of feet from the colossus, had also fallen to his knees. Black demons, those that had attacked the warrior before, rose from the ravines, their crimson eyes searching the battlefield with interest. They did not attack the warrior, however, and simply began to circle him.

    The warrior, suddenly brought to life once again, let his sword drop to the ground. He then shed his armor, shield, and helmet. With his body, he was everything. The warrior then stood and began walking back from he abyss, his breath ragged but nonetheless powerful. On the eve of his return to the Onoda, the sun finally rose upon the land. The Onoda rejoiced, the light and their land restored, and when the warrior finally returned they brought him to the high council. The council bestowed upon the warrior the highest titles and gifts of honor for his bravery and perseverance.

    The warrior lived to a ripe old age and the Onoda prospered.

    Emergence and Expansion

    The Onoda first emerged in the land between the Earth Country and the Wind Country, which is now the present day Ash Country. The Onoda were, originally, a band of nomads who traveled between Sunagakure and Iwagakure in accordance to the seasons. Most Onoda's made their livelihoods through brunt, physical work distributed to them in the Hidden Villages. Onoda Clan member's were conditioned, from birth, to be very strong and incredibly fit.

    Eventually, the Onoda Clan started to accumulate members from both Sunagakure and Iwagakure who were dissatisfied with their place inside their respective villages. After many generations of hybrids of Doton users and Fuuton users, the Onoda started to recognize and develop their Souton abilities, which would eventually lead to the birth of their Kekkei Genkai. As aforementioned, the Onoda's took great pride in their bodies and their fitness and this translated into the abilities of their Kekkei Genkai.

    Konohagakure, Sunagakure, Iwagakure

    The Onoda Clan continued to grow and they decided that, after a tradition of physical work for the Hidden Villages, that they were going to serve the villages in other ways. Many, simply, went to Sunagakure and Iwagakure to revisit their roots and ancestry. Other's actually pursued the life of shinobi in which, not surprisingly, they were quite adapt for. Additionally, some Onoda's decide to expand their horizons and move into Konohagakure.

    The Onoda, still today, maintain connections with the other Onoda Complexes. The Onoda, although not an exceptionally large clan [200 members; including shinobi and non-shinobi], are definitely a force to be reckoned with.

    Kekkei Genkai :: The Kantoku Bouatsu
    ----"Facets of the body."


    The Onoda Clan focus their attacks and techniques on the following seven main systems of the body:

    The Skeletal System: The bodily system that consists of the bones, their associated cartilages, and the joints, and supports and protects the body, produces blood cells, and stores minerals.

    The Digestive System: The system by which ingested food is acted upon by physical and chemical means to provide the body with absorbable nutrients and to excrete waste products.

    The Muscular System: The bodily system that is composed of skeletal, smooth, and cardiac muscle tissue and functions in movement of the body or of materials through the body, maintenance of posture, and heat production.

    The Nervous System: The system of cells, tissues, and organs that regulates the body's responses to internal and external stimuli. In vertebrates it consists of the brain, spinal cord, nerves, ganglia, and parts of the receptor and effector organs.

    The Cardiovascular System: The bodily system consisting of the heart, blood vessels, and blood that circulates blood throughout the body, delivers nutrients and other essential materials to cells, and removes waste products.

    The Respiratory System: The system by which oxygen is taken into the body and an exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide takes place; in mammals the system includes the nasal passages, pharynx, trachea, bronchi, and lungs.

    The Immune System: A diffuse, complex network of interacting cells, cell products, and cell-forming tissues that protects the body from pathogens and other foreign substances, destroys infected and malignant cells, and removes cellular debris: the system includes the thymus, spleen, lymph nodes and lymph tissue, stem cells, white blood cells, antibodies, and lymphokines.

    The Onoda morph, change, or skew these systems in their own body or opponents bodies for devastating and completely debilitating attacks. Their main areas of concern are the muscular system, respiratory system, and nervous system. By attacking these, or focusing their main assults, upon these three systems the Onoda user can maximize the damage they can cause to opponents. Additionally, to this vast understanding of human composition and anatomy, the Onoda focus on attacking opponents' perception. The Onoda use psychological warfare and physical warfare.

