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    Yitaru Issei (Completed)


    Posts : 6
    Join date : 2009-05-21

    Yitaru Issei (Completed) Empty Yitaru Issei (Completed)

    Post by issei Thu May 21, 2009 1:57 am

    Name: Yitaru Issei

    Nicknames: "The Mastermind", "The Brain"

    Age: 31

    Gender: Male

    Village: Konohagakure

    Land Of Birth: Fire Country

    Ninja Rank: Akatsuki

    Looks: Ofcourse, Issei looks like a regular Akatsuki member, wearing his red-clouded Akatsuki robe and, also, his straw hat when travelling. When dressed up like this, nothing but his small appearance seperates him from the rest of the organization. Issei is a mere 169cm tall and weights only 66 kg (take in account that a large part of this weight comes from the metal device on his head, meaning Isseis feeble body itself is a bit less heavy). He wears no gloves and a simple pair of black sandals. Once he takes off his hat however, Issei really stands up in the crowd.

    His face is nothing special. He has bright blue eyes, a small nose, and an overal fairly cute face to look at if it wasen't for the usual arrogant look on it. The upper part of his head seems to be removed however, as he has a metal bowl on top of his head instead. This strange helmet, "The Iron Skull", plays an important part in the defence of his precious brain, as well as it holds the ability to attack opponents with metal tentacles. In an attempt to remain incognito however, it can really work against Issei, as people with metal skulls rarely go unnoticed.

    Underneath his robe, Issei wears a pair of grey, silk pants and the usual fish-net shirt many shinobi from Konoha tend to wear underneath their clothing. He wears no armor or any other form of protective gear, as he figures he is slow enough without heavy clothing and doubts any projectile that is stopped by a regular armor would ever get past his techniques. Unlike most shinobi, Issei does not strap the usual beige toolpouches to his leg. Instead, he had several of them sown in the inner part of his long sleeve, allowing them to swiftly grab any desired tool without having to take off his Akatsuki robe. Aside from the usual Akatsuki ring on his finger, there is only one feature left worthy of notifying. On the back of his head, right underneath the edge of The Iron Skull, is a small "mind" kanji. It is only a small detail, yet very important, as it is the core of his ultimate technique.

    Fighting Styles: N/A

    Personality: As most of his nicknames imply, Issei is an incredibly smart individual. Possessing a brain greater than pretty much any shinobi before him, Issei has an intelligence and chakra control beyond imagination. The rate at which he makes up plans and calculates is astonashing and his memory is very impressive. His chakra control allows for Ninjutsu and Genjutsu otherwise impossible to be preformed. Despite these wonderful qualities, Issei is not knows as the strongest shinobi around. If it wasen't for his weak physical condition, then it would definitely have the flaws in his personality as cause.

    Issei thinks of himself very highly, considering himself better than pretty much must of the people he comes across. He figures he is more evolved and intelligent and thus deserves to be treated that way. It is no surpise that he, unless someone obviously shows he is either equal or greater in strength than Issei, usually clashes with pretty much every person he meets. Despite this competitive habit, Issei is not at all a cruel being. In fact, for a missing nin, he is even gentle. Both in speech as well as in movement and battle, Issei is usually calm and quite polite. Though he gets heated up when taunted, or when someone claims he is stronger or smarter than Issei, he always sustains a certain level of calmness. If not for his vile goals and arrogance, Issei could even be a fairly pleasant person to be with.

    The lust for power is what led Isseis life from early on and is also what led him to Akatsuki. He joined the organization to gain respect, power, but also in the hope to obtain his own village once they managed to catch the shinobi world in their chokehold. As he sees most people as lesser humans, it is, from Isseis point of view, logical he prefers to work alone. To achieve his beloved goal however, he is willing to work togather with other talented shinobi he sees as "worthy".

    The Iron Skull

    Special Characteristics:
    Hanshin no Kyoudainnou - Giant Brain of the Demigod
    Hanshin no Kyoudainou is more of a genetic ability rather than a bloodline. Born with a large brain, Issei proved to be more intelligent than his peers. Also, his exeptional control over chakra was considered godlike. At a young age, Issei was already capable of developing his own, unique style and techniques. Though Issei was initially considered a simple genius, this vision of him was changed over the years. Rather than natural intelligence, he seemed to have a mutation inside his brain to thank for his abilities. This mutation was called Hanshin no Kyoudainnou, or Giant Brain of the Demigod.