    The Onoda have a few base attacks and techniques from which there are a large number of deviations. Particular styles differ from Onoda Clan member to Onoda Clan member, allowing them to be a heavily and speedily developing clan. Much like the human body, and in accordance with evolution, the Onoda change and morph themselves to better suit their environment and their Kekkei Genkai most certainly reflects this.

    Hebi Hokou :: The Serpent's Walk

    Hebi Hokou, or the Serpent's Walk, is the Onoda Clan's principle style of taijutsu and movement. In the Hebi Hokou the Onoda use Souton chakra to phase their bones, ligaments, and muscles allowing them to move in impossible and unpredictable ways. Mastery in Hebi Hokou is centrally important to the Onoda because it is both offensive and defensive. The Onoda place a large amount of stress on protecting one's body. With the Hebi Hokou the Onoda Clan member can bend or contort their body to avoid most attacks. The name of this style comes from the fact that snakes, unlike most animals, can bend and move in any which way because of their structure.

    Shintosuru Gekai :: The Deadly Silent Surgeon

    Shintosuru Gekai, or the Deadly Silent Surgeon, is probably one of the Onoda Clan's most important abilities. It provides the foundation for other abilities including their Kagakusha Tebukuro. In Shintosuru Gekai the Onoda Clan member will pump Souton chakra into their hands and then attack an enemy. Because of the Souton chakra, the Onoda Clan member will be able to phase through their opponent's outer layer to attack their internal structure. They can attack, practically, anything, including the brain, with Shintosuru Gekai. With the Shintosuru Gekai most Onoda aim to damage an opponent's internal organs or, alternatively, to disconnect and opponent's muscles and ligaments, inhibiting or completely taking away their ability to move. Eventually, at higher levels, the Onoda Clan member will be able to reach inside an opponent and pull out their organs.

    The Shintosuru Gekai also has a second application. By moving Souton chakra into their hands Onoda Clan members can give another object, inanimate or animate, the ability to phase. For example, an explosion tag. By transferring their Souton to the explosion tag, and Onoda Clan member will be able to actually place the tag inside an opponent's body. The Onoda Clan member can also use this ability to turn other objects invisible. By transferring their Souton chakra to a senbon, for example, they can turn it invisible and throw it. However, these objects will not gain the phasing ability indefinitely. After about ten seconds, from being released from an Onoda Clan member, the chakra will dissipate and the object will become solid and visible again.

    Kagakusha Tebukuro :: The Chemist's Glove

    At a young age, usually around graduation from the Academy, a young Onoda member will be presented with their first pair of Tsume. The Tsume are a special pair of gloves, usually black, that readily accept Souton chakra and have unique built in pathways or veins. Through these veins, usually quite small, the Onoda member can transfer deadly or dangerous chemicals to inject them into opponent's using the Shintosuru Gekai. The Onoda Clan member can use their chakra to direct the flow and amount of toxin or poison through the specialized veins.

    The Tsume are produced in Iwagakure and sent to the other Onoda Complexes for use. The Tsume are made from a specialized substance from deep in the mountains of the Earth Country. The material is virtually indestructible and is designed to last for many years. The containers that the Onoda Clan members use to carry the chemicals are usually connected to their bodies through a specialized belt. At any moment, if the containers are threatened to be struck, an Onoda Clan member can phase the chemicals into the bodies for a moment so that they will be undamaged. However, because the containers are made from a similar material that the Tsume are, breakage is rare.

    On each glove their are five veins, one for each finger, which extends to the finger's very tip. It is from this point that the Onoda Clan member will inject the poison. Each poison travels along only one track. The poisons or toxins that are placed in the thumb vein are usually the most poisonous and destructive. Onoda Clan members usually carry about 20 grams of each substance, unless their desired effects can be produced at low concentrations. Most of the chemicals that they use come in solutions for easy injection and so that they may easily travel through and opponents blood stream.

    The complete list of chemicals is as follows:

    Chloral hydrate: Chloral hydrate is soluble in both water and alcohol, readily forming concentrated solutions. In a concentrated doses it causes confusion, convulsions, nausea and vomiting, severe drowsiness, slow and irregular breathing, cardiac arrhythmia and weakness. For most severe effects it must be injected into the bloodstream, however, because of its well absorbed bioavailability, it will cause effects through any injection site.

    Acetaminophen: Acetaminophen is quite soluble in water, readily forming concentrated solutions. In doses above 10 grams toxicity is evident and will cause damage to the liver. In smaller doses it acts as, basically, a "Super Tylenol". It will cause an opponent to go numb and lose feeling in any of their hit areas. Acetaminophen has, practically, an 100% bioavailiability, allowing it to cause effects through any injection site.

    Zopiclone: Zopiclone is, basically, a strong sedative. Common effects include bitter metallic taste, dry mouth, drowsiness, headaches, and fatigue. The Onoda use Zopiclone to make opponents drowsy, sleepy, and/or lazy.

    Xylene: Xylene is a colorless, sweet-smelling liquid that is very flammable. Exposure of people to high levels of Xylene for short periods can cause irritation of the skin, eyes, nose, and throat; difficulty in breathing; problems with the lungs; delayed reaction time; memory difficulties; stomach discomfort; and possibly changes in the liver and kidneys.

    Amphetamine: With an overdose [three successful injections] symptoms will include restlessness, tremors, rapid breathing, confusion, hallucinations, panic, aggressiveness, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, an irregular heartbeat, and seizures. However, mild effects are possible with a single injection.

    Lysergic acid diethylamide: A drug that produces hallucinations similar to those of a psychosis. Persons under the effects Lysergic acid diethylamide, of which may last for many hours, undergo distortions of their perceptions of space and time and may lose all contact with reality. Lysergic acid diethylamide is incredibly active and can produce noticeable effects in very small concentrations. For comparison, while a single dose of Lysergic acid diethylamide may be between 100 and 500 micrograms — an amount roughly equal to one-tenth the mass of a grain of sand — threshold effects can be felt with as little as 25 micrograms.

    Alprazolam: Alprazolam is a short-acting drug of the benzodiazepine class. The benzodiazepines are a class of psychoactive drugs considered minor tranquilizers with varying hypnotic, sedative, anxiolytic, anticonvulsant, muscle relaxant and amnesic properties, which are mediated by slowing down the central nervous system. The symptoms of an effective dosage are somnolence [difficulty staying awake], mental confusion, hypotension, impaired motor functions, impaired or absent reflexes, impaired balance, dizziness, and hypoventilation.

    Pancuronium bromide: Pancuronium bromide is a muscle relaxant that prevents a person from breathing by paralyzing the diaphragm and lungs. Conventionally, this drug takes effect in one to three minutes [one post] after being injected. Higher doses speed up the paralyzation. Eventually, with a high enough dosage [completely injected thumb], Pancuronium bromide can lead to death.

    Nitrogen gas: By introducing Nitrogen gas into the air, Onoda clan members can deplete the oxygen in a given area in seconds. Nitrogen gas reacts with radical Oxygen within the air and produces Nitric oxide. The reaction is spontaneous and Nitrogen gas is completely odorless. And Onoda clan member can, essentially, suffocate an opponent without their knowledge. Onoda clan members carry pressurized Nitrogen gas in intermediate amounts. Enough for one or two uses.

    Posts : 8
    Join date : 2010-01-03

    The Onoda Clan :: Masters of the Body Empty Re: The Onoda Clan :: Masters of the Body

    Post by Bliss Sun Jan 03, 2010 9:59 am

    Chouzetsugan :: The Transcending Eye

    The Onoda Clan :: Masters of the Body 2n1i552

    Chouzetsugan is a powerful doujutsu technique with multiple applications. Firstly, it gives the Onoda user something akin to X-ray Vision. The detail and specificity of the Chouzetsugan changes with levels and personal abilities, but there are usually fairly common thresholds. At Genin level, the abilities of the Chouzetsugan are fairly simplistic. The Onoda user will be able to see the skeletal system of other creatures and well as the ability to see through most objects. At Chuunin level the Chouzetsugan will increase very much in power. The Onoda user will be able to see and attack the skeletal system, muscular system, digestive system, respiratory system, and cardiovascular system. Also, at Chuunin level, they will gain the ability to see through all solid objects. At Jounin level the Onoda user will be able to see and/or attack the skeletal system, muscular system, digestive system, respiratory system, cardiovascular system, nervous system, and immune system. Also, the range of the Chouzetsugan will increase greatly.