    Elements: Wind and Earth

    Main- Ninjutsu
    Sub- Genjutsu
    Sub- Fuuinjutsu

    Last edited by issei on Fri May 22, 2009 2:23 am; edited 2 times in total

    Posts : 6
    Join date : 2009-05-21

    Yitaru Issei (Completed) Empty Re: Yitaru Issei (Completed)

    Post by issei Thu May 21, 2009 2:09 pm

    History/Background Story:
    Isseis history is a short but interesting one. As his name implies, Issei was born to a man and woman from the Yitaru Clan. Both of his parents were non-shinobi, so Issei too was expected not to have any affinity towards Ninjutsu. Later on in their babies life, mom and dad would realise they had been wrong.

    Shortly after his first steps, Issei showed to be a lot more clever than the babies of his age. He picked up all skills and information around him at an astonashing rate and quickly filled his mind with all the knowlage a child of his age could possibly understand. Soon after this, his first problem popped up. Isseis brain seemed to be greater than those of any baby ever born to the Yitaru Clan, yet the outwards pressure it generated threatened to deform and break his skull. To prevent this, young Issei was fitting with a metal upper-section of his head. This allowing the child to, despite his "handicap", attend to the academy. Figuring their child may need some extra goodies for in the future, Isseis parents made sure that their clans finest blacksmiths crafted some extra abilities into the special helmet. This gave Issei, before he even attended to the academy, a head start against most other students.

    In the academy, Issei pretty much surpised his senseis. Though he did not amaze them the way a prodigy would, the young Yitari appeared not to forget any information the teachers told him. His grades for theory were therefor top of the notch, while his grades for target practice and such were only moderate. Like most academy students, Issei graduated from the academy at his first attempt. He started out as a fresh Genin with a solid basis in the techniques he was planning to use in the future.

    In his Genin period, the world around Issei interested him. Not only did he continue training along with 2 other Genin and a sensei, but he also sought the limits of his ability and tried to develop new techniques on his own. In addition, he continously did his best to obtain and memorize new intelligence he figured may become useful in the future. Issei was a smart little bugger and eager to learn, but oh, he was so arrogant. At this age already he placed himself above his fellow Genin. He already considered himself that bit more talented and smart than his peers. Even though certain talented Genin with magnificent bloodlines were capable of beating him, Issei never gave up on this idea. He was better than the others, and they would feel that in the future.

    Chuunin exams came along, and Isseis team soared towards the final rounds with ease. They were a great team, despite some minor fights because of Isseis arrogance, and had some powerful combos at their disposal. The first 2 rounds were a piece of cake for the healthy trio, but in the final round they were finally on their own. Isseis teammates didn't pull off a victory alone, and were beaten completely. Only Issei, clever as he was, managed to quickly think up a strategy which required just him to work, which was how he managed to take down his opponent. Not at all impressed by Isseis actual skills, but pleased with his creative mind, the council promoted Issei to a Chuunin. Though he, they figured, was not fit for going on missions on his own, he would do exelent as the head of a larger squad. Strategy would be his thing. Later on, they too would figure Issei had much more up his sleeve than mere tactical tricks.

    Time after time, the young Chuunin led his squad to victory. After every completed mission however, more and more squadmembers would come complain about their leaders rather mean and arrogant behavour. Shrugging off his teammates' complains as buzzing of mere flies, Issei unfortunately could not ignore a direct rant from the Hokage himself, thus he calmed down a little bit. Deep inside however, he started to hold a slight grudge against the system he had been placed in and started making plans to break free. From his late-chuunin period, Issei started to develop skills and techniques he decided he could use in the outside world. Years before he left, he carefully started to plan his own leave.

    Years later, Issei packs his bags and attempt to leave. By this time the Yitaru is already a Jounin and leader of a squad of Genin, whose lesser skills irritate him greatly. He had planned his escape into the finest details, and finally was his time there. He would leave this village full of idiots and seek more power and respect in the free world. Akatsuki, he figured, would be the best way to achieve this. Without stumbling on resistance or unneccisarily killing guards, Issei made his escape and headed towards Akatsuki, where he was accepted with open arms. A man with his capabilies would be useful, a man with his goals would fit in just fine. Ever since has Issei been in Akatsuki and worked on both his power as well as his might a bit more. He got stronger, obviously, and does so every day. Issei often seems to forget however, that a titan too can fall.