    The second application of the Chouzetsugan is literally photographic memory. The Onoda user will be able to, literally, take pictures with their doujutsu and extract the memory later. However, the Onoda user will not be able to hold and infinite number of memories and pictures. At Genin level the Onoda user will be able to hold five to ten pictures or memories. The memories will be somewhat grainy and lose their detail with time if extraction is not completed in a fairly short amount of time. At Chuunin level the Onoda user will be able to hold twenty to twenty-five memories or pictures. The memories will lose most of their detail with time, but are much more resilient than at Genin level. At Jounin level the Onoda user will be able to hold a maximum of fifty pictures or memories. They will exist indefinitely and will not lose details with time. At any time the Onoda user will be able to delete memories and/or photographs and then replace them with others. Deletion is instantaneous and, once complete, the Onoda user will simply have a regular memory of the event.

    The extraction technique is, actually, not very complex, but complications have been known to arise. The Onoda user will transfer the specific memory and/or picture they would like to save or see via chakra onto a special piece of paper. The paper is, usually, created in Konohagakure, because of the availability of trees, and then sent to the other villages. Once the memory or pictures is transferred to the paper it will take about two hours for processing and then development. The end result is either a single picture or a series of pictures that can be used for practically anything.

    The third application of the Chouzetsugan is usually used in conjunction with the second application, although it is more battle related. The first step of this move is to take a 'mental picture' of an opponent using the second application of the Chouzetsugan. The Onoda user will then have to manipulate the picture or a series of pictures to form a move or a set of moves. Once the move in the Onoda Clan member's mind is completed, they will need to implant it into their opponents chakra system via most Kekkei Genkai jutsu.

    At Genin level the Onoda user will be able to implant moves or ideas that extend over a period of ten seconds. The Onoda user will be able to affect mobility and the rate of chakra release. For example, they can create and implant a series of pictures into an opponent in which they will have to stand completely still for ten seconds, leaving them completely open for attack. Also, they can affect the rate at which and opponent releases chakra. For example, they will have the ability to create and implant a series of pictures in which an opponent will continually release a large amount of chakra for ten seconds. This greatly tires out opponents at all stages of battle. Additionally, at Genin level, in order for the memory to be transmitted the Onoda user needs to make three successful hits on an opponent. The hits can be over any series of posts, as long as it's three. After three hits they will only be able to transfer one memory at which point, to transfer another memory, they will have to hit their opponent another three times. At Chuunin level the Onoda user will be able to implant moves or ideas that extend over a period of thirty seconds. The Onoda user will be able to affect mobility, the rate of chakra release, and their susceptibility to Genjutsu. At Chuunin level two successful hits need to be made for transmittance. At Jounin level the Onoda user will be able to implant moves or ideas that extend over a period of two minutes. The Onoda user will be able to affect most aspects of their victims actions and most aspects of their susceptibility to attacks. At Jounin level only one successful hit needs to be made for transmittance.

    Hanbusshitsu Chouzetsugan :: Antimatter Transcending Eye

    The Onoda Clan :: Masters of the Body Mn2ouf

    The Hanbusshitsu Chouzetsugan is the powerful doujutsu that, to some, defines the Onoda clan and grants it its power. Already dangerous in its initial form, many Onoda quested through scientific research and diligent training to find an advanced form of their eye, much like their oft-compared rivals the Uchiha. This state escaped them for generations. However, while meditating on the abilities of his Kekkei Genkai, Tetsugaku Onoda devised a theory for improving his phasing abilities. For months, Tetsu phased himself through a multitude of objects, learning how to match his body's physical state with the target object's phase boundary. While performing this training, Tetsu kept his Chouzetsugan active, attempting to use its analyzing properties to help him determine these boundaries.

    To his surprise, it worked.

    Tetsu, already a pioneer in Chouzetsugan research with over twenty-five years of experience, had found the elusive second state of the Chouzetsugan. In this awakened state, the world transformed into a color-coded world of phase boundaries; each portion of matter with similar phase boundaries were given a color by his mind, including the the Souton chakra that surrounded Tetsu's body when he phased through objects. By aligning the "color" (phase boundary) of his chakra, he found he could pass through objects with extreme ease and with higher precision, unlike the usual method of simply making his body extremely low density. This aided him in conserving chakra when phasing. As for a battle advantage, this new "state" of the Chouzetsugan did very little. However, by combining his thoughts with his most recent pupil Onoda Hiro, they were able to lead themselves to a new discovery.

    The girl had been undergoing some new training, working on perfecting her first Incomplete S-Ranked technique. The principle of the technique is very simple, but extremely powerful. Souton - Phasing is defined by an element that, "allows for the free passing of person or objects through other matter, by controlling the molecules of substances... through using both Fuuton - Wind and then Doton - Earth chakra together one can control all the particles of matter that make up their surroundings." By extending this definition to the highest degree, Tetsu and Hiro were able to open the way into a second form of the Chouzetsugan. Aligning one's phase boundary (color) with the phase boundary of another object allows for free passage through that object. However, by aligning one's phase boundary with the anticolor of an object, it is possible to forcibly break those object's molecules apart.

    Phase boundaries (colors) are organized much like the color wheel. There are two main types of phase boundaries to consider with the Hanbusshitsu Chouzetsugan. Anticolor phase boundaries (complementary colors) and pseudocolor phase boundaries (analogous colors). Anticolor phase boundaries allow for the disintegration of molecules while pseudocolor phase boundaries allow for some interesting variations of the the integration molecules. In order to use this technique one must have a base knowledge of color theory, they must be Chuunin, and they must be taught by Onoda Hiro.

    Clan Information
    ----"For years to come."

    Population - Class C - The Onoda Clan, stretching across three villages, is a fairly large clan. The clan consists of about two-hundred members. Onoda Clan members are quite diverse, especially in appearance, and are more defined by their training methods and talents rather than their features. Most Onoda Clan members are thin and lithe, their Souton chakra tailored more to fast and smaller characters. Many Onoda Clan members have dark colored hair and light colored as eyes a defining feature. The Onoda Clan is fairly well connected between Iwagakure, Sunagakure, and Konohagakure. The Clan keeps a steady move of information between the complexes in each village and this allows them to stay fairly interconnected despite their distance.

    Nature - As aforementioned, the Onoda Clan is very diverse. From their diversity Onoda Clan members have all different natures. Some are good, some are evil, and some are every facet in between. Nonetheless, Onoda are very loyal to whatever alliance they had and serve well under leaders or can become leaders themselves. The Onoda are, however, united more by their values than necessarily their nature. All Onoda regard their body as their greatest weapon and take care of it well.

    Profession - Physicians. Craftsmen. Scientists. - The Onoda Kekkei Genkai is most tailored for the use in medical professions. The Onoda can easily identify the major systems of the body and can use that to their advantage. Their X-Ray vision as well allows them to quickly make diagnoses in order to cure more patients sooner and more effectively. Onoda Clan members are also adept at various crafts, using their abilities in diverse ways. Onoda Clan members are naturally drawn to professions in the science field as well.

    Clan Founder - The direct founder of the clan is unknown. The actual abilities of the Onoda were produced over a number of generations through interbreeding Fuuton users and Doton users. The Onoda were never founded by one single man or woman and this singularly add to the Onoda's diversity. This facet of their clan, additionally, functions into their political structure in that it is centered throughout three villages and a number of council members. The Onoda Clan does not put too much stock in one member, though it still does maintain a single clan leader and then two subordinate clan leaders in the two remaining villages. Further description about the Onoda Clan's political structure can be found below.

    Relationship - As a young Genin, Hiro's fate was undecided. he could have been great, but just as easily she could have not. Hiro, through her transformation to Chuunin, has proved her worth. Through her wide range of talent and intelligence, Hiro is now set to become the next leader of the Onoda Clan. The council has supported this decision and are now creating the final stretch of Hiro's training. Under the council's support and eye, Hiro will finish her training with Akihiro and move to the other Onoda Complexes to learn their teachings. In the end, Hiro will be set to lead the clan into a brighter and better future. Onoda Hiro holds much promise.

    Clan Innerworkings
    ----"We are warriors. Harsh and brutal."