    Roleplay Sample:
    "You're never going to take him alive!", the tall one of the 2 men in front of Shimaru shouted as the missing-nin closed in on the friends. He had received the mission to take out the short guy, an assassination mission that is. He needed the money, and it would be a rather simple job. It sounded exeptionally alluring, it sounded like a waste to let go. So here he was, on this rather warm and humid night, facing his target and his friend during their usual evening-walk. "For Christ sake, I'm here to kill the man. I was not planning to take him alive in the first place", he muttered in response of the shouting of the man, who seemed to be rather protective over his friend. "Save yourself the trouble and get out of my way, will you?", he added as the tall man stepped between Shimaru and his target and spread his arms, in an attempt to catch any attack Shimaru would make at him instead. Shimaru groaned as he reached for his leather pouch and took out a senbon, which he flipped between his fingers. The cold metal of the needle moved back and forth over his hand as he fixed his eyes on the annoying young man. Having stared at the person for a few second, he opened his mouth again and raised his senbon. "You could've saved yourself the effort, but as you will. You too will die, if that is what you truely want.", he said. And with a gracious motion, he flinged his senbon into the air, after which it drilled itself into the mans throath with deadly precision and power. Bleeding and gasping for breath, the man fell to the ground as Shimaru stepped over him and closed in on his true target, who appeared to do nothing, not for himself nor his friend, than shaking and staring at the assassin closing in on him. Smelling the mans fear, Shimaru let out a vague laughter as he took out yet another senbon and took aim at the short coward. "Letting your "friends" die like that, for nothing? I disgust people like you. Some of my victims just deserve to die. Some of them just do."

    Last edited by issei on Thu May 21, 2009 2:44 pm; edited 3 times in total

    Posts : 6
    Join date : 2009-05-21

    Yitaru Issei (Completed) Empty Re: Yitaru Issei (Completed)

    Post by issei Thu May 21, 2009 2:21 pm

    Clan Name: Yitaru Clan

    Kekkei Genkai: N/A

    Symbol: Yitaru Issei (Completed) Hammer_symbol

    Clan History:
    The history of the Yitaru Clan starts right after the founding of Konoha, when a guild of blacksmiths named "The Yitaru" asks permission enter the newly found village. Figuring this would be a win-win situation, the Hokage agreed to let the craftsmen in. This way, they would have a safe place to stay and sell their goods, while Konoha would have a reliable supplier of weaponry.

    Over the years, the Yitaru became more than just blacksmiths. They learned to perfect their weapons and finely adjust them to the harsh environment their buyers would be using them in. They learned to develop new, special weapons capable of more than simple bashing and cutting. Day after day, their skills at creating shinobi weaponry grew. And every day again, their reputation with Konohas inhabitants grew.

    Not only did the Yitaru earn themselves a name as suppliers of weapons. Over time, the descendants of the blacksmiths gently mixed with the shinobi inhabitants of the village. This caused the clan to, on occasion, bring forth a child fit for following the way of the ninja. Usually provided with special arms crafted by the clan itself, these shinobi would become Kenjutsu experts of the greatest level, giving the Yitaru Clan 2 great purposes inside the village: providing weapons and bringing forth shinobi.

    Posts : 6
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    Yitaru Issei (Completed) Empty Re: Yitaru Issei (Completed)

    Post by issei Thu May 21, 2009 2:22 pm


    Common Jutsus

    Psychic Jutsus

    Chakra Control Jutsus



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    Yitaru Issei (Completed) Empty Re: Yitaru Issei (Completed)

    Post by L Fri May 22, 2009 10:44 pm

    A very VERY nice app. One small problem don't have any elemental jutsus. You say you elements are wind and earth but I do not see and jutsu's of that nature. Fix that and I will approve ^^

    Posts : 6
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    Yitaru Issei (Completed) Empty Re: Yitaru Issei (Completed)

    Post by issei Sat May 23, 2009 1:53 am

    Do I really have to have some of those? I was surely planning to learn him some in the future, but I didn't want to start off with to many techniques, as he actually has to many techniques already for my flavour.

    Anyway, I dont see why he has to have elemental techniques. Neutral I always thought a ninjas elemental affinities said which techniques he was capable of learning, not which ones he knew. Take Shino, for an example. He has an Earth affinity, yet knows no elemental techniques. And Naruto has had an affinity for wind ever since he attended to the academy, though he only learned to infuse the wind element in a technique when he was 15.

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    Yitaru Issei (Completed) Empty Re: Yitaru Issei (Completed)

    Post by Admin Sat May 23, 2009 9:27 am

    It's alright. You don't HAVE to have elemental jutsus. L was just suggesting it I guess.

    Approved ^.^

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