    Clan Training

    Seven Years of Age

    Training in the Onoda Clan most often starts when a child is seven years of age. This is an important time for an Onoda child and signifies their official introduction into the clan. At this time, a child may choose whether to pursue the clan's abilities or to not. If a child chooses that they will pursue the clans abilities, they must complete the training completely. Backing out, though an option, is frowned upon incredibly and if a child chooses to not continue their training, they may not be introduced into the training again. A child is taught from a young age that this decision is incredibly important and if they are not prepared for the challenges ahead, they will surely disgrace themselves and shame their specific family. The Onoda keep this harsh style of judging in order to instill definitive and nearly unbreakable values in their clan members. The Onoda are always taught to never give up and persevere through even the worst of odds. Pain becomes a friend, not an enemy, and merely means that they are performing at their highest level. The Onoda have kept this brutal training regime from very long ago and though it is sometimes questioned, it has yet to be changed.

    At this time an Onoda Clan child is taught the basic abilities of the clan. Namely, calling and molding Souton chakra and a number of the base phasing abilities. Onoda children most often leave their parents' home at this time and live in special dorms within the complexes. This helps to instill a sense of togetherness that is sometimes absent with other training regimes. This helps to prepare Onoda children for the shinobi life where, sometimes, your teammates are the most important thing one can have. The children also begin to build muscle mass and increase fitness, having strict but mostly simple exercise regimens. At this time the Onoda children are usually taught by some of the older clan members, Chuunin and Jounin, or whoever is available at the time.

    Ten Years of Age

    Most Onoda Clan members are sent to the Academy at ten years of age. Depending on talent and abilities, some Onoda Clan members will be sent to the Academy at even an earlier age. Progress within the Academy is carefully monitored by the clan elders and council, though any negative and/or positive data is not acted upon. During this time, Onoda specific training falls and the Academy students are left to figure out their abilities for themselves. They will have a strong base by this time and are expected to further themselves and graduate. Every month the Onoda Complexes hold an informal "Progress Exam" that checks the Academy Students abilities and, additionally, teaches them or informs them about another ability of the Onoda Clan. In this way, Academy Students are kept very close on the same page and it is easy to pick out the most talented members of the time. Exceptional students are given additional training, though additional training by the less than exceptional students can be requested.

    Twelve Years of Age

    Most Academy Students are expected to graduate around the age of twelve. At this time they are given the final Onoda Clan abilities and then are sent on their ways to their teams. When they reach this age, Onoda Clan members can chose to continue training within the complex or they can forgo training to discover their own abilities by themselves. When an Onoda Clan member reaches this age they are considered fully inducted members into the clan and are largely celebrated for their accomplishments.

    Seventeen Years of Age

    At the age of seventeen, Onoda Clan members are considered adults. They are included into clan decisions and are given political power within the clan. Namely, the ability to give opinions and to vote. At the age of seventeen the Onoda Clan members can develop their specific place within the clan, whether research or application or a whole variety of things. Onoda Clan members are highly celebrated on their seventeenth birthday and it is an important time for them.

    Clan Political Structure

    There are three major members of the Onoda Clan. They are Akihiro Onoda, Kunio Onoda, and Masa Onoda. They control the Onoda Complexes in Konohagakure, Iwagakure, and Sunagakure, respectively. They are all very powerful and are intensely skilled in their special areas of expertise. Akihiro, the Konoha leader, specializes in use of the Chouzetsugan. Akihiro has been a driver force behind increasing the power and the effectiveness of the doujutsu in both Iwagakure and Sunagakure. Kunio, the Iwa leader, specializes in the Kagakusha Tebukuro. Kunio, unlike the other leaders, sees the intense value in creating and maintaining very expensive laboratories. He often creates newer and deadlier compounds for all the Onoda. Masa, the Suna leader, specializes in taijutsu and the Onoda's various genjutsu techniques. All of the leaders regularly correspond to keep up to date with the newest news and happenings.

    Among these three leaders there is one prominent executive member, which takes care of overseeing the clan as a whole. The executive leader shares his power with a council and a council of elders. They each hold some power within the clan and can make decisions for the clan as a whole. The council of elders is centered in Sunagakure, while the simple council circulates between the villages every six years. The prominent executive member is usually the most powerful member in the clan, though this is not always true. The main executive member can willingly give his leadership to another Onoda, or his leadership can be taken by a match.

    Current Clan Members

    Setoshi - Setoshi[Founder]

